Arts Undergraduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Caution Copyright © Monash University 1996
ISBN 1320-6222

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996

Cinema studies

A major sequence in cinema studies is available on the Caulfield campus, with the cooperation of the Visual Arts department. To complete the major, students must take seven subjects, including the two compulsory first-year subjects and the Visual Arts-based subject VSA2191/3191 (Forms of narrative cinema).

To complete the minor, students must take four subjects, including the two compulsory first-year subjects and any two others.

First year

+ ENH1100 Reading Film Narrative A (semester 1)

+ ENH1110 Reading Film Narrative B (semester 2)

Second and third year

Semester 1

+ ENH2810/3810 Novel into film

+ ENH2830/3830 Drama into film (to be offered next in 1997)

+ VSA2191/3191 Forms of narrative cinema

Semester 2

+ ENH2520/3520 Film and ideology (to be offered next in 1997)

+ ENH2540/3540 Film and national culture (to be offered next in 1997)

+ ENH2930/3930 National fictions (British) (to be offered at Clayton only in 1996)

+ VSA2710/3710 Alternatives in documentary film: an Australian Focus

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