Arts Undergraduate Handbook 1996
Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia
Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996
Literature and society
Proposed to be offered next in 1997
Andrew Milner
8 points + 2 hours per week + Clayton + Prohibitions: COS3080
Synopsis The subject addresses the central features of sociocultural
modernisation, and seeks to identify their impress within the modern literary
process. It will provide a theoretically informed approach to the study of the
capitalist mode of literary and cultural production; the sociology of the
modern intelligentsia; the relationship between sociology and aesthetics, and
between art and politics; and to the sociology of distinctively modern and
postmodern literary forms such as the novel.
Assessment Written (6000 words): 100%
Prescribed texts
- Eagleton T Literary theory: An introduction Blackwell
- Williams R Culture Fontana
- Williams R The long revolution Hogarth
- Wolff J The social production of art Macmillan
Recommended texts
- Adam I and Tiffin H (eds) Past the last post: Theorizing
post-colonialism and post-modernism Harvester
- Adorno T and Horkheimer M Dialectic of enlightenment Verso
- Anderson B Imagined communities Verso
- Ashcroft B and others The empire writes back Routledge
- Barthes R Image-music-text Fontana
- Bauman Z Intimations of postmodernity Routledge
- Benjamin W Illuminations Fontana
- Bennett T Outside literature Routledge
- Bourdieu P Distinction RKP
- Bürger P Theory of the avant-garde Manchester U P
- Eagleton T The function of criticism Verso
- Febvre L and Martin H-J The coming of the book New Left Books
- Foucault M Language, counter-memory, practice Blackwell
- Goldmann L The hidden god RKP
- Jameson F Postmodernism, or the cultural logic of late capitalism
- Jauss H R Toward an aesthetic of reception Harvester
- Kristeva J Revolution in poetic language Columbia U P
- Lovell T Consuming fiction Verso
- Lyotard J-F The postmodern condition Manchester U P
- Moretti F Signs taken for wonders Verso
- Showalter E (ed.)The new feminist criticism Pantheon
- Watt I The rise of the novel Penguin
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