Arts Undergraduate Handbook 1996
Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia
Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996
Feminist poetics
R Lucas
12 points + 2 hours per week + First semester + Clayton
Synopsis This subject will offer close study of a number of key women
poets of the twentieth century who have contributed to a general feminist
challenge to, and rewriting of, the stereotypes of gender. Substantial reading
of the oeuvres of these poets will be contextualised within an examination of a
range of theoretical praxes - in particular, discourses of social feminism,
literary theory and psychoanalysis.
Assessment Two exercises (2500 words each): 25% each + Major essay based
on class presentation (4000 words): 50%
Prescribed texts
- Atwood M Poems 1976-1986,Virago, 1987
- H D H D The collected poems ed. L Martz, New Directions, 1983
- Plath S The collected poems ed. T Hughes, Harper and Row, 1981
- Porter D The monkey's mask, Hyland House, 1994
- Rich A The fact of a doorframe Norton, 1981
- Sexton A The complete poems Houghton Mifflin, 1981
- Lorde I A Chosen poems, old and new Norton, 1982
Recommended texts
- Toril Moi The Kristeva reader Blackwell, 1986
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