Arts Undergraduate Handbook 1996
Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia
Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996
Literary theory
Walter Veit
8 or 12 points + 3 hours per week + Full year subject + Clayton
Synopsis The subject will examine the theory and practice of a number of
the major schools in contemporary literary criticism: hermeneutics and
reception theory; semiotics and structuralism; Marxism and critical theory;
psychoanalytic criticism; poststructuralism, postmodernism and feminist
literary theory.
Assessment (8 points) Two essays (3000 words each): 50% each
Assessment (12 points) Two essays (3000 words each): 30% each + One
essay (3000 words): 40%
Prescribed texts
- Eagleton T Literary theory: An introduction Blackwell
- Rice P and Waugh P (eds) Modern literary theory: A reader 2nd edn,
Edward Arnold
- Selden R A reader's guide to contemporary literary theory
Recommended texts
- Bloch E and others Aesthetics and politics Verso
- Eagleton T Criticism and ideology Verso
- Freud S The interpretation of dreams Penguin
- Gadamer H.-G Truth and method Seabury
- Habermas J Knowledge and human interest Heinemann
- Innis R (ed.)Semiotics: An introductory anthology Indiana U P
- Irigaray L This sex which is not one Cornell U P
- Kamuf P (ed.)A Derrida reader Columbia U P
- Lacan J Écrits Tavistock
- Lodge D (ed.)Modern criticism and theory Longman
- Moi T (ed.)The Kristeva reader Blackwell
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