
Animal ecophysiology

Dr John Baldwin

6 points - Second semester - Clayton - Two 1-hour lectures and 3 hours laboratory work per week - Prerequisites: ZOO2031, ZOO2042 plus 8 points [4 points for BSc(Env)] from level 2 BOT/ZOO/BIO - Prohibition: ZOO3022

Objectives Students will gain a basic knowledge of the functional organisation of animals at the physiological and biochemical level. Emphasis is placed on the ways in which these biochemical and physiological systems are adjusted to function throughout the wide range of environments in which animals live. Students will gain experience in the use of experimental research techniques.

Synopsis This subject examines the functional diversity of animals at the biochemical and physiological levels. Topics include respiratory gas exchange, aerobic and anaerobic energy metabolism, metabolic scaling, osmoregulation, excretion, interactions with environmental light, temperature, pressure, food and enery processing and cell structure and function. The practical sessions are designed to illustrate principles covered in the lectures, and give students experience with modern experimental techniques currently used by researchers in this field. Emphasis is placed on the collecting and manipulating of experimental data.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 60% - Practical reports: 40%

Prescribed texts

Withers P C Comparative animal physiology Saunders, 1992

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