Arts Undergraduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University

Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Social semiotics of rehearsal and performance

R Fensham

12 points + 2 hours per week + First semester + Clayton

Synopsis The subject will focus on the way meanings are made in text-based theatrical rehearsal and performance. The aim will be to understand and theorise the semiotic processes which transform a verbal play text into an embodied performance in space and time. This will mean looking at the interactions of many different kinds of semiotics involved - verbal text, space, time, body, movement, gesture, costume, setting, lighting, music, voice, rhythm, intonation etc. It will also require analysis of the vocational training and different literacies of people who make and perform rehearsal and performance texts. People make theatre by means of academic analysis, directing, acting, dramaturgy, design, lighting and reviewing processes. Each of these processes has its own specific genres of reading and writing and of textual interpretation and production. All of these practices are gendered and related to the body and sexuality. All of them involve codes (grammars), dialogue/discourse and narrative. All of them contribute to the construction of social relations and cultural realities that are the institution of theatre.

Assessment Assignment (2000 words): 20% + Essay (3000 words): 30% + Seminar paper (4000 words): 50%

Prescribed texts

Reference texts

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