
Research methods in biology

Dr Gerry Quinn

6 points - First semester - Clayton - Two 1-hour lectures and equivalent of 3 hours laboratory/tutorials per week - Prerequisite: 16 points [12 points for BSc(Env)] from level 2 BOT/ZOO/BIO - Prohibitions: BOT3011, ZOO3011 - Recommended: MAT1060, BIO2011

Objectives On completion of this subject students will understand the basic principles underlying the philosophy of science, understand and develop critical, analytical skills in writing, assessing and publishing scientific papers and reports and interpretation of biological data. Students will develop basic skills in the process of obtaining research funding. A specific aim of the subject is for students to develop skills in, and become familiar with design and analysis of experiments and biological sampling programs.

Synopsis This subject deals with the philosophy of science, writing and assessing scientific papers and reports, and the analysis and interpretation of biological data with particular emphasis on the design and analysis of experiments. Students wishing to take BIO4000 (Honours) are expected to do this unit.

Assessment Examination (2.5 hours): 70% - Practical work and projects: 30%

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