Arts Undergraduate Handbook 1996
Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia
Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996
Structuralism and semiotics
Proposed to be offered next in 1997
Millicent Vladiv-Glover
8 or 12 points + 2 hours per week + Clayton
Synopsis The subject will try to show students how to turn literary
structuralist theory into a workable tool of critical analysis. Structuralism
and semiotics as critical systems will be traced back to their historic
origins, the Russian Formalist school, C S Peirce and F de Saussure. The
critique/heritage of structuralism in poststructuralism and deconstruction will
also be examined, with special emphasis on the work of Julie Kristeva.
Assessment (8 points) Written (6000 words): 100%
Assessment (12 points) Written (9000 words): 100%
Prescribed texts
- Bakhtin M The dialogic imagination Texas U P, 1990
- Barthes R `From work to text' in Textual strategies ed. J V Harari,
Cornell U P, 1979
- Barthes R Image music text Flamingo Fontana, 1984
- Culler J Theory and criticism after structuralism Routledge, 1983
- Eco U The role of the reader: Explorations in the semiotics of the
text Indiana U P, 1984
- Elam K The semiotics of theatre and drama Methuen, 1980
- Halle M (ed.)Semiosis: Semiotics and the history of culture Michigan
Slavic Contributions, 1984
- Hawkes T Structuralism and semiotics Methuen, 1977
- Kristeva J Revolution in poetic language Columbia U P, 1984
- Kristeva J Desire in language Columbia U P, 1980
- Kristeva J Language the unknown Columbia U P, 1989
- Lemon L T and Reais M J Russian formalist criticism: Four essays
Nebraska U P, 1965
- Lotman Iu, Ginsburg L and Uspenskii B The semiotics of Russian cultural
history (eds A D and A S Nakhimovsky) Cornell U P, 1985
- Lotman Iu The structure of the artistic text (tr. R Vroon) Ann
Arbour Michigan Slavic Publications, 1977
- Matejka L (ed.)Sound sign and meaning: Quinquagenary of the Prague
linguistic circle Ann Arbour Michigan Slavic Contributions, 1984
- de Saussure F Course in general linguistics ed. C Bally and A
Sechehaye; tr. W Baskin, Philosophical Library, 1959
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| Arts Undergraduate Handbook
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| Monash University