
Laboratory and workplace management

Mr Robert Lyall

4 points - Second Semester Two 1-hour lectures and one 2-hour practical class per week - Gippsland/Distance - Prerequisite: minimum of 8 points of second-level laboratory science - Note: Distance education students will be able to complete the practical requirements at home using electronic communication methods.

Objectives On satisfactory completion of this subject students will be able to understand their obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and related legislation; recognise hazards associated with chemical and biological materials, instruments and ionising radiation and the risks they impose; undertake a risk assessment and recommend safe working procedures; understand their legislated obligations in disposal of hazardous materials apply the principles of chemistry, biology, microbiology and physical science to the analysis, recycling and safe disposal of hazardous materials and recommend treatment and disposal of hazardous materials.

Synopsis This subject is designed to introduce intending scientists to the principles of laboratory and workplace management and their obligation as experts and supervisors. The course will cover legislation and the responsibilities of both employees and employers in issues such as occupational health and safety, handling of dangerous goods and disposal of hazardous materials. The subject will be taught by lectures and practical work consisting of assessment and discussion of case studies and workplace excursions. Some programmed learning material is available. The teaching approach will place strong emphasis on relating theoretical concepts to practical applications.

Assessment An examination: 60% - Six practical reports throughout the semester: 40% - A pass in both theory and practical work is mandatory to pass the subject.

Prescribed texts

Fullick, Krajnaik and Barker Occupational health and safety in the laboratory

Recommended texts

To be advised on enrolment

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