Units by Code - G - 2019

  • GEN2041 Foundations of genetics
  • GEN2052 Genomics and population genetics
  • GEN3030 Molecular, cellular and developmental genetics
  • GEN3040 Genomics and its applications
  • GEN3051 Medical and forensic genetics
  • GEN3062 Evolutionary and ecological genetics
  • GEN3990 Genetics in action research project
  • GEN5010 Advanced genetics and biotechnology
  • GHS5841 Research and evidence for practice
  • GHS5850 Nursing leadership and patient safety
  • GLS1211 Contemporary glass practices
  • GLS1231 Contemporary glass blowing practices
  • GLS2213 Contemporary glass sculpture
  • GLS2223 Contemporary blown and sculpted glass
  • GMA1010 Foundations of medical practice
  • GMA2100 Foundations of medical practice
  • GMA2200 Principles of medicine
  • GRS4100 Laboratory skills in reproductive science
  • GRS4101 Reproductive endocrinology
  • GRS4102 Gonadal development and function
  • GRS4103 Pregnancy and parturition
  • GRS4104 Reproductive health and fertility regulations
  • GRS4110 Research skills in reproductive science
  • GRS4201 Comparative reproduction and conservation
  • GRS4202 Assisted reproductive and genetic technologies