Arts Undergraduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University

Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Victorian literature

Proposed to be offered next in 1997

A Dilnot

8 points + 2.5 hours per week + Second semester + Clayton

Synopsis This subject examines some of the major works to emerge during the Victorian period (1837-1901). References will be made in lectures and tutorials to changes in English society and to the trends of thought accompanying these changes, wherever this helps to suggest the chief characteristics of Victorian sensibilities. While the main emphasis will be on interpretation of the texts, certain topics will be studied in detail: childhood and education, the position of women and marriage, industrialisation, the class structure and concepts of social interaction.

Assessment Participation: 10% + Seminar paper (1500 words): 20% + Short essay (1500 words): 20% + Long essay (3000 words): 50% + Examination: 50% + Students whose written work and participation in tutorials are satisfactory will be excused the examination

Prescribed texts

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