- MAE2401 Aircraft structures 1
- MAE2402 Thermodynamics and heat transfer
- MAE2403 Aerospace computational mechanics
- MAE2404 Aerodynamics 1
- MAE2405 Aircraft performance
- MAE2406 Orbital mechanics and spaceflight dynamics
- MAE3401 Aerodynamics 2
- MAE3402 Aerospace design project
- MAE3404 Flight vehicle dynamics
- MAE3405 Flight vehicle propulsion
- MAE3406 Aerospace materials
- MAE3407 Aircraft structures 2
- MAE3408 Aerospace control
- MAE3426 Computer-aided design
- MAE3456 Aerospace computational mechanics
- MAE4404 Aerospace practices
- MAE4407 Instrumentation and avionics
- MAE4408 Damage tolerance and airworthiness
- MAE4409 Wing design
- MAE4410 Flight vehicle design
- MAE4411 Aircraft structures 2
- MAE4904 Minor research project
- MAE4965 Advanced aerodynamics and turbulence
- MAE4980 Aircraft engines
- MAP1000 Indigenous healing ways
- MAP4200 Improving indigenous equity in professional practice
- MAP5000 Research in advanced health professional practice
- MAP5001 Preparatory minor thesis
- MAP5002 Minor thesis
- MAP5003 Essentials of advanced health care practice and research
- MAP5010 Advanced health practice research project
- MAP5101 Advanced critical care skills
- MAP5104 Emergency medicine skills
- MAP5105 Trauma skills
- MAT1830 Discrete mathematics for computer science
- MAT1841 Continuous mathematics for computer science
- MAT2731 Multivariate analysis
- MAT2742 Mathematical modelling of the environment
- MAT9004 Mathematical foundations for data science
- MBA5111 Leadership 1: People and performance
- MBA5112 MBA 1
- MBA5113 MBA Labs: Strategy project
- MBA5211 Leadership 2: Influence and negotiations
- MBA5212 MBA 2
- MBA5213 MBA Labs commercialisation of technology project
- MBA5221 Global executive MBA foundation I
- MBA5222 Global executive MBA foundation II
- MBA5223 Global executive MBA globalisation I
- MBA5224 Global executive MBA globalisation II
- MBA5225 Global executive MBA innovation I
- MBA5226 Global executive MBA innovation II
- MBA5227 Global executive MBA transformation I
- MBA5228 Global executive MBA transformation II
- MBA5311 Leadership 3: Influence and negotiations
- MBA5312 MBA 3
- MBA5313 MBA Labs: Technology and entrepreneurship project
- MBA5411 Leadership 4: Personal and professional development
- MBA5412 MBA Seminars
- MBA5413 MBA Labs: International business project
- MBA5415 Strategy capstone
- MBA5722 MBA study tour
- MBS3800 Medical bioscience internship
- MBS4100 Medical bioscience research project
- MBS4280 Honours coursework in medical bioscience
- MCB2011 Molecular biology and the cell
- MCB2022 The dynamic cell
- MCE5100 Biology of reproduction
- MCE5101 Infertility treatment strategies
- MCE5103 Theory: ART laboratory processes (embryology)
- MCE5105 Theory: ART laboratory processes (andrology)
- MCE5112 Practical: ART laboratory processes (embryology/andrology)
- MCE5200 ART laboratory operations and management
- MCE5201 Practical: ART laboratory processes (advanced embryology)
- MCE5205 Research in ART (designing and applying)
- MCE5212 Genetic testing in ART
- MCE5213 Regulation and ethics in assisted reproductive technologies
- MDC4000 Design project (part 1)
- MDC4001 Design project (part 1)
- MDC4002 Design project (part 2)
- MDC4010 Advanced design communication
- MDC4100 Design project (part 1)
- MDC4110 Interaction design studio 1
- MDC4120 Multimedia design studio 1
- MDC4130 Collaborative design studio 1
- MDC4201 Fundamental interaction design studio 1
- MDC4202 Fundamental interaction design studio 2
- MDC4215 Interaction design lab 1
- MDC4216 Interaction design lab 2
- MDC4500 Design fundamentals studio
- MDC4550 Design technologies and processes
- MDC5000 Major design project
- MDC5001 Design project (part 3)
- MDC5010 Advanced design communication
- MDC5020 Design studio practice
- MDC5100 Major design project
- MDC5201 Fundamental interaction design studio 3
- MDC5202 Interaction design research project
- MDC5210 Interaction design studio 2
- MDC5215 Interaction design lab 3
- MDC5220 Multimedia design studio 2
- MDC5230 Collaborative design studio 2
- MDC5310 Interaction design studio 3
- MDC5320 Multimedia design studio 3
- MDC5330 Collaborative design studio 3
- MDC5340 Advanced studies in design
- MDS5022 Design theory workshop
- MDS5031 Research methods in design
- MEC2401 Dynamics 1
- MEC2402 Engineering design 1
- MEC2403 Mechanics of materials
- MEC2404 Mechanics of fluids
- MEC2405 Thermodynamics
- MEC2407 Electromechanics
- MEC2408 Advanced engineering technologies
- MEC2456 Engineering computational analysis
- MEC3010 Micro and nanotechnologies: Fabrication and applications
- MEC3416 Engineering design 2
- MEC3448 Engineering technologies
- MEC3451 Fluid mechanics 2
- MEC3453 Dynamics 2
- MEC3454 Thermodynamics and heat transfer
- MEC3455 Solid mechanics
- MEC3456 Engineering computational analysis
- MEC3457 Systems and control
- MEC3458 Experimental project
- MEC3459 Materials selection for engineering design
- MEC4401 Final year project
- MEC4402 Final year project - Thesis
- MEC4404 Professional practice
- MEC4407 Engineering design 3
- MEC4408 Thermodynamics and heat transfer
- MEC4416 Momentum, energy & mass transport in engineering systems
- MEC4417 Refrigeration and air conditioning
- MEC4418 Control systems
- MEC4425 Micro/nano solid and fluid mechanics
- MEC4426 Computer-aided design
- MEC4428 Advanced dynamics
- MEC4444 Industrial noise and control
- MEC4446 Composite structures
- MEC4447 Computers in fluids and energy
- MEC4456 Robotics
- MEC4459 Wind engineering
- MEC4801 Non-destructive testing and inspection
- MEC4802 Sustainable engineering and design with nanomaterials
- MEC4803 Internal combustion engines
- MEC4804 Clean energy materials
- MEC5881 Engineering systems performance analysis
- MEC5882 Instrumentation, sensing and monitoring
- MEC5883 Mechanical systems design
- MEC5884 Sustainable engineering systems
- MEC5885 Energy efficiency and sustainability engineering
- MEC5886 Sustainable energy technologies
- MEC5887 Environmental and air pollution control
- MEC5888 Renewable energy systems
- MEC5889 Medical device technologies
- MEC5891 Design for additive manufacturing
- MEC6410 Research practices
- MEC6881 Engineering systems performance analysis
- MEC6882 Instrumentation, sensing and monitoring
- MEC6883 Mechanical systems design
- MEC6884 Sustainable engineering systems
- MEC6885 Energy efficiency and sustainability engineering
- MEC6886 Sustainable energy technologies
- MEC6887 Environmental and air pollution control
- MEC6888 Renewable energy systems
- MEC6889 Medical device technologies
- MEC6891 Design for additive manufacturing
- MED1011 Medicine 1
- MED1022 Medicine 2
- MED1100 Introduction to medical practice
- MED1200 Principles of medicine 1
- MED2031 Medicine 3
- MED2042 Medicine 4
- MED2100 Foundations of medical practice
- MED2200 Principles of medicine 2
- MED3010 Research methods in medicine
- MED3062 Medicine and surgery 2
- MED3100 Medicine and surgery
- MED3200 Foundation clinical studies
- MED4000 Year 3B and 4C final grade
- MED4190 Specialty clinical practices
- MED4200 Integrated clinical studies
- MED4301 Medical science honours research skills
- MED4302 Medical science honours research project
- MED5091 Advanced clinical practice 1
- MED5092 Advanced clinical practice 2
- MED5100 Final MBBS grade
- MED5101 Applied studies in medical research and professional practice
- MED5102 Contemporary developments in clinical practice: Patient safety
- MEH5050 Emergency health project
- MGB1010 Introduction to management
- MGB2200 Business communication
- MGB2230 Organisational behaviour
- MGB2430 People, culture and strategy
- MGB3120 Inclusive management
- MGB3249 Events and project management
- MGB3684 Business strategy
- MGC1010 Introduction to management
- MGC2021 Organisations and society
- MGC2230 Organisational behaviour
- MGC2430 Human resource management
- MGC3110 Strategic management
- MGC3250 Innovation, entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship
- MGC5872 Managing healthcare innovation
- MGF1010 Introduction to management
- MGF1100 Managerial communication
- MGF2111 Organisational behaviour
- MGF2341 Managing employee relations
- MGF2351 International business
- MGF2656 HRM and managing global workforces
- MGF2661 Human resource management
- MGF3450 Managing conflict
- MGF3621 Organisational change
- MGF3681 International management
- MGF3684 Business strategy
- MGF5011 Commercialisation
- MGF5020 Business ethics in a global environment
- MGF5030 Corporate social responsibility
- MGF5130 Managing diversity and inclusion
- MGF5181 International business strategy
- MGF5220 Managing work, family and life
- MGF5261 Talent management and professions of the future
- MGF5300 Governance
- MGF5310 International management
- MGF5370 Policy analysis
- MGF5551 Human resource management strategy and analytics
- MGF5600 Managing innovation
- MGF5610 People management and work in a global context
- MGF5611 Advanced supply chain management
- MGF5630 Principles of negotiation
- MGF5640 Cross-cultural management communication
- MGF5670 Leadership
- MGF5680 Managerial problem solving and decision making
- MGF5690 Services and operations management
- MGF5691 Sustainable operations and supply chain management
- MGF5701 Designing business processes
- MGF5702 People management and strategy
- MGF5710 Governance of market societies
- MGF5722 Emerging economies in a globalising world
- MGF5730 International trade policy
- MGF5760 International institutions and organisations
- MGF5911 Diplomacy and statecraft
- MGF5920 Work and employment relations
- MGF5921 Foundations in human resource management
- MGF5923 Public policy
- MGF5927 Public management
- MGF5928 Strategic leadership
- MGF5940 Intercultural communication and negotiation
- MGF5960 Organisations: people, purpose and structure
- MGF5961 Supply chain management
- MGF5962 Principles of management
- MGF5966 International business theory and practice
- MGF5972 Managing organisational change
- MGF5976 Strategic management
- MGF5985 Human resource management
- MGF5991 Professional development - career dynamics
- MGF5992 Professional development - Self and relationships
- MGM5181 International business strategy
- MGM5310 International management
- MGM5638 Asian business systems
- MGM5640 Cross-cultural management communication
- MGM5698 Global supply chain management
- MGM5966 International business theory and practice
- MGS1010 Introduction to management
- MGS1100 Managerial communication
- MGS2230 Organisational behaviour
- MGS2351 International business
- MGS2430 Human resource management
- MGS3130 Organisational change and development
- MGS3210 Organisational wellness
- MGS3401 Strategic management
- MGS3650 Integrated business management simulation
- MGS3651 Entrepreneurship
- MGS3991 Leadership principles and practices
- MGS5000 Introductory management research methods
- MGS5181 International business strategy
- MGS5310 International management
- MGS5640 Cross-cultural management communication
- MGS5900 Research report
- MGS5901 Research report: An introduction
- MGS5966 International business theory and practice
- MGW1010 Introduction to management
- MGW1100 Managerial communication
- MGW1232 Introduction to Islamic business
- MGW2230 Organisational behaviour
- MGW2351 International business
- MGW2430 Human resource management
- MGW2991 Leadership in Asia
- MGW3130 Organisational change and development
- MGW3234 Social entrepreneurship
- MGW3381 Management information systems
- MGW3401 Strategic management
- MGW3681 International management
- MGX2700 Project management for small to medium enterprises
- MGX3100 Corporate social responsibility and business ethics
- MGX3121 International business strategy
- MGX3441 Human resource strategy
- MGX3771 Operations management
- MGX3991 Leadership principles and practices
- MGX4000 Introductory management research methods
- MGX4100 Perspectives and paradigms in management theory
- MGX4200 Data analysis for organisational research
- MGX4300 Contemporary issues in management
- MGX4400 Honours research thesis
- MGX5000 Introductory management research methods
- MGX5461 Contemporary issues in globalisation
- MGX5890 International study program in international business
- MGX5900 Research report
- MGX5901 Research report (introduction)
- MGZ5181 International business strategy and cases
- MGZ5640 Cross-cultural management communication
- MGZ5750 The governance of international trade
- MGZ5966 International business theory and practice
- MIC2011 Introduction to microbiology and microbial biotechnology
- MIC2022 Microbes in health and disease
- MIC3011 Molecular microbiology
- MIC3022 Molecular virology and viral pathogenesis
- MIC3032 Pathogenesis of bacterial infectious diseases
- MIC3041 Medical microbiology
- MIC3990 Action in microbiology research project
- MID1000 Introduction to Midwifery
- MID2000 Foundations for midwifery practice
- MID2010 Working with birthing women
- MID3000 Theory and practice of complex midwifery
- MID3110 Professional midwifery practice
- MID3202 Supporting the newborn infant
- MID3222 Safety in midwifery and nursing contexts
- MID4001 Preparation for practice (midwifery)
- MID5005 Advancing midwifery practice
- MIMR5001 Master of biomedical science (Part 1): Monash Institute of Medical Research PT
- MIS4100 Regenerative medicine research project
- MIS4200 Advanced studies in regenerative medicine
- MKB1700 Fundamentals of marketing
- MKB2500 Retail management principles
- MKB2703 Consumer psychology
- MKB2704 Consumer orientated marketing communications
- MKB2705 Research methods and analysis
- MKB2706 Brand and product management
- MKB3801 Sales and distribution
- MKB3802 Professional services marketing
- MKB3803 Stakeholder marketing
- MKB3804 Strategic marketing in social contexts
- MKC1200 Principles of marketing
- MKC2110 Buyer behaviour in marketing
- MKC2130 Marketing decision analysis
- MKC2500 Marketing research analysis
- MKC2610 Strategic retailing in the global market
- MKC3110 Market analysis and strategy development
- MKC3140 Marketing strategy implementation
- MKC3460 Integrated marketing communication
- MKC3500 Survey data analysis
- MKF1120 Marketing theory and practice
- MKF2111 Buyer behaviour
- MKF2121 Marketing research methods
- MKF2131 Marketing decision analysis
- MKF2401 Marketing issues in packaging design
- MKF2521 Brand management
- MKF2540 Retail management principles
- MKF2801 Marketing insights
- MKF3001 Special studies unit
- MKF3121 Marketing planning and implementation
- MKF3131 Strategic marketing
- MKF3151 Marketing planning and strategy
- MKF3301 Services marketing
- MKF3461 Marketing communication
- MKF3471 Sales management and negotiation
- MKF3531 International marketing
- MKF3621 Advertising management and campaigns
- MKF3881 Digital marketing
- MKF5150 Major project
- MKF5231 Strategic brand management
- MKF5260 International marketing
- MKF5301 Minor thesis
- MKF5351 Marketing strategy masterclass
- MKF5371 Business to business marketing
- MKF5391 Sales management
- MKF5403 Advanced business research methods
- MKF5461 Contemporary issues in marketing
- MKF5463 Advanced buyer behaviour
- MKF5505 Marketing for healthcare managers
- MKF5601 Social media marketing
- MKF5630 Services marketing
- MKF5641 Advanced marketing communication
- MKF5660 Relationship marketing
- MKF5741 Marketing performance and decision analysis
- MKF5760 Marketing leadership in society
- MKF5761 Managing supply networks
- MKF5801 Customer focused innovation
- MKF5911 Theory and process of buyer behaviour
- MKF5912 Marketing research
- MKF5917 Understanding marketing and consumers
- MKF5926 Integrated marketing communication
- MKF5955 Marketing and the international consumer
- MKF5981 Retailing
- MKM5211 Applied business project
- MKM5251 Innovation and entrepreneurship
- MKM5260 International marketing
- MKM5955 Marketing and the international consumer
- MKS1120 Marketing theory and practice
- MKS2402 Consumer behaviour
- MKS2420 Marketing research methods
- MKS2431 Business marketing
- MKS2460 Integrated marketing communication
- MKS3121 Marketing planning and implementation
- MKS3440 Marketing strategy
- MKS3444 International marketing
- MKS3631 Marketing internship
- MKS3881 Electronic marketing
- MKS5955 Marketing and the international consumer
- MKW1120 Marketing theory and practice
- MKW2402 Consumer behaviour
- MKW2420 Marketing research methods
- MKW2431 Business marketing
- MKW2460 Integrated marketing communication
- MKW2500 Retail marketing
- MKW3300 Introduction to social commerce
- MKW3301 Services marketing
- MKW3440 Marketing strategy
- MKW3444 International marketing
- MKW3610 Marketing strategy and implementation
- MKX2531 Not for profit marketing
- MKX3200 Sport marketing and sponsorship
- MKX3481 Marketing channels
- MKX3521 Global study programs in marketing
- MKX3631 Marketing internship
- MKX4050 Marketing theory
- MKX4060 Marketing research practice
- MKX4070 Qualitative research methods
- MKX4080 Advanced business research methods
- MKX4461 Contemporary issues in marketing
- MKX4900 Honours research thesis
- MKX5123 Entrepreneurial innovation
- MKX5521 Global study programs in marketing
- MKX5931 International dimensions of electronic business
- MKZ5955 Marketing and the international consumer
- MMD3305 Multimedia studio 5A
- MMD3307 Digital arts studio 5A
- MMD3308 Digital arts studio 6A
- MMD4001 Multimedia design studio 1
- MMD5002 Multimedia design studio 2
- MMD5003 Multimedia design studio 3
- MMT5002 Medicine minor thesis extension unit
- MMT5004 Medicine minor thesis extension unit
- MNE4070 Research project 3
- MPH5002 Foundations of health promotion and program planning
- MPH5020 Introduction to epidemiology and biostatistics
- MPH5022 Evaluating public health programs
- MPH5040 Introductory epidemiology
- MPH5041 Introductory biostatistics
- MPH5042 Climate change and public health
- MPH5200 Regression methods for epidemiology
- MPH5203 Environmental influences on health
- MPH5207 Chronic disease: Epidemiology and prevention
- MPH5213 Research methods
- MPH5214 Demographic methods
- MPH5218 Infectious diseases: Epidemiology and prevention
- MPH5222 Assessment and control of workplace hazards
- MPH5231 Research design and project proposal
- MPH5232 Research conduct, analysis, write-up and submission
- MPH5236 Clinical trials
- MPH5239 Systematic reviews and meta-analysis
- MPH5241 Introduction to occupational health and safety
- MPH5242 Psychosocial work environment
- MPH5243 Chemical and biological hazards
- MPH5244 Ergonomic and physical hazards
- MPH5252 Global health care delivery: principles and challenges
- MPH5255 Health and human rights
- MPH5256 Injury epidemiology and prevention
- MPH5265 Law for health systems
- MPH5266 Clinical leadership and management
- MPH5267 Principles of health care quality improvement
- MPH5268 Economics and financial management in health care
- MPH5269 Foundations of health policy
- MPH5270 Advanced statistical methods for clinical research
- MPH5271 Implementation and innovation in health care
- MPH5272 Principles of health systems
- MPH5273 Case study in health services management
- MPH5274 Public health practicum
- MPH5276 Safety management systems
- MPH5277 Practical data management
- MPH5281 Management theory and practice
- MPH5283 Ethics, good research practice and practical research methods
- MPH5286 Applying and practicing the principles of patient safety and quality improvement
- MPH5288 Introduction and challenges in public health
- MPH5289 Professional practice development
- MPH5301 Health systems and policy
- MPH5302 Biostatistics: Concepts and applications
- MPH5303 Epidemiology of infectious diseases
- MPH5304 Leading and managing in public health and health care
- MPH5305 Epidemiology: Concepts and applications
- MPH5306 Health promotion, planning and evaluation in public health
- MPH5307 Introduction to health law principles
- MPH5308 Developing health systems
- MPH5309 Occupational health and safety
- MPH5310 Introduction to environmental health
- MPH5311 Safety and quality in health care
- MPH5312 Advances in managing patient care processes
- MPH5313 Challenges in public health
- MPH5314 Epidemiology of chronic disease
- MPH5315 Introduction to management
- MPH6040 Introductory epidemiology
- MPH6041 Introductory biostatistics
- MRE5002 Maintenance management
- MRE5102 Understanding reliability
- MSC4100 Materials science project
- MSC4110 Materials science project part-time A
- MSC4120 Materials science project part-time B
- MSC4200 Advanced materials science
- MSC4210 Materials applications part-time A
- MSC4220 Materials applications part-time B
- MSM5100 Research project - Master of Biomedical Science MUM
- MSM5101 Research project - Master of Biomedical Science MUM (part-time)
- MSM5200 Advanced studies in biomedical sciences MUM
- MSM5201 Advanced studies in biomedical sciences MUM (part-time)
- MTE2541 Crystal structures, thermodynamics and phase equilibria
- MTE2542 Microstructural development
- MTE2544 Functional materials
- MTE2545 Polymers and ceramics 1
- MTE2546 Mechanics of materials
- MTE2548 Biomaterials 1
- MTE3541 Materials durability
- MTE3542 Microstructural design in structural materials
- MTE3543 Microstructure to applications: the mechanics of materials
- MTE3544 Management and practice in materials engineering
- MTE3545 Functional materials and devices
- MTE3546 Polymers and ceramics 2
- MTE3547 Materials characterisation and modelling
- MTE3548 Structure-property relationships in materials
- MTE4525 Project 1
- MTE4526 Project 2
- MTE4571 Materials engineering design and practice
- MTE4572 Polymer and composite processing and engineering
- MTE4573 Processing and engineering of metals and ceramics
- MTE4590 Modelling of materials
- MTE4592 Advanced ceramics and applications
- MTE4593 Materials and sustainability
- MTE4594 Engineering alloy design, processing and selection
- MTE4595 Corrosion mechanisms and protection methods
- MTE4596 Biomaterials 2
- MTE4597 Engineering with nanomaterials
- MTE4598 Electron microscopy
- MTE5881 Applied crystallography in advanced materials characterisation
- MTE5882 Advanced polymeric materials
- MTE5883 Environmental durability and protection of metals and engineering materials
- MTE5884 Advanced photovoltaics and energy storage
- MTE5885 Biomaterials and biomechanics
- MTE5886 Additive manufacturing of metallic materials
- MTE5887 Additive manufacturing of polymeric and functional materials
- MTE6410 Research practice in materials science and engineering
- MTE6881 Applied crystallography in advanced materials characterisation
- MTE6882 Advanced polymeric materials
- MTE6883 Environmental durability and protection of metals and engineering materials
- MTE6884 Advanced photovoltaics and energy storage
- MTE6885 Biomaterials and biomechanics
- MTE6886 Additive manufacturing of metallic materials
- MTE6887 Additive manufacturing of polymeric and functional materials
- MTH1010 Functions and their applications
- MTH1020 Analysis of change
- MTH1030 Techniques for modelling
- MTH1035 Techniques for modelling (advanced)
- MTH2010 Multivariable calculus
- MTH2015 Multivariable calculus (advanced)
- MTH2021 Linear algebra with applications
- MTH2025 Linear algebra (advanced)
- MTH2032 Differential equations with modelling
- MTH2040 Mathematical modelling
- MTH2051 Introduction to computational mathematics
- MTH2121 Algebra and number theory
- MTH2132 The nature and beauty of mathematics
- MTH2140 Real analysis
- MTH2222 Mathematics of uncertainty
- MTH2232 Mathematical statistics
- MTH3000 Mathematics research project level 3
- MTH3011 Partial differential equations
- MTH3020 Complex analysis and integral transforms
- MTH3051 Introduction to computational mathematics
- MTH3060 Advanced ordinary differential equations
- MTH3110 Differential geometry
- MTH3121 Algebra and number theory
- MTH3130 Topology: The mathematics of shape
- MTH3140 Real analysis
- MTH3150 Algebra and number theory 2
- MTH3160 Metric spaces, Banach spaces, Hilbert spaces
- MTH3170 Network mathematics
- MTH3230 Time series and random processes in linear systems
- MTH3241 Random processes in the sciences and engineering
- MTH3251 Financial mathematics
- MTH3260 Statistics of stochastic processes
- MTH3310 Applied mathematical modelling
- MTH3320 Computational linear algebra
- MTH3330 Optimisation and operations research
- MTH3360 Fluid dynamics
- MTH3401 Special topics in mathematics 1
- MTH3402 Special topics in mathematics 2
- MTH4010 Mathematics honours topic A
- MTH4020 Mathematics honours topic B
- MTH4030 Mathematics honours topic C
- MTH4040 Mathematics honours topic D
- MTH4089 Computational statistical inference
- MTH4099 Measure theory
- MTH4100 Mathematics research studies
- MTH4111 Differential geometry
- MTH4113 Low-dimensional topology
- MTH4115 Algebraic topology
- MTH4121 Analysis on manifolds
- MTH4123 Partial differential equations
- MTH4141 Computational group theory
- MTH4151 Advanced graph theory
- MTH4153 Combinatorics
- MTH4200 Advanced studies in mathematics
- MTH4311 Methods of applied mathematics
- MTH4321 Methods of computational mathematics
- MTH4323 Numerical analysis and control of differential equations
- MTH4331 Optimisation for data analytics
- MTH4333 Discrete optimisation
- MTH4341 Fluid dynamics and turbulence
- MTH4343 Magnetohydrodynamics and visualisation of scientific data
- MTH4351 Mathematical biology
- MTH5000 Mathematics master project
- MTH5010 Special topics in advanced mathematics 1
- MTH5020 Special topics in advanced mathematics 2
- MTH5089 Computational statistical inference
- MTH5099 Measure theory
- MTH5111 Differential geometry
- MTH5112 Partial differential equations in finance
- MTH5113 Low-dimensional topology
- MTH5115 Algebraic topology
- MTH5121 Analysis on manifolds
- MTH5123 Partial differential equations
- MTH5141 Computational group theory
- MTH5151 Advanced graph theory
- MTH5153 Combinatorics
- MTH5210 Stochastic calculus and mathematical finance
- MTH5220 The theory of martingales in discrete time
- MTH5230 Markov chains and random walks
- MTH5311 Methods of applied mathematics
- MTH5321 Methods of computational mathematics
- MTH5323 Numerical analysis and control of differential equations
- MTH5331 Optimisation for data analytics
- MTH5333 Discrete optimisation
- MTH5341 Fluid dynamics and turbulence
- MTH5343 Magnetohydrodynamics and visualisation of scientific data
- MTH5351 Mathematical biology
- MTH5510 Quantitative risk management
- MTH5520 Interest rate modelling
- MTH5530 Computational methods in finance
- MTH5540 Statistical learning in finance
- MTH5550 Quantitative trading and market microstructure
- MTH5810 Industry research project
- MTH5820 Minor industry research project
- MTH5830 Industry placement
- MTH5840 Minor industry placement