Arts Undergraduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Caution Copyright © Monash University 1996
ISBN 1320-6222

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996



  1. LIN1010 Linguistics: language and communication A
  2. LIN1020 Linguistics: language and communication B
  3. LIN2090 Syntax
  4. LIN2110 Phonetics and phonology
  5. LIN2150 English around the world
  6. LIN2170 Linguistics for language learning
  7. LIN2190 Historical and comparative linguistics
  8. LIN2310 Semantics
  9. LIN2330 Pragmatics: strategies for communication
  10. LIN2350 Sociolinguistics
  11. LIN2370 Aboriginal languages of Australia
  12. LIN2390 Language, communication and the sexes
  13. LIN2430 Psycholinguistics and child language acquisition
  14. LIN2470 Linguistics for business
  15. LIN2490 Language, reading and writing
  16. LIN2510 Structure of English
  17. LIN2520 Current syntactic theory
  18. LIN2530 Languages in contact
  19. LIN2550 Second language acquisition and attrition
  20. LIN2570 Discourse analysis
  21. LIN2590 History and philosophy of linguistics
  22. LIN2690 Issues in computational linguistics
  23. LIN3090 Syntax
  24. LIN3110 Phonetics and phonology
  25. LIN3150 English around the world
  26. LIN3170 Linguistics for language learning
  27. LIN3190 Historical and comparative linguistics
  28. LIN3310 Semantics
  29. LIN3330 Pragmatics: strategies for communication
  30. LIN3350 Sociolinguistics
  31. LIN3370 Aboriginal languages of Australia
  32. LIN3390 Language, communication and the sexes
  33. LIN3430 Psycholinguistics and child language acquisition
  34. LIN3470 Linguistics for business
  35. LIN3490 Language, reading and writing
  36. LIN3510 Structure of English
  37. LIN3520 Current syntactic theory
  38. LIN3530 Languages in contact
  39. LIN3550 Second language acquisition and attrition
  40. LIN3570 Discourse analysis
  41. LIN3590 History and philosophy of linguistics
  42. LIN3690 Issues in computational linguistics
  43. LIN4660 Minor thesis
  44. LIN4680 Linguistic research methodology
  45. LIN4720 Special topics in linguistics
  46. LIN4740 Linguistic theory
    Comparative literature, cultural studies and critical theory Subjects in Comparative literature:
  1. CLS1010 Text and context I
  2. CLS1020 Text and context II
  3. CLS2090 Comparative literary criticism
  4. CLS2150 Belief and perception
  5. CLS2160 Chinese literature and modernity
  6. CLS2230 Greek-Australian writing
  7. CLS2370 Literature and society
  8. CLS2530 Modernism in European literature
  9. CLS2550 Romanticism and revolution
  10. CLS2570 Writing women
  11. CLS2750 Contemporary women's fiction and theory
  12. CLS2790 Postmodernism and the novel
  13. CLS2830 Structuralism and semiotics: Bakhtin, Lotman
  14. CLS2910 The novel in Eastern Europe
  15. CLS3090 Comparative literary criticism
  16. CLS3150 Belief and perception
  17. CLS3160 Chinese literature and modernity
  18. CLS3220 Literature and society in Indonesia
  19. CLS3230 Greek-Australian writing
  20. CLS3310 Gender and its representation in Indonesian societies
  21. CLS3320 Paris, Berlin, Vienna - the city and modernity 1870-1918
  22. CLS3360 Indonesian theatrical traditions
  23. CLS3370 Literature and society
  24. CLS3420 Tolstoy and Dostoevsky: discourse of experience and alterity
  25. CLS3430 European cultural history: the Spanish Civil War
  26. CLS3530 Modernism in European literature
  27. CLS3550 Romanticism and revolution
  28. CLS3570 Writing women
  29. CLS3750 Contemporary women's fiction and theory
  30. CLS3780 Women's writing in Latin America today
  31. CLS3790 Postmodernism and the novel
  32. CLS3810 Comparative drama of the twentieth century
  33. CLS3830 Structuralism and semiotics: Bakhtin, Lotman
  34. CLS3910 The novel in Eastern Europe
  35. CLS4000 Literary theory
  36. CLS4080 Minor thesis
  37. CLS4220 The utopian tradition in European literature Subjects in Cultural studies:
  38. CLS1040 Introduction to cultural studies I
  39. CLS1050 Introduction to cultural studies II
  40. CLS2040 Image and appearance: the construction of values in the twentieth century
  41. CLS2050 Reading narrative texts
  42. CLS2070 Popular fiction and popular culture
  43. CLS2130 Culture and society: introduction to cultural theory
  44. CLS2190 Forms of narrative cinema
  45. CLS2260 Sexing the text: constructions of female sexuality
  46. CLS2410 Women in Roman society
  47. CLS2510 Wit and humour in literature, film and cartoon
  48. CLS2670 Gender representation in classical literature
  49. CLS2710 Alternatives in documentary film - an Australian focus
  50. CLS2770 Television studies
  51. CLS2800 In other worlds: post-colonial fiction
  52. CLS3007 Gender and genre: masculinity in film
  53. CLS3010 Sexed media, media-ted sex
  54. CLS3040 Image and appearance: the construction of values in the twentieth century
  55. CLS3050 Reading narrative texts
  56. CLS3070 Popular fiction and popular culture
  57. CLS3110 Cultural studies: the consumer society
  58. CLS3130 Culture and society: introduction to cultural theory
  59. CLS3190 Forms of narrative cinema
  60. CLS3260 Sexing the text: constructions of female sexuality
  61. CLS3410 Women in Roman society
  62. CLS3470 Structuralism and poststructuralism
  63. CLS3510 Wit and humour in literature, film and cartoon
  64. CLS3520 Reading the past - European cinema, history and national identity
  65. CLS3670 Gender representation in classical literature
  66. CLS3710 Alternatives in documentary film - an Australian focus
  67. CLS3770 Television studies
  68. CLS3800 In other worlds: post-colonial fiction
  69. CLS4010 On culture and inequality: theorising cultural difference
  70. CLS4040 Film theory and film criticism I
  71. CLS4050 Film theory and film criticism II
  72. CLS4080 Minor thesis
  73. CLS4240 Culture and society in English studies
  74. CLS4270 Cultural theory and visuality
  75. CLS4300 Theorising culture
  76. CLS4340 Culture and the modern self
  77. CLS4600 Film, culture, class Subjects in Critical theory:
  78. CRT2010 Introduction to critical theory
  79. CRT2020 Rethinking bodies
  80. CRT2030 Reading Freud and Jung
  81. CRT2050 Freud and feminism
  82. CRT2060 Freudian fable
  83. CRT2240 Contemporary feminist theory
  84. CRT3010 Introduction to critical theory
  85. CRT3020 Rethinking bodies
  86. CRT3030 Reading Freud and Jung
  87. CRT3050 Freud and feminism
  88. CRT3060 Freudian fable
  89. CRT3240 Contemporary feminist theory
  90. CRT4030 Poetics
  91. CRT4070 Lacan and subjectivity
  92. CRT4090 The authority of the text: the hermeneutical question
  93. CRT4100 Deleuze and Foucault
  94. CRT4160 Contemporary issues in feminist theory
  95. CRT4190 Legal fictions: intersections between law and literature
  96. CRT4200 Structuralism and semiotics
  97. CRT4220 Hermeneutics
  98. CRT4230 Rhetoric
  99. CRT4250 Marxist critical theory
  100. CRT4290 Reading Irigaray
  101. CRT4310 Theories of discourse: poststructuralism, feminism and sociolinguistics
  102. CRT4750 Deconstruction and feminism
  103. CRT4920 Literature and negativity Cinema studies
  104. ENH1100 Reading film narrative A
  105. ENH1110 Reading film narrative B
  106. ENH2520 Film and ideology
  107. ENH2540 Film and national culture
  108. ENH2810 Novel into film
  109. ENH2820 Novel into film (author study)
  110. ENH2830 Drama into Film
  111. ENH2930 National fictions (British)
  112. ENH3520 Film and ideology
  113. ENH3540 Film and national culture
  114. ENH3810 Novel into film
  115. ENH3820 Novel into film (author study)
  116. ENH3830 Drama into Film
  117. ENH3930 National fictions (British)
  118. VSA2191 Forms of narrative cinema
  119. VSA2710 Alternatives in documentary film - an Australian focus
  120. VSA3191 Forms of narrative cinema
  121. VSA3710 Alternatives in documentary film - an Australian focus Drama and theatre studies
  122. DTS1060 The language of performance
  123. DTS1160 The place of performance
  124. DTS2000 Ideas of theatre
  125. DTS2050 Asian theatre: an introduction
  126. DTS2100 Theatrical music
  127. DTS2190 Postcolonial drama
  128. DTS2210 The woman's part
  129. DTS2270 Modern drama
  130. DTS2320 Body, space, text: an introduction to the semiotics of performance
  131. DTS2450 Contemporary drama
  132. DTS2500 The study of dance
  133. DTS2630 Shakespeare
  134. DTS2830 Drama into film
  135. DTS2940 Twentieth-century drama
  136. DTS2941 The playwright as social critic
  137. DTS3000 Ideas of theatre
  138. DTS3050 Asian theatre: an introduction
  139. DTS3100 Theatrical music
  140. DTS3190 Postcolonial drama
  141. DTS3210 The woman's part
  142. DTS3270 Modern drama
  143. DTS3310 Indonesian theatrical traditions
  144. DTS3320 Body, space, text: an introduction to the semiotics of performance
  145. DTS3450 Contemporary drama
  146. DTS3500 The study of dance
  147. DTS3610 Seventeenth century French theatre
  148. DTS3630 Shakespeare
  149. DTS3800 Drama in performance
  150. DTS3810 Comparative drama of the twentieth century
  151. DTS3830 Drama into film
  152. DTS3940 Twentieth-century drama
  153. DTS3941 The playwright as social critic
  154. DTS4120 Performance theory
  155. DTS4190 Postcolonial drama
  156. DTS4320 Social semiotics of rehearsal and performance
  157. DTS4600 Thesis
  158. DTS4820 Twentieth-century Australian drama English Subjects at Caulfield: + First year
  159. ENH1011 Introduction to English literature
  160. ENH1051 Configurations of the female: revising the myths
  161. ENH1071 Primitivism and progress
  162. ENH1091 The reader in history
  163. ENH1100 Reading film narrative A + Second year
  164. ENH2030 Rewriting Victorian narratives: origins and oblivion
  165. ENH2090 Literary women of the eighteenth century
  166. ENH2210 The woman's part
  167. ENH2230 Shakespeare: interpretations and transmutations
  168. ENH2311 Romantic literature
  169. ENH2691 Authority and identity in Australian literature
  170. ENH2800 In other worlds: postcolonial literature
  171. ENH2810 Novel into film
  172. ENH2830 Drama into film
  173. ENH2930 National fictions
  174. ENH2990 Formative influences: children's fantasy narratives + Third year
  175. ENH3030 Rewriting Victorian narratives: origins and oblivion
  176. ENH3090 Literary women of the eighteenth century
  177. ENH3210 The woman's part
  178. ENH3230 Shakespeare: interpretations and transmutations
  179. ENH3311 Romantic literature
  180. ENH3691 Authority and identity in Australian literature
  181. ENH3800 In other worlds: postcolonial literature
  182. ENH3810 Novel into film
  183. ENH3830 Drama into film
  184. ENH3930 National fictions
  185. ENH3990 Formative influences: children's fantasy narratives Subjects at Clayton: + First year
  186. ENH1010 Introduction to English literature
  187. ENH1040 The languages of fiction
  188. ENH1050 Configurations of the female: revising the myths
  189. ENH1060 The language of performance
  190. ENH1070 Primitivism and progress
  191. ENH1090 The reader in history
  192. ENH1111 Text and context I
  193. ENH1122 Text and context II
  194. ENH1160 The place of performance + Second year
  195. ENH2020 Heroes, lovers and monsters: the literary culture of medieval England
  196. ENH2030 Rewriting Victorian narratives: origins and oblivion
  197. ENH2040 Property and power: British culture 1745-1799
  198. ENH2060 Introduction to critical and literary theory
  199. ENH2080 The languages of literature
  200. ENH2090 Literary women of the eighteenth century
  201. ENH2100 Postcolonial drama
  202. ENH2110 Renaissance literature: power and love
  203. ENH2130 Literature and opposition, 1660-1800
  204. ENH2150 Australian urban fictions
  205. ENH2160 Freudian fable
  206. ENH2170 Old English
  207. ENH2190 Middle English
  208. ENH2210 The woman's part
  209. ENH2230 Shakespeare: interpretation and transmutations
  210. ENH2260 Sexing the text: constructions of female sexuality
  211. ENH2270 Modern drama
  212. ENH2290 Publishing in Australia
  213. ENH2310 Romantic literature
  214. ENH2320 Body, space, text: an introduction to the semiotics of performance
  215. ENH2330 Victorian literature
  216. ENH2340 Literature and the Christian tradition
  217. ENH2410 American literature: from puritanism to postmodernism
  218. ENH2430 Modern American literature: writing the South
  219. ENH2450 Contemporary drama
  220. ENH2470 Modern English literature: modernism and postmodernism
  221. ENH2530 Contemporary English literature
  222. ENH2550 Romanticism and revolution
  223. ENH2570 Writing women
  224. ENH2630 Shakespeare: text and performance
  225. ENH2650 Poetry: text and performance
  226. ENH2690 Authority and identity in Australian literature
  227. ENH2710 Orientations: reading Asia
  228. ENH2750 Contemporary women's fiction and theory
  229. ENH2770 Short fiction: classic and contemporary
  230. ENH2775 Psychology and literature
  231. ENH2800 In other worlds: Postcolonial literature
  232. ENH2930 National fictions
  233. ENH2990 Formative influences: children's fantasy narratives
  234. ENH2991 Children's literature: a comparative study
  235. ENH2995 Writing theory and practice: an introduction + Third year
  236. ENH3020 Heroes, lovers and monsters: the literary culture of medieval England
  237. ENH3030 Rewriting Victorian narratives: origins and oblivion
  238. ENH3040 Property and power: British culture 1745-1799
  239. ENH3060 Introduction to critical and literary theory
  240. ENH3080 The languages of literature
  241. ENH3090 Literary women of the eighteenth century
  242. ENH3100 Postcolonial drama
  243. ENH3110 Renaissance literature: power and love
  244. ENH3130 Literature and opposition, 1660-1800
  245. ENH3150 Australian urban fictions
  246. ENH3160 Freudian fable
  247. ENH3170 Old English
  248. ENH3190 Middle English
  249. ENH3210 The woman's part
  250. ENH3230 Shakespeare: interpretations and transmutations
  251. ENH3260 Sexing the text: constructions of female sexuality
  252. ENH3270 Modern drama
  253. ENH3290 Publishing in Australia
  254. ENH3310 Romantic literature
  255. ENH3320 Body, space, text: an introduction to the semiotics of performance
  256. ENH3330 Victorian literature
  257. ENH3340 Literature and the Christian tradition
  258. ENH3370 Old English literature
  259. ENH3390 Middle English literature
  260. ENH3410 American literature: from puritanism to postmodernism
  261. ENH3430 Modern American literature
  262. ENH3450 Contemporary drama
  263. ENH3470 Modern English literature: modernism and postmodernism
  264. ENH3530 Contemporary English literature
  265. ENH3550 Romanticism and revolution
  266. ENH3570 Writing women
  267. ENH3630 Shakespeare: text and performance
  268. ENH3650 Poetry: text and performance
  269. ENH3690 Authority and identity in Australian literature
  270. ENH3710 Orientations: reading Asia
  271. ENH3750 Contemporary women's fiction and theory
  272. ENH3770 Short fiction: classic and contemporary
  273. ENH3775 Psychology and literature
  274. ENH3800 In other worlds: postcolonial literature
  275. ENH3930 National fictions
  276. ENH3990 Formative influences: children's fantasy narratives
  277. ENH3991 Children's literature: a comparative study
  278. ENH3995 Writing theory and practice: an introduction + Fourth year
  279. ENH4030 Poetics
  280. ENH4070 Intellectual life in nineteenth-century Melbourne
  281. ENH4080 The authority of the text
  282. ENH4100 Postcolonial drama
  283. ENH4190 Legal fictions: intersections between law and literature
  284. ENH4210 Writing the child
  285. ENH4250 Gothic revivals
  286. ENH4270 Feminist poetics
  287. ENH4310 Theories of discourse: poststructuralism, feminism and sociolinguistics
  288. ENH4320 Social semiotics of rehearsal and performance
  289. ENH4370 Contemporary Australian poetry and fiction
  290. ENH4580 Ireland, Swift, England: special author course
  291. ENH4600 Minor thesis
  292. ENH4620 Literary theory
  293. ENH4640 The life of the text: genesis, production, reception
  294. ENH4660 Literature and culture in renaissance England
  295. ENH4700 Drama of the age of Shakespeare
  296. ENH4740 The age of Johnson
  297. ENH4760 Visions and revisions: reworkings
  298. ENH4780 Beowulf and Old English poetry
  299. ENH4800 Middle English Literature
  300. ENH4820 Twentieth-century Australian drama
  301. ENH4920 Literature and negativity
  302. ENH4940 Literature and film Subjects at Peninsula:
  303. ENH1012 Introduction to English literature
  304. ENH1020 Nineteenth-century literature
  305. ENH2272 Modern Drama
  306. ENH2452 Contemporary Drama
  307. ENH2960 Twentieth-century literature
  308. ENH2980 Introduction to fiction writing
  309. ENH2981 Advanced fiction writing
  310. ENH2992 Children's literature: a comparative study
  311. ENH2993 Formative influences: myths, legends and fairy tales in modern children's fantasy
  312. ENH3272 Modern Drama
  313. ENH3452 Contemporary Drama
  314. ENH3960 Twentieth-century literature
  315. ENH3980 Introduction to fiction writing
  316. ENH3981 Advanced fiction writing
  317. ENH3992 Children's literature: a comparative study
  318. ENH3993 Formative influences: myths, legends and fairy tales in modern children's fantasy
  1. MGC1020 Introduction to management: managing organisations
  2. MGC1030 Introduction to management: people and organisations
  1. MUS1040 Music and popular culture in the twentieth century
  2. MUS1050 Introduction to Asian music, dance and theatre
  3. MUS1060 Gamelan performing arts
  4. MUS1070 Orchestral, choral and chamber performance and repertoire I
  5. MUS1080 Orchestral, choral and chamber performance and repertoire II
  6. MUS1100 Exploring Western music I
  7. MUS1110 Exploring Western music II
  8. MUS1120 Orchestral and choral performance and studies
  9. MUS1130 Orchestral and choral performance and studies II
  10. MUS1160 Solo, orchestral and choral performance and repertoire I
  11. MUS1170 Solo, orchestral and choral performance and repertoire II
  12. MUS1980 Solo and duo performance and literature
  13. MUS1990 Solo and duo performance and literature
  14. MUS2010 Indonesia society and cultures
  15. MUS2050 Asian theatres: an introduction
  16. MUS2070 Orchestral and choral performance and studies
  17. MUS2080 Orchestral and choral performance and studies
  18. MUS2100 Music-dance interrelationships
  19. MUS2110 Analytical and compositional techniques I
  20. MUS2120 Analytical and compositional techniques II
  21. MUS2140 From Schubert to Strauss: music of the romantic ideal
  22. MUS2240 Music and popular culture: Asia and Australia
  23. MUS2250 Popular music
  24. MUS2260 Asian music: three great traditions
  25. MUS2330 Music of North and South India
  26. MUS2470 Performance studies: early music ensemble
  27. MUS2480 Performance studies: Indonesian gamelan
  28. MUS2500 The study of dance
  29. MUS2510 Orchestral, choral and chamber performance and repertoire
  30. MUS2520 Orchestral, choral and chamber performance and repertoire
  31. MUS2540 New dances from old cultures
  32. MUS2660 Music composition workshop
  33. MUS2670 Music composition workshop
  34. MUS2830 Music of Southeast Asia I: Indonesia
  35. MUS2860 Music of Southeast Asia II: Thailand
  36. MUS2880 Music of China, Japan and Korea
  37. MUS2980 Solo and duo performance and literature
  38. MUS2990 Solo and duo performance and literature
  39. MUS3100 Music-dance interrelationships
  40. MUS3130 Theatrical music
  41. MUS3170 Chamber music
  42. MUS3190 Keyboard music
  43. MUS3210 Vocal music
  44. MUS3250 Popular music
  45. MUS3260 Asian music: three great traditions
  46. MUS3310 Twentieth-century compositional techniques
  47. MUS3330 Music of North and South India
  48. MUS3390 Music aesthetics, criticism, sociology and psychology
  49. MUS3400 Ethnographic dance studies
  50. MUS3410 Research methods
  51. MUS3470 Performance studies: early music ensemble
  52. MUS3480 Performance studies: Indonesian gamelan
  53. MUS3490 Indonesian gamelan (special studies)
  54. MUS3500 The study of dance
  55. MUS3580 Contemporary music
  56. MUS3640 Fieldwork methods
  57. MUS3660 Music composition workshop
  58. MUS3670 Music composition workshop
  59. MUS3830 Music of Southeast Asia I: Indonesia
  60. MUS3860 Music of Southeast Asia II: Thailand
  61. MUS3880 Music of China, Japan and Korea
  62. MUS3910 Music of sub-Saharan Africa
  63. MUS3920 Applied music: arranging and conducting
  64. MUS3970 Music pedagogy
  65. MUS3980 Solo and duo performance and literature I
  66. MUS3990 Solo and duo performance and literature II
  67. MUS4010 Applied music: arranging and conducting
  68. MUS4030 Special project: practical study
  69. MUS4140 Theatrical music
  70. MUS4180 Chamber music
  71. MUS4200 Keyboard music
  72. MUS4220 Vocal music
  73. MUS4340 Music of North and South India
  74. MUS4390 Music aesthetics, criticism, sociology and psychology
  75. MUS4400 Ethnographic dance studies
  76. MUS4420 Research methods
  77. MUS4490 Indonesian gamelan (special studies)
  78. MUS4580 Contemporary music
  79. MUS4640 Fieldwork methods
  80. MUS4720 Thesis
  81. MUS4760 Special project: composition and advanced music technology
  82. MUS4840 Music of Southeast Asia I: Indonesia
  83. MUS4860 Music of Southeast Asia II: Thailand
  84. MUS4880 Music of China, Japan and Korea
  85. MUS4900 Contemporary composition in Australia
  86. MUS4920 Music of sub-Saharan Africa
  87. MUS4980 Music pedagogy
  1. ART1010 Studio painting I
  2. ART1020 Studio painting II
  3. ART1030 Studio drawing I
  4. ART1040 Studio drawing II
  1. PER1010 Introduction to cultural studies I
  2. PER1040 Interdisciplinary performance project
  3. PER2000 The aesthetics of performance
  4. PER2040 Performance project: practice and theory
    First semester
  1. PHL1010 Introduction to philosophy A
  2. (i) Reason and rationality
  3. (ii) Contemporary moral issues
  4. (iii) Science, religion and witchcraft
  5. (iv) Crime and punishment
  6. PHL1050 Philosophy of science A
  7. PHL1070 Philosophy: life, death and morality Second semester + First-year level
  8. PHL1020 Introduction to philosophy B
  9. (i) Metaphysics
  10. (ii) God, freedom and evil
  11. (iii) Morality and objectivity
  12. (iv) Introduction to logic
  13. PHL1040 Introduction to philosophy C
  14. PHL1060 Philosophy of science B
  15. PHL1080 Philosophy: time, self and freedom + Second-year level
  16. PHL2090 Introduction to logic
  17. PHL2110 Origins of modern philosophy
  18. PHL2130 Greek philosophy
  19. PHL2150 Ethics
  20. PHL2170 Symbolic logic
  21. PHL2210 Science: its nature and development
  22. PHL2230 Feminist philosophers
  23. PHL2250 Atoms and the solar system: two studies in ancient Greek science
  24. PHL2270 Introduction to aesthetics
  25. PHL2330 Issues in political theory
  26. PHL2430 Existentialism: the philosophy of J-P Sartre
  27. PHL2650 Philosophy of mind
  28. PHL2670 Philosophy of religion
  29. PHL2850 Topics in Indian philosophy + Third-year level
  30. PHL3020 Rethinking bodies
  31. PHL3050 Freud and feminism
  32. PHL3310 Recent philosophy
  33. PHL3350 Moral psychology
  34. PHL3370 Contemporary moral problems
  35. PHL3390 History of philosophy: Kant
  36. PHL3410 Theory of knowledge
  37. PHL3510 Political philosophy
  38. PHL3570 Recent logic
  39. PHL3590 Mind and meaning
  40. PHL3610 Philosophy of law
  41. PHL3750 Recent European philosophy
  42. PHL3790 Issues in logical theory
  43. PHL3810 Philosophy and the environment
  44. PHL3830 Business ethics
  45. PHL3870 Science and society: knowledge and power + Fourth-year level
  46. PHL4750 Deconstruction and feminism
  47. PHL4800 Research paper
  48. PHL4820 Logic and language A
  49. PHL4840 Metaphysics and epistemology A
  50. PHL4860 Value theory A
  51. PHL4880 Supervised reading course A
  52. PHL4900 Problems in contemporary philosophy A
  53. PHL4920 Contemporary European thought B: Derrida
  54. PHL4950 Logic and language B
  55. PHL4960 Metaphysics and epistemology B
  56. PHL4970 Value theory B
  57. PHL4980 Supervised reading course B
  58. PHL4990 Problems in contemporary philosophy B
  1. PCE1010 Police organisations and practice
  2. PCE1030 Legal studies
  3. PCE2010/3010 Law, society and public order
  4. PCE2030/3030 Comparative Policing
  5. PCE2040 Legal regulation and social relationships
  6. PCE2050 Police, politics and community
  7. PCE2210 Police studies
  8. PCE2270 Victimology
  9. PCE2230 Corporate crime and corruption
  10. PCE3020 Development of policing in Australia
  11. PCE3040 Research project

Details of studies - metropolitan campuses Part 5

| Details of studies - metropolitan campuses Part 1 | Arts Undergraduate handbook | Monash handbooks | Monash University