
Forest management

New introduction in 1999

Dr Wendy Wright

6 points - Second semester - Gippsland/Distance - Three 1-hour lectures and one 1-hour tutorial per week, plus an average of approximately 2 hours practical exercises per week (including field excursions and assignment work)

Objectives On completion of this subject students will be conversant with the anatomy and physiology of trees and the uses of natural forests, threats to sustainability and government policy relevant to natural forests; appreciate the roles and limitations of plantation forestry, and outline the biological processes and silvicultural techniques employed in the management of plantation forests.

Synopsis Topics covered include the anatomy and physiology of trees, forest classification and uses, threats to sustainability of natural forest ecosystems, silvicultural techniques, plantation forest systems, and general management strategies for natural and plantation forests.

Assessment Written assignments: 40% - Examination: 60%

Prescribed texts

To be advised

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