
Petroleum geology

Dr Kevin Hill

6 points - Second semester, taught in conjunction with La Trobe University - La Trobe and Clayton - Prerequisite: ESC2011 - Prohibitions: ESC3011, ESC3022, ESC3051, ESC3062 (refer to department for advice)

Objectives This subject aims to provide an understanding of the origins of commercially extractable hydrocarbon gases and liquids; investigate the processes of migrations of these fluids into reservoir traps (both strategic and structural); provide basic principles of exploration and basin analysis for hydrocarbons.

Synopsis Petroleum source rocks, primary formation and migration of petroleum, petroleum reservoirs and fluids; structural controls on petroleum accumulation. The geology of unconventional oil and solid hydrocarbons. Case studies of hydrocarbon accumulations. The first five weeks will be jointly taught at La Trobe University.

Assessment Practical work: 40% - Assignment work: 10% - Final examination: 50%

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