Arts Undergraduate Handbook 1996
Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia
Copyright © Monash University 1996
ISBN 1320-6222
Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996
Clayton campus
- PLT1020 Australian politics and government
- PLT1030 The struggle for democracy
- PLT1040 Introduction to international relations
- PLT1050 Nature, law and revolution: political ideas in context
- PLT1070 Modernity in crisis: race, gender and democracy
- PLT1080 Confucianism, capitalism and culture: an introduction to the politics of East Asia
- PLT1120 Power and resistance in contemporary culture: sex, drugs and rock n' roll
- PLT1150 Australia and Asia
- PLT2080 Europe today: problems of integration
- PLT2140 Progress and despair: modern political ideologies and theories
- PLT2170 Politics and the media in Australia
- PLT2180 Theory of representative democracy
- PLT2200 State and society in modern Japan
- PLT2210 Political sociology
- PLT2230 International political economy
- PLT2250 East Asia and the politics of difference
- PLT2290 Australia and Asia
- PLT2340 Russia since 1985: issues and institutions in conflict
- PLT2360 Introduction to contemporary feminist theory
- PLT2370 America: decay of the liberal dream?
- PLT2470 Politics of development
- PLT2490 Politics of the Middle East
- PLT2630 China: revolution versus pragmatism
- PLT2700 Australian state politics
- PLT2750 Gender in Asian politics
- PLT2770 Culture, politics and vision: aspects of European political thought
- PLT2870 Power in Australia
- PLT2910 Australian political economy
- PLT2960 Seeking a new world order: the US and international relations
- PLT3140 Progress and despair: modern political ideologies and theories
- PLT3160 Australia and postmodernity
- PLT3210 Political sociology
- PLT3240 The impossible dream of European unity
- PLT3250 East Asia and the politics of difference
- PLT3260 The politics of work in Europe
- PLT3320 Australian constitutional democracy
- PLT3330 Political action and political sense
- PLT3340 Russia since 1985: issues and institutions in conflict
- PLT3350 Post-industrial policies and politics
- PLT3360 Introduction to contemporary feminist theory
- PLT3370 America: decay of the liberal dream?
- PLT3410 Politics and Australian culture
- PLT3440 Victorian parliamentary internship
- PLT3450 Revolution, the state and the individual
- PLT3470 Politics of development
- PLT3490 Politics of the Middle East
- PLT3630 China: revolution versus pragmatism
- PLT3700 Australian state politics
- PLT3750 Gender in Asian politics
- PLT3770 Culture, politics and vision: aspects of European political thought
- PLT3790 Three conceptions of international relations
- PLT3850 Curbing the arms race: arms control and world politics
- PLT3860 America, Japan and China: Asian-Pacific competitors?
- PLT3890 Empirical research and analysis
- PLT3910 Australian political economy
- PLT3930 Southeast Asian politics
- PLT3950 International ethics in a divided world
- PLT3970 Australia and the world
- PLT3990 The politics of environmentalism
- PLT4049/0 Honours thesis
- PLT4139/0 Women of ideas: Arendt, Heller and Pateman
- PLT4149/0 Grand theories of politics
- PLT4179/0 Approaches to politics
- PLT 4189/0 The left in postwar Europe: democracy, dictatorship and disorder
- PLT4209/0 Electoral behaviour (Australia)
- PLT4229/0 Abstract communities
- PLT4239/0 Culture, norms and ideas in international politics
- PLT4289/0 Japan, Korea and China: East Asian states and development
- PLT4299/0 China: the quest for modernisation
- PLT4319/0 Globalism and governance
- PLT4329/0 Republicanism and constitutionalism in Australia
- PLT4389/0 Capitalism, rationalisation and the evolution of East Asian identity
- PLT4509/0 International relations and development
- PLT4529/0 Perspectives on world politics
- PLT4709/0 Green political theory
- PLT4749/0 Politics of policy
- PLT4809/0 Theorising the Australian polity
- PLT4929/0 Knowledge and power
- PLT4949/0 Language and politics: meaning, power and cultural conflict
Caulfield and Peninsula campus
- PLT1042 Introduction to international relations
- PLT1531 Introduction to Australian politics
- PLT1532 Introduction to Australian politics
- PLT1541 Political ideas
- PLT1542 Political ideas
- PLT2211 Political sociology
- PLT2292 Australia and Asia
- PLT2491 Politics of the Middle East
- PLT2502 Modern political theory
- PLT2511 International relations
- PLT2521 Parties and power in Australia
- PLT2581 India: development and democracy
- PLT2582 India: development and democracy
- PLT2621 Politics of labour
- PLT2631 China: revolution versus pragmatism
- PLT2661 Ethics and public policy
- PLT2662 Ethics and public policy
- PLT2701 Australian state politics
- PLT3212 Political sociology
- PLT3491 Politics of the Middle East
- PLT3502 Modern political theory
- PLT3511 International relations
- PLT3521 Parties and power in Australia
- PLT3581 India: development and democracy
- PLT3582 India: development and democracy
- PLT3601 Politics research project
- PLT3621 Politics of labour
- PLT3631 China: revolution versus pragmatism
- PLT3661 Ethics and public policy
- PLT3662 Ethics and public policy
- PLT3701 Australian state politics
Caulfield/Peninsula section
- APY1010 Psychology - introductory A
- APY1020 Psychology - introductory B
- APY1910 Psychology
- APY2010 Psychology - human development
- APY2020 Psychology - personality and interpersonal behaviour
- APY3010 Psychology in the industrial setting
- APY3020 Psychology - organisational psychology
- APY3030 Psychology - professional development
- APY3040 Psychology - theory and systems
- APY3050 Psychology - community psychology
- APY3060 Psychology and the law
- APY3070 Experiential introduction to counselling
- APY3080 Health psychology
- APY3090 Sports psychology
- APY3100 Introduction to psychoanalytic theory
- APY4000/PSY4000 Psychology honours
Clayton section
- PSY1011 Foundations of psychology
- PSY1022 Processes and applications of psychology
- PSY2011 Cognitive psychology and the origins of behaviour I
- PSY2022 Cognitive psychology and the origins of behaviour II
- PSY2031 Introduction to contemporary psychology I
- PSY2042 Introduction to contemporary psychology II
- PSY3011 Advanced experimental psychology I
- PSY3022 Advanced experimental psychology II
- PSY3031 Advanced contemporary psychology I
- PSY3042 Advanced contemporary psychology II
- PSY4000/APY4000 Psychology honours
HIgher degrees
- RLT2131 Sociology of religion
- RLT2470 The religious quest: Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- RLT2480 The religious quest: Eastern faith and illumination
- RLT2600 Pursuing the Millenium: dissent, apocalypse and the golden age
- RLT3131 Sociology of religion
- RLT3290 Sociology of religion
- RLT3600 Pursuing the Millenium: dissent, apocalypse and the golden age
- RLT4000 Minor thesis in religion and theology
- RLT4010 The search for enlightenment: paths of East and West
- RLT4080 Sacred writings: the hymn, myth and ritual
- RLT4090 The authority of the text: the hermeneutical question
- RLT4100 Religion in Australian society
- RLT4810 A history of popular Christianity from the beginnings to the Enlightenment
- RSS1010 Soviet literature and culture
- RSS1020 Post-Soviet literature and culture
- RSS2010 Soviet literature and culture
- RSS2020 Post-Soviet literature and culture
- RSS2090 Russian nineteenth-century literature and society
- SLA2530 Modernism
- RSS3090 Russian nineteenth-century literature and society
- SLA3530 Modernism
- RUS1010 Introduction to Russian IA
- RUS1020 Introduction to Russian IB
- RUS1070 Advanced Russian IA
- RUS1080 Advanced Russian IB
- RUS2110 Russian IIA
- RUS2120 Russian IIB
- RUS2250 Advanced Russian IIA
- RUS2260 Advanced Russian IIB
- RUS2330 Slavic lexicology
- RUS3210 Russian IIIA
- RUS3220 Russian IIIB
- RUS3330 Slavic lexicology
- RUS3370 Russian syntax
- RUS3410 Tolstoy and Dostoevsky: discourse of experience and alterity
Slavic studies
- SLA2110 Foundations of Slavic linguistics
- SLA2170 Belief and perception
- SLA2530 Modernism
- SLA2830 Structuralism and semiotics: Bakhtin, Lotman
- SLA2910 The novel in Eastern Europe
- SLA3110 Foundations of Slavic linguistics
- SLA3150 Slavic contrastive studies
- SLA3170 Belief and perception
- SLA3400 Language study abroad program
- SLA3530 Modernism
- SLA3810 Comparative drama of the twentieth century
- SLA3830 Structuralism and semiotics: Bakhtin, Lotman
- SLA3910 The novel in Eastern Europe
- SLA4100 Topics in Slavic linguistics
- UKR1010 Introductory Ukrainian I/1B
- UKR1020 Introductory Ukrainian I/2B
- UKR1070 Ukrainian studies I/1A
- UKR1080 Ukrainian studies I/2A
- UKR2070 Ukrainian studies II/1B
- UKR2080 Ukrainian studies II/2B
- UKR2170 Ukrainian language II/1A
- UKR2180 Ukrainian language II/2A
- UKR2270 Ukrainian literature II/1A
- UKR2280 Ukrainian literature II/2A
- UKR3010 Literature and society in Kievan Rus
- UKR3020 The Ukrainian baroque
- UKR3270 Ukrainian studies III/1B
- UKR3280 Ukrainian studies III/2B
- SLA1040 Polish studies I/1A
- SLA1050 Polish studies I/2A
- SLA2040 Polish studies II/1A
- SLA2050 Polish studies II/2A
- SWK3110 Social work I
- SWK3120 Social Work II
- SWK3130 Social work perspectives on human development I
- SWK3140 Social work perspectives on human development II
- SWK3150 Social work research I
- SWK3160 Social work research II
- SWK3170 Fieldwork I
- SWK3180 Fieldwork 11
- SWK3190 Social policy and administration I
- SWK3200 Social policy and administration II
- SWK4510 Social work III
- SWK4520 Social work IV
- SWK4530 Social and behavioural studies I
- SWK4540 Social and behavioural studies II
- SWK4550 Fieldwork III
- SWK4560 Fieldwork IV
- SWK4570 Social policy and administration III
- SWK4580 Social policy and administration IV
- SWK4610 Community health I
- SWK4620 Community health II
Comparative sociology
- COS2110 Comparative social structures
- C0S2130 Culture and society: introduction to cultural theory
- COS2160 Understanding prejudice and discrimination
- COS2230 Race and sexual politics
- COS3030 Advanced comparative sociology, part I
- COS3040 Advanced comparative sociology, part II
- COS3060 Japanese society
- COS3070 Bodily representations
- COS3080 Literature and society
- COS3110 Cultural studies: the consumer society
- COS3350 Nationalism: an anthropological perspective
- COS3370 Comparative sociology of `development'
- COS3430 The third world
- COS3440 Civilisation and its malcontents
- COS3470 Structuralisms and poststructuralisms
- COS3480 Social theory and social history
- COS3490 State, society and nation
- COS3500 The social construction of disabilities
- COS3630 Feminism cross-culturally
- COS3710 Sexed media, media-ted sex
- COS3810 Australia-Japan social relations
- COS4010 Thesis in comparative sociology
- COS4209 Re-thinking human studies: after postmodernity
- COS4480 Social theory and social history
- COS4500 Comparative sociology honours A
Comparative sociology
- COS4520 Comparative sociology honours B
- COS4540 Asia and the West
- SCY1010 Introduction to sociology I
- SCY1020 Introduction to sociology II
- SCY2150 Sociological research techniques
- SCY2210 Gender and sociology
- SCY2230 Australian society: a developmental perspective
- SCY3000 Advanced sociology A.1
- SCY3001 Advanced sociology A.2
- SCY3002 Advanced sociology A.3
- SCY3003 Advanced sociology B.1
- SCY3004 Advanced sociology B.2
- SCY3005 Advanced sociology B.3
- SCY3006 Advanced sociology C.1
- SCY3007 Advanced sociology C.2
+ First-semester options
- Alternatives to straight research
- Data appreciation
- The joy of `X': computer data processing and analysis using SPSS-X
- Population and migration
- Social psychology
- Sociology of religion
- The research process
- Women and social control
- Women, gender and society
+ Second-semester options
- Political sociology
- Sexed media, media-ted sex
- Society and environment
- Sociology of self
- Sociology of the family
- Women, psychiatry and madness
- SCY4540 Theory and practice of sociology
- SCY4560 Substantive issues in sociology
- SCY4580 Thesis in sociology
- SCY4620 Power, policy, patriarchy and the state
Comparative sociology
- SCY1051 Introduction to sociology I
- SCY1061 Introduction to sociology II
- SCY2011/3011 Class and power in contemporary Australia
- SCY2021/3021 Sociology of the mass media
- SCY2031/3031 Sexuality, gender and social relations
- SCY2041/3041 Sociology of ethnicity and minority relations
- SCY2051/3051 Genocide: totalitarianism, ideology and the individual
- SCY2071/3071 Sociology of the family
- SCY2101/3101 Sociological theory and methodology
- SCY2121/3121 Sociology of youth
- SCY2131/3131 Sociology of religion
- SCY2141/3141 Education, society and social change
- SCY2161/3161 Industrial sociology
- SCY2181/3181 Sociology of prisons
- SCY2191/3191 Deviance and social control
- SCY2201/3201 Sociology of ageing
- SCY2221/3221 A prominent social theorist
- SCY2241/3241 Technology and society
- SCY2251/3251 Sociology of childhood
- SCY2261/3261 Social research methods
- SCY3601 Sociology: research practicum
- SCY3651 The unconscious in social life: psychoanalytic and feminist perspectives
- SCY3661 Love, hate and death: the subterranean in social life
Peninsula campus
- SCY1032 Introduction to sociology I
- SCY1042 Introduction to sociology II
- SCY2022 Sociology of the mass media
- SCY2042 Sociology of ethnicity and minority relations
- SCY2072 Sociology of the family
- SCY2082 Organisation, management and economy
- SCY2092 Living in suburbs: the economics of everyday life
- SCY2102 Sociological theory and methodology
- SCY2132 Sociology of religion
- SCY2202 Sociology of ageing
- SCY3012 Power and cultural formation
- SCY3032 Sexuality, gender and social relations
- SCY3142 Sociology of education
- SCY3192 In search of normativity
- SCY3222 A prominent social theorist
- SCY3262 Social research methods
- SCY3272 Sociology of popular music
- SCY3282 Sociology of health and illness
- SCY3602 Sociology: research practicum
- SPN1010 Introductory Spanish IA
- SPN1020 Introductory Spanish IB
- SPN1070 Spanish language IA
- SPN1080 Spanish language IB
- SPN2110 Intermediate Spanish IA
- SPN2120 Intermediate Spanish IB
- SPN2130 Introduction to modern Spain
- SPN2150 Introduction to modern Latin America
- SPN2170 Spanish language IIA
- SPN2180 Spanish language IIB
- SPN2190 Individual option
- SPN2290 Spanish linguistics in trading and communication
- SPN2310 Study abroad program
- SPN2550 Second language acquisition and attrition
- SPN3210 Advanced Spanish IA
- SPN3220 Advanced Spanish IB
- SPN3230 Spanish literature and society 1868-1936
- SPN3250 Twentieth-century Spanish American literature
- SPN3270 Spanish language IIIA
- SPN3280 Spanish language IIIB
- SPN3290 Spanish linguistics in trading and communication
- SPN3310 Study abroad program
- SPN3430 European cultural history: the Spanish Civil War
- SPN3550 Second language acquisition and attrition
- SPN3630 Nineteenth century Spanish literature
- SPN3730 Contemporary Spanish fiction and film
- SPN3750 Spanish American fiction since 1940 A
- SPN3780 Women's writing in Latin America today
- SPN3850 Spanish American fiction since 1940 B
- SPN3910 Spanish for special purposes
- SPN3930 Individual option
- SPN4230 Spanish literature and society 1868-1936
- SPN4250 Twentieth-century Spanish American literature
- SPN4400 Spanish language IV
- SPN4430 European cultural history: the Spanish Civil War
- SPN4500 Honours dissertation
- SPN4630 Nineteenth-century Spanish literature
- SPN4730 Contemporary Spanish fiction and film
- SPN4750 Spanish American fiction since 1940 A
- SPN4780 Women's writing in Latin America today
- SPN4850 Spanish American fiction since 1940 B
- SPN4910 Spanish for special purposes
- SPN4930 Special reading course
- SPN4990 Language study abroad program
- VSA1010 Contemporary visual culture
- VSA1020 Transformations of the visual
- VSA1040 Australian film and television
- VSA1050 Contemporary popular film
- VSA2110 European art 1900-1940
- VSA2130 American and European postwar art, 1945 to the present
- VSA2150 The other side of the avant-garde: twentieth-century women's art history
- VSA2190 Forms of narrative cinema
- VSA2220 Alternative film and video
- VSA2230 Australian art: 1880s to the present
- VSA2250 Current architecture
- VSA2270 Australian architecture, 1788 to the present
- VSA2310 Modern architecture and urbanism, 1907-1968
- VSA2390 Screen production I
- VSA2410 History and theory of photography, part I: 1839-1940
- VSA2430 History and theory of photography part II: 1940 - present
- VSA2510 Sixteenth-century studies
- VSA2530 Baroque art
- VSA2550 Italian medieval art
- VSA2610 French medieval art
- VSA2670 Asian cinema
- VSA2710 Alternatives in documentary film - an Australian focus
- VSA2770 Television studies
- VSA2790 The idea of Venice
- VSA3007 Gender and genre: masculinity in film
- VSA3010 Making art history
- VSA3110 European art 1900-1940
- VSA3130 American and European postwar art: 1945 to the present
- VSA3150 The other side of the avant-garde: twentieth-century women's art history
- VSA3190 Forms of narrative cinema
- VSA3220 Alternative film and video
- VSA3230 Australian art: 1880s to the present
- VSA3250 Current architecture
- VSA3270 Australian architecture 1788 to the present
- VSA3310 Modern architecture and urbanism, 1907-1968
- VSA3410 History and theory of photography, part 1: 1839-1940
- VSA3430 History and theory of photography, part 2: 1940 to the present
- VSA3510 Sixteenth century studies
- VSA3530 Baroque art
- VSA3550 Italian medieval art
- VSA3570 Into the nineties
- VSA3610 French medieval art
- VSA3630 German cinema
- VSA3670 Asian cinema
- VSA3710 Alternatives in documentary film - an Australian focus
- VSA3750 Indonesian and Southeast Asian film and television
- VSA3770 Television studies
- VSA3790 The idea of Venice
- VSA4000 Minor thesis
- VSA4007 Gender and genre: masculinity in film
- VSA4010 Making art history
- VSA4019 Reading the art museum
- VSA4021 Beyond the museum
- VSA4030 Theory of art history and criticism
- VSA4034 Nineteenth-century Australian art
- VSA4040 Film theory and film criticism: part 1
- VSA4050 Film theory and film criticism: part 2
- VSA4054 Twentieth-century Australian modernism
- VSA4060 Readings in Australian art
- VSA4074 Australian postmodernism
- VSA4080 Readings in Italian Renaissance art
- VSA4084 The culture and imagery of cities
- VSA4600 Film, culture, class
- VSA4640 German cinema
- VSA4750 Indonesian and Southeast Asian film and television
- WMN2110 Representations of women and gender in Australian society
- WMN2240/3240 Introduction to contemporary feminist theory
- WMN2260/3260 Sexing the text: constructions of female sexuality
- WMN3240 Introduction to contemporary feminist theory
- WMN3260 Sexing the text: constructions of female sexuality
- WMN4750 Deconstruction and feminism
- WMN4160 Contemporary Issues in feminist theory
| Details of studies - metropolitan campuses Part 1
| Arts Undergraduate handbook
| Monash handbooks
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