
Environmental management

New introduction in 1999

Mr Brian McEniery

8 points - Second semester - On-campus: 4 hours of lectures and 4 hours of tutorial and practical work per week - Gippsland/Distance - Prerequisites: CHM2636 - Prohibition: ENV3000, GAS3392 - Note: Distance students complete laboratory exercises at a compulsory residential school during semester.

Objectives On completion of this subject, students will be able to indicate typical adverse effects of air pollutants; outline some principles of monitoring ambient and stationary sources of air pollutants; demonstrate some representative techniques for minimising emissions to atmosphere; introduce some representative techniques for the control of unavoidable emissions to atmosphere; indicate typical adverse effects of water pollutants; outline some principles of monitoring natural waters and waste water discharges; demonstrate representative techniques for the control and purification of natural waters and waste waters; identify sources of noise pollution, describe effects on human health and categorise the legislation involved; discuss the principal components of and be competent in the use of noise measurement equipment.

Synopsis This subject is concerned with identification of air and water pollutants and their environmental effects on humans, animals, vegetation and materials. Emphasis is placed on the techniques used to measure air and water quality and its management by legislation. Environmental noise sources are identified together their effects on quality of life. Noise measurement techniques and legislation concerned with noise control are also covered.

Assessment Final examination: 50% - Assignments: 30% - Practical work: 20%

Prescribed texts

To be advised

Recommended texts

To be advised

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