
Metamorphic geology

Dr Ian Cartwright

6 points - First semester - twelve weeks lectures/practicals - Clayton - Prerequisites: ESC2011, ESC2022 - Prohibitions: ESC3011, ESC3022, ESC2051, ESC3062 (refer to department for advice)

Objectives This subject provides an understanding of metamorphism and metamorphic processes. The subject examines the causes of metamorphism and how we quantify metamorphic conditions (through thermodynamics, geothermometry and geobarometry). Specific metamorphic processes (fluid flow, mineral growth and anatexis) are also examined, as are kinetic controls and the link between metamorphism and deformation. Overall, the aims are to provide the student with the background to understand what the causes of metamorphism are and how we can unravel the complex metamorphic history of a terrain.

Synopsis This is an advanced program in metamorphic processes. The coursework emphasises the techniques used to study the conditions and processes of metamorphism, using case studies from different metamorphic terrains as examples. The practical work integrates petrologic observations with mineralogical and geochemical data.

Assessment Practical work: 20% - Final examination (2 hours): 50% - Practical exam (3 hours): 30%

Recommended texts

Yardley B W D An introduction to metamorphic petrology Longman, 1989

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