Arts Undergraduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University

Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996

(iii) Science, religion and witchcraft

Aubrey Townsend and John Bigelow (coordinator)

Synopsis Horrendous numbers of people, mainly women, have been executed because some people were convinced that they had entered into contracts with the devil. This happened, not when and where churches were strongest, but when and where modern experimental sciences were progressing most rapidly. This should prompt us to re-examine our preconceptions about truth, knowledge, reality, rationality, faith and superstition. We will compare the reasoning of scientists, witchhunters and Christian creationists during the rise of modern science in Europe. This will motivate a re-examination of current orthodoxies in the theory of knowledge.

Assessment Essay (1200 words): 25% + Examination: 25%

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