

Mr Phillip Higgins

6 points - Full-year subject - On-campus: 3 hours of lectures and 2 hours of laboratory/tutorial work per fortnight - Gippsland/Distance - Prerequisites: Enrolment in this subject is restricted to students with partial credit for previous studies in the TAFE Certificate of Applied Science. Enrolment will be accepted only after consultation with the head of school or the subject adviser - Prohibitions: PHS1616, PHS1627, GAS1302 - Note: Distance students complete experimental laboratory exercises using a supplied kit.

Objectives On the completion of this subject students will be able to practise problem-solving skills associated with physical situations; recognise how scientific ideas are continually being developed and reviewed; practise in the basic skills of measurement, data analysis and report writing; develop skills in logical thought processes and have confidence with conceptual relationships in physics.

Synopsis This subject is designed to provide a basis for studies in physics at first-year level to complement physics studies already completed elsewhere. It provides a general introduction to the following areas: atomic and molecular structure; quantum theory; kinetic molecular theory; thermodynamics; harmonic motion and wave theory. A comprehensive set of study guides is provided. Students will undertake their studies in common with students in subjects PHS1616 and PHS1627. Laboratory exercises are used to extend theoretical understanding as well as develop practical skills in the subject matter. Each exercise relates to a topic within the subject.

Assessment Theory component - end-of-semester examination: 65% - Laboratory and tutorial component: 35% - Students must pass both the theory and laboratory sections.

Prescribed texts

Kirkup L Experimental methods Wiley, 1994
Serway R A Principles of physics 2nd edn, Saunders, 1998

Recommended texts

Atkins P W Physical chemistry 5th edn, OUP, 1994
Giancolli D C Physics 4th edn, Prentice-Hall, 1995

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