
Electrical geophysics

6 points - Second semester - Clayton - twelve weeks lecture/practical coursework - Prohibitions: GPS3011, GPS3022

Objectives This subject aims to give a broad introduction to electrical methods for students interested in the application of physics and mathematics for geotechnical studies, mineral exploration, environmental geophysics and general earth studies. Students will gain an understanding of galvanic and inductive response of ore bodies as a guide to mineral exploration (including groundwater and geotechnical surveys); ability to compare time domain and frequency domain techniques for electromagnetic surveys; familiarity with digital processing and inversion theory; ability to interpret basic EM and IP data and design effective EM and galvanic surveys; ability to model geophysical response for mineral exploration.

Synopsis Mineral exploration techniques are presented based on the conductive and inductive behaviour of buried ore bodies, as revealed by resistivity, spontaneous and induced polarisation, as well as time domain and frequency domain electromagnetic response. This unit will include basic theory, field techniques, computer-aided interpretation, and petrophysical properties of mineral bearing zones.

Assessment: practical work/assignment: 30% - 3-hour examination: 70%

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