
Animal behaviour

Associate Professor Alan Lill

6 points - Second semester - Clayton - Two 1-hour lectures and 3 hours laboratory work per week - Prerequisite: 16 points [BSc(Env) 12 points] from level 2 BOT/ZOO/BIO - Prohibition: ZOO3022

Objectives Students will acquire an understanding and appreciation of selected aspects of animal behaviour. In particular, they will gain an understanding of the genetic regulation of behaviour and how environmental and social factors can influence behaviour during development. They will also gain insights into the many ways in which animal behaviour is adaptive in that it promotes survival and successful reproduction. Students will learn how to design, carry out and analyse the results obtained from a study of animal behaviour; they will acquire experience in communicating their findings orally and in a written form.

Synopsis The subject examines how genetic and environmental effects (physical and social) underlie behavioural variation in animals and how the evolution and development of such variation can be studied. The concept that much heritable behaviour is adaptive is explored by examining how the foraging, predatory, reproductive and social behaviour of animals promote their survival and gene replication in the environments in which they have evolved. Animal communication is discussed in terms of the mechanisms used, the optimisation of information transfer and the evolution of signalling strategies.

Assessment Examination (2.5 hours): 50% - Project Report: 35% - Group project plan and talk: 15%

Prescribed texts

Alcock J Animal behavior: An evolutionary approach 6th edn, Sinauer, 1998

Recommended texts

Bradbury J W and Vehrencamp S L Principles of animal communication Sinauer, 1998
Drickamer L C, Vessey S H and Meickle D Animal behaviour 4th edn, W C Brown, 1996

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