- EAE1011 Earth, atmosphere and environment 1
- EAE1022 Earth, atmosphere and environment 2
- EAE2011 Environmental problem solving and visualisation
- EAE2111 Introduction to climate science
- EAE2122 Introduction to atmospheric physics and dynamics
- EAE2322 Environmental earth science
- EAE2511 Deep earth processes
- EAE2522 Sediments and basins
- EAE2532 Field geology and geological mapping
- EAE3000 Earth, atmosphere and environment research project
- EAE3012 Geographical information systems and remote sensing
- EAE3022 Hydrogeology
- EAE3051 Palaeoclimatology: Discovering Earth's past climate
- EAE3111 Climate dynamics
- EAE3121 Physical meteorology
- EAE3132 Future climates: Projections, impacts and adaptation
- EAE3142 Tropical meteorology
- EAE3152 Dynamical meteorology
- EAE3311 Physical environments
- EAE3321 The earth's critical zone
- EAE3331 Catchment hydrology
- EAE3342 Environmental cycles on our living planet
- EAE3511 Deformation of the crust
- EAE3521 Earth and planetary petrology
- EAE3532 Physics of the solid earth
- EAE3540 Geology in the field
- EAE3552 Evolution of life through geological time
- EAE3562 Ore deposit geology
- EAE3581 Geochemistry
- EAE3591 Applied geophysics
- EAE3900 Landscape, environment and sustainability in Italy
- EAE4100 Earth, atmosphere and environment honours research project
- EAE4110 Earth, atmosphere and environment honours research project part-time A
- EAE4120 Earth, atmosphere and environment honours research project part-time B
- EAE4200 Earth, atmosphere and environment honours coursework
- EAE4210 Earth, atmosphere and environment honours coursework part-time A
- EAE4220 Earth, atmosphere and environment honours coursework part-time B
- EAE5258 Geographical information systems (GIS) for environmental science
- ECB1101 Introductory microeconomics
- ECB1102 Introductory macroeconomics
- ECB2141 Economics of labour markets
- ECB2330 Macroeconomic policy
- ECB2331 Macroeconomic and monetary policy
- ECB2721 Trade finance and foreign exchange
- ECB2730 Macroeconomic policy
- ECB2731 Managerial economics
- ECB3121 Economics of international trade and finance
- ECB3143 Economics of money and banking
- ECB3830 Business, competition and regulation
- ECC1000 Principles of microeconomics
- ECC1100 Principles of macroeconomics
- ECC2000 Intermediate microeconomics
- ECC2010 Intermediate macroeconomics
- ECC2300 Current issues in macroeconomic policy
- ECC2360 Environmental economics
- ECC2400 Current issues in applied microeconomics
- ECC2450 Sports economics
- ECC2510 Economic growth: causes and consequences
- ECC2600 Behavioural economics
- ECC2610 Game theory and strategic thinking
- ECC2800 Prosperity, poverty and sustainability in a globalised world
- ECC2840 Australian economic institutions and policy
- ECC3600 Experimental economics
- ECC3640 Economics of climate change
- ECC3650 Applied general equilibrium economics
- ECC3660 Monetary economics
- ECC3670 Economics of developing countries
- ECC3690 International economics
- ECC3710 Labour economics
- ECC3800 History of economic thought
- ECC3810 Public finance
- ECC3830 Industrial organisation and regulation
- ECC3840 Mathematical economics
- ECC3860 Integrated economic modelling
- ECC4500 Long-run economic change
- ECC4650 Microeconomics
- ECC4660 Macroeconomics
- ECC4670 Economic development
- ECC4690 International trade
- ECC4700 Competition, regulation and policy
- ECC4710 Post-Keynesian economics
- ECC4720 Law and economics
- ECC4750 Financial economics
- ECC4790 Project evaluation
- ECC4810 Public economics
- ECC4830 Welfare economics
- ECC4840 Industrial organisation
- ECC4860 Honours research project
- ECC4870 Health economics
- ECC4990 Economic evaluation of health services
- ECC5010 Special topics in advanced economics
- ECC5470 Competition, regulation and policy
- ECC5475 Financial economics
- ECC5479 Project evaluation
- ECC5484 Industrial organisation
- ECC5650 Microeconomic theory
- ECC5651 Advanced microeconomic theory
- ECC5660 Macroeconomic theory
- ECC5690 Theories in international and development economics
- ECC5800 Economics seminar
- ECC5810 Public economics
- ECC5840 Information, incentives and games
- ECC5850 Mathematical economic theory
- ECC5861 Economics research project
- ECC5900 Microeconomics
- ECC5901 Macroeconomics
- ECC5953 Economics
- ECC6660 Research topics in advanced macroeconomics
- ECC6690 Research topics in open economy
- ECE2011 Signal processing
- ECE2031 Circuits and control
- ECE2041 Telecommunications
- ECE2071 Computer organisation and programming
- ECE2072 Digital systems
- ECE2111 Signals and systems
- ECE2131 Electrical circuits
- ECE2191 Probability models in engineering
- ECE3022 Wireless and guided EM
- ECE3031 Control systems
- ECE3051 Electrical energy systems
- ECE3062 Electronic systems and control
- ECE3073 Computer systems
- ECE3091 Engineering design
- ECE3093 Optimisation estimation and numerical methods
- ECE3121 Engineering electromagnetics
- ECE3141 Information and networks
- ECE3161 Analogue electronics
- ECE4012 Applied digital signal processing
- ECE4023 Radio frequency electronics
- ECE4024 Wireless communications
- ECE4032 Advanced control
- ECE4033 Industrial instrumentation and measurement technologies
- ECE4042 Communications theory
- ECE4043 Optical communications
- ECE4044 Telecommunications protocols
- ECE4045 Network performance
- ECE4053 Electrical energy - generation and supply
- ECE4054 Electrical energy - power converters and motor control
- ECE4055 Electrical energy - power electronic applications
- ECE4058 Electrical energy - high voltage engineering
- ECE4063 Large scale digital design
- ECE4064 Electronic test technology
- ECE4074 Advanced computer architecture
- ECE4075 Real time embedded systems
- ECE4076 Computer vision
- ECE4077 Advanced computing techniques
- ECE4078 Intelligent robotics
- ECE4081 Medical instrumentation
- ECE4084 Biomechanics of human musculoskeletal systems
- ECE4086 Medical imaging technology
- ECE4087 Medical technology innovation
- ECE4094 Project A
- ECE4095 Project B
- ECE4099 Professional practice
- ECE4122 Advanced electromagnetics
- ECE4132 Control system design
- ECE4146 Multimedia Technologies
- ECE4808 Organic electronics and micro devices
- ECE4809 Solid state lighting
- ECE5881 Real-time system design
- ECE5882 Advanced electronics design
- ECE5883 Advanced signal processing
- ECE5884 Wireless communications
- ECE5885 Energy efficient lighting
- ECE5886 Smart grids
- ECE6881 Real-time system design
- ECE6882 Advanced electronics design
- ECE6883 Advanced signal processing
- ECE6884 Wireless communications
- ECE6885 Energy efficient lighting
- ECE6886 Smart grids
- ECF1100 Microeconomics
- ECF1200 Macroeconomics
- ECF2331 Macroeconomic and monetary policy
- ECF2450 Sports economics
- ECF2550 Business in Asia
- ECF2721 Trade finance and foreign exchange
- ECF2731 Managerial economics
- ECF3120 Consumer economics
- ECF3121 Economics of international trade
- ECF3143 Economics of money and banking
- ECF3900 Business, competition and regulation
- ECF5040 Industry economics
- ECF5060 Applied economics research project
- ECF5200 Game theory and business strategy
- ECF5410 Applied microeconomics
- ECF5421 Applied macroeconomics
- ECF5921 International economics
- ECF5922 Trade, finance and foreign exchange
- ECF5923 Macroeconomics and monetary policy
- ECF5927 Managerial economics
- ECF5953 Economics
- ECM2001 Asia in the world economy
- ECM2360 Environmental and natural resource economics
- ECM3670 Development economics
- ECM3810 Public sector economics
- ECM5921 Introduction to international economics
- ECM5953 Economics
- ECS1101 Introductory microeconomics
- ECS1102 Introductory macroeconomics
- ECS2141 Economics of labour markets
- ECS2730 Intermediate macroeconomics
- ECS2731 Intermediate microeconomics
- ECS3121 Economics of international trade
- ECS3143 Economics of money and banking
- ECS3567 Development economics
- ECS3830 Competition and regulation
- ECS5921 Introduction to international economics
- ECW1101 Introductory microeconomics
- ECW1102 Introductory macroeconomics
- ECW2141 Economics of labour markets
- ECW2450 Sports economics
- ECW2451 The business of sport
- ECW2721 Trade finance and foreign exchange
- ECW2730 Macroeconomic policy
- ECW2731 Managerial economics
- ECW3121 Economics of international trade
- ECW3143 Economics of money and banking
- ECW3150 Natural resources and environment
- ECW3291 Multinational trade and investment
- ECW3301 Case studies in international trade
- ECW3567 Development economics
- ECW3830 Business, competition and regulation
- ECX2650 Contemporary economic policy and general equilibrium
- ECX3550 Business in Asia
- EDF1010 Learning in a university context
- EDF1011 Knowledge and context
- EDF1012 Mathematics for tertiary study
- EDF1013 Academic writing
- EDF1028 Information and communication technologies across the curriculum
- EDF1029 Learners with special needs in the primary classroom
- EDF1030 English and literacy learning
- EDF1031 Creative learning in childhood through music and the arts
- EDF1032 Thinking mathematically from an early age
- EDF1033 Education for environment and sustainability
- EDF1038 Introduction to the early childhood education field
- EDF1039 Inclusivity and partnerships in early childhood education
- EDF1051 Early years professional experience 1A
- EDF1052 Early years professional experience 1B
- EDF1053 Primary professional experience 1A
- EDF1054 Primary professional experience 1B
- EDF1055 Secondary professional experience 1A
- EDF1056 Secondary professional experience 1B
- EDF1071 Introduction to health and physical education
- EDF1072 Contemporary issues in health and physical education
- EDF1101 Fieldwork experience 1A
- EDF1102 Fieldwork experience 1B
- EDF1103 Fieldwork experience in outdoor education and environmental studies 1A
- EDF1104 Fieldwork experience in outdoor education and environmental studies 1B
- EDF1151 Fundamentals of the English language
- EDF1152 Reading and writing the world
- EDF1161 Doing and learning mathematics
- EDF1162 Subject knowledge for teaching: Number and algebra
- EDF1171 Sociocultural foundations of health and physical education
- EDF1172 Biophysical and behavioural foundations of health and physical education
- EDF1174 Foundations of outdoor education and environmental studies
- EDF1175 Ways of knowing outdoor environments
- EDF1205 English education 1
- EDF1206 Mathematics education 1
- EDF1303 Understanding learning and learners
- EDF1304 Understanding teaching for learning
- EDF1551 Foundation to inclusive education
- EDF1552 Using assessment to respond to diversity across the school years
- EDF2005 Professional responsibilities, practice and relationships
- EDF2006 Education priorities
- EDF2007 Adolescent development and learning
- EDF2008 Becoming a specialist teacher
- EDF2020 English and literacies 1
- EDF2021 Mathematics and numeracy 1
- EDF2028 Health, wellbeing and social learning in primary contexts
- EDF2029 Active citizenship and community connections: Local and global
- EDF2030 Contemporary child development theories and practices
- EDF2031 Indigenous perspectives on teaching and learning
- EDF2032 Learning through play pedagogies
- EDF2033 Learning with children, their families and communities
- EDF2034 Learning about patterns, shapes and numbers through play
- EDF2035 Health and physical wellbeing in the young child
- EDF2038 Curriculum, assessment and documentation in education
- EDF2039 Children and childhood across time: Policies and practices
- EDF2050 Early years professional experience 2C
- EDF2051 Early years professional experience 2A
- EDF2052 Early years professional experience 2B
- EDF2053 Primary professional experience 2A
- EDF2054 Primary professional experience 2B
- EDF2055 Secondary professional experience 2A
- EDF2056 Secondary professional experience 2B
- EDF2071 Interdisciplinary approaches to health and physical education
- EDF2072 Social and environmental influences on health and physical education
- EDF2101 Professional experience 2A
- EDF2102 Professional experience 2B
- EDF2103 Fieldwork experience in outdoor education and environmental studies 2
- EDF2151 New literacies
- EDF2152 Diverse literacies
- EDF2161 Numeracy and mathematics for learning and life
- EDF2162 Subject knowledge for teaching: Measurement and geometry
- EDF2171 Motor control and skill acquisition
- EDF2172 Applied movement contexts in health and physical education 1
- EDF2173 Perspectives on health
- EDF2174 Outdoor education, learners and contexts
- EDF2175 Human interactions and relationships in outdoor education
- EDF2210 Fostering positive child and adolescent behaviour and development
- EDF2211 Classroom practice
- EDF2214 Science education
- EDF2215 Mathematics education 2
- EDF2551 Understanding behaviour in classrooms and schools
- EDF2552 Learning and teaching for students with diverse needs in various education settings
- EDF3007 Developing multiple literacies in education
- EDF3009 Schooling, education and equity: Local and global perspectives
- EDF3010 Curriculum development and innovative practice
- EDF3021 Mathematics and numeracy 2
- EDF3023 Advanced pedagogy in the primary years A
- EDF3024 Advanced pedagogy in the primary years B
- EDF3025 Studies of science, environment and sustainability
- EDF3029 Play in lifelong learning
- EDF3030 Diversity in child development
- EDF3031 Local and global perspectives in education policy
- EDF3032 Children's literature, storytelling and the arts
- EDF3033 Change and transition in children's education
- EDF3034 Children's literacy development
- EDF3035 Investigating our world: Science, technology and the environment
- EDF3036 Professional studies
- EDF3037 Contemporary theories of learning development
- EDF3038 Professionalism, ethics and interdisciplinary work in education
- EDF3039 Leadership and management in education contexts
- EDF3050 Early years professional experience 3A
- EDF3051 Early years professional experience 3A
- EDF3052 Early years professional experience 3B
- EDF3053 Primary professional experience 3A
- EDF3054 Primary professional experience 3B
- EDF3055 Secondary professional experience 3A
- EDF3056 Secondary professional experience 3B
- EDF3057 Secondary professional experience 3C
- EDF3058 Early years professional experience 3C
- EDF3071 Community development and partnerships
- EDF3072 Leadership, policy and pedagogies in health and physical education
- EDF3073 Health, sustainability and wellbeing
- EDF3101 Professional experience 3A
- EDF3102 Professional experience 3B
- EDF3103 Fieldwork experience in outdoor education and environmental studies 3
- EDF3151 Literacy theory, policy and practice
- EDF3152 Leading English and literacy
- EDF3161 Subject knowledge for teaching: Statistics and probability
- EDF3162 Leading mathematics and numeracy
- EDF3171 Applied movement contexts in health and physical education 2
- EDF3172 Inclusion and diversity in movement contexts
- EDF3173 Food, health and wellbeing
- EDF3174 Experiencing outdoor environments
- EDF3175 Outdoor environments, education and sustainability
- EDF3181 Art, environment and community
- EDF3210 Education policy and practice
- EDF3211 Inclusive education: Teaching diverse learners
- EDF3217 Digital technologies: Teaching, learning and the curriculum
- EDF3218 Curriculum, assessment and evaluation
- EDF3219 English education 2
- EDF3551 Curriculum in inclusive education
- EDF3552 Teaching and learning of students needing increased support
- EDF4004 Curriculum, assessment and education policy
- EDF4006 Transition and professional engagement
- EDF4020 English and literacies 2
- EDF4022 Humanities and social education in the primary years
- EDF4023 Science and technology education in the primary years
- EDF4024 Health and physical education for wellbeing in the primary curriculum
- EDF4026 Arts education in the primary years
- EDF4027 Science education in the primary years
- EDF4028 Understanding place, space and education
- EDF4029 Play in lifelong learning
- EDF4031 Sociology of early childhood
- EDF4032 Contemporary theories of learning development
- EDF4033 Innovation in curriculum and pedagogy in schools
- EDF4034 Educating the young mathematician
- EDF4035 Early childhood learning through new media and technologies
- EDF4036 Innovation in curriculum and pedagogy in schools
- EDF4037 Thinking mathematically in primary education
- EDF4040 Curiosity and powerful learning and teaching
- EDF4041 Professional experience 4A
- EDF4042 Professional experience 4B
- EDF4050 Early years professional experience 4C
- EDF4051 Early years professional experience 4A
- EDF4052 Early years professional experience 4B
- EDF4053 Primary professional experience 4A
- EDF4054 Primary professional experience 4B
- EDF4055 Secondary professional experience 4A
- EDF4056 Secondary professional experience 4B
- EDF4059 Primary professional experience 4C
- EDF4060 Primary professional experience 4D
- EDF4100 Researching teaching and learning
- EDF4101 Research project in education
- EDF4107 Researching teaching and learning
- EDF4108 Research project in education
- EDF4120 Learning at the heart of teaching
- EDF4121 Teaching: The power to change
- EDF4122 Teaching partnerships: Working with families and communities
- EDF4123 Literacy across the years
- EDF4171 Advanced sport and exercise science
- EDF4205 Initiatives in health education
- EDF4251 Creative arts education
- EDF4253 Humanities and social sciences education in the primary and secondary years
- EDF4254 Developing literacy and numeracy across the curriculum
- EDF4260 Curriculum, assessment and evaluation
- EDF4266 English education 3
- EDF4267 Mathematics education 3
- EDF4268 Health and physical education
- EDF4269 Secondary pedagogy B
- EDF4511 English as an additional language (EAL) in content areas
- EDF4512 Gifted education
- EDF4530 Lifespan development and counsellor identity
- EDF4531 Professional practice in counselling
- EDF4532 Introduction to mental health issues
- EDF4533 Counselling children and adolescents
- EDF4536 Counselling practice and theory
- EDF4537 Human growth and lifespan development
- EDF4538 Mental health issues: Grief, trauma and substance abuse
- EDF4539 Counselling in a multicultural context
- EDF4551 Collaborative principles, partnerships and procedures
- EDF4600 Developmental psychology and wellbeing
- EDF4601 Ethics and professional issues
- EDF4602 Psychological assessment
- EDF4603 Behaviour change interventions for practitioners
- EDF4604 Research project
- EDF4605 Introduction to counselling psychology
- EDF4610 Interacting with research in education contexts
- EDF4611 Investigating education issues in global contexts
- EDF4803 Senior secondary physical education
- EDF4804 Senior secondary health education
- EDF5016 Inclusive teaching
- EDF5017 Numeracy for learners and teachers
- EDF5018 Curriculum, assessment and reporting
- EDF5019 Teacher as professional leader
- EDF5020 Early years numeracy and critical thinking
- EDF5021 Lenses on child development
- EDF5022 Science, technology and sustainability in early years
- EDF5023 Creative development for children
- EDF5024 Play and pedagogy
- EDF5025 Early childhood policy transformations
- EDF5026 Early years wellbeing and workplace safety
- EDF5030 Science education in the primary years
- EDF5031 Literacy and English education in the primary years
- EDF5032 Numeracy and mathematics education in the primary years
- EDF5033 Humanities and social sciences education in the primary years
- EDF5034 Arts and design education in the primary years
- EDF5035 Health and physical education in the primary years
- EDF5036 Arts, design and health education in the primary years
- EDF5040 Navigating youth transitions: Learning, work, and identity
- EDF5041 Engaging adolescent learners
- EDF5121 Accounting education in the secondary years A
- EDF5122 Accounting education in the secondary years B
- EDF5123 Biology education in the secondary years A
- EDF5124 Biology education in the secondary years B
- EDF5125 Business management education in the secondary years A
- EDF5126 Business management education in the secondary years B
- EDF5127 Chemistry education in the secondary years A
- EDF5128 Chemistry education in the secondary years B
- EDF5129 Drama education in the secondary years A
- EDF5130 Drama education in the secondary years B
- EDF5131 Economics education in the secondary years A
- EDF5132 Economics education in the secondary years B
- EDF5133 English as an additional language (EAL) education in the secondary years A
- EDF5134 English as an additional language (EAL) education in the secondary years B
- EDF5135 English education in the secondary years A
- EDF5136 English education in the secondary years B
- EDF5137 General science education in the secondary years A
- EDF5138 General science education in the secondary years B
- EDF5139 Geography education in the secondary years A
- EDF5140 Geography education in the secondary years B
- EDF5141 Health education in the secondary years A
- EDF5142 Health education in the secondary years B
- EDF5143 History education in the secondary years A
- EDF5144 History education in the secondary years B
- EDF5145 Digital technologies in the secondary years A
- EDF5146 Digital technologies in the secondary years B
- EDF5151 Honours thesis part 1
- EDF5152 Honours thesis part 2
- EDF5153 Honours thesis extension 1
- EDF5154 Honours thesis extension 2
- EDF5155 Languages education in the secondary years A
- EDF5156 Languages education in the secondary years B
- EDF5157 Languages education A
- EDF5158 Languages education B
- EDF5159 Legal studies education in the secondary years A
- EDF5160 Legal studies education in the secondary years B
- EDF5161 Mathematics education in the secondary years A
- EDF5162 Mathematics education in the secondary years B
- EDF5163 Media education in the secondary years A
- EDF5164 Media education in the secondary years B
- EDF5165 Music education in the secondary years 1A
- EDF5166 Music education in the secondary years 1B
- EDF5167 Music education in the secondary years 2A
- EDF5168 Music education in the secondary years 2B
- EDF5169 Outdoor education in the secondary years A
- EDF5170 Outdoor education in the secondary years B
- EDF5171 Physical education in the secondary years A
- EDF5172 Physical education in the secondary years B
- EDF5173 Physics education in the secondary years A
- EDF5174 Physics education in the secondary years B
- EDF5175 Psychology education in the secondary years A
- EDF5176 Psychology education in the secondary years B
- EDF5177 Social education in the secondary years A
- EDF5178 Social education in the secondary years B
- EDF5179 Visual art and design education in the secondary years 1A
- EDF5180 Visual art and design education in the secondary years 1B
- EDF5181 Visual art and design education in the secondary years 2A
- EDF5182 Visual art and design education in the secondary years 2B
- EDF5183 Teaching specialism in secondary education A
- EDF5184 Teaching specialism in secondary education B
- EDF5301 Introduction to STEM education
- EDF5302 Content, pedagogy and pedagogical content knowledge in STEM education
- EDF5303 Digital foundations of STEM education
- EDF5304 Contemporary practices of STEM education
- EDF5307 Leading schools 1
- EDF5308 Leading schools 2
- EDF5309 Education leadership project
- EDF5513 Evidence-based counselling in practice
- EDF5514 Applied psychological assessment and psychopathology
- EDF5515 Applied ethics and research practice
- EDF5516 Clinical and therapeutic interventions
- EDF5517 Professional experience in psychology
- EDF5530 Counselling skills for individuals, couples and groups
- EDF5531 Cognitive behaviour therapies
- EDF5532 Ethics for counsellors
- EDF5533 Advanced counselling practice
- EDF5534 Supervised professional counselling practice
- EDF5540 Children and adolescents counselling
- EDF5541 Personnel and career development counselling
- EDF5542 Counselling skills: Individuals and couples
- EDF5543 Ethics and professional issues in counselling and psychology
- EDF5544 Group counselling skills and psychotherapy
- EDF5545 Cognitive behaviour therapy
- EDF5546 Advanced personnel and career development counselling
- EDF5547 Counselling research design, statistics and program evaluation
- EDF5551 Psychological assessment and measurement
- EDF5552 Counselling practicum
- EDF5553 Research project in counselling
- EDF5554 Counselling internship
- EDF5613 Research approaches in education
- EDF5614 Research project in education
- EDF5620 Leading education and work
- EDF5621 Challenging curriculum, pedagogy and assessment
- EDF5622 Developing learners and learning
- EDF5623 Deepening education and sustainability
- EDF5632 Understanding inclusion in learning communities
- EDF5635 Leading capable organisations
- EDF5636 Leading organisational decision making
- EDF5637 Inner leadership: Understanding self and others
- EDF5640 Language, culture and curriculum
- EDF5641 Pedagogy and assessment in TESOL
- EDF5642 Bilingualism and content-based programs
- EDF5645 Educating the gifted
- EDF5646 Talent development and diversity
- EDF5647 Technology and education key issues and debates
- EDF5648 Instructional design: Harnessing digital technologies for learning
- EDF5649 Language and literacies across educational contexts
- EDF5650 Literacy leadership in schools, workplaces and communities
- EDF5651 Developing expertise in mathematics education
- EDF5652 Understanding research and leadership in science education
- EDF5653 Research perspectives in music education
- EDF5654 Teaching music: Theory and practice
- EDF5655 Expertise in teaching
- EDF5656 Practising inclusion
- EDF5657 Indigenous perspectives in professional practice
- EDF5658 Young people: Culture, communities and education
- EDF5659 Building partnerships with families and communities
- EDF5661 Designing learning for adults
- EDF5662 Leading local, rural and regional learning and participation
- EDF5663 Education and globalisation in the Asian century
- EDF5664 Learning through participation
- EDF5665 Environmental education, design and learning for sustainability
- EDF5666 Education, development and ecological sustainability
- EDF5667 Positive behaviour support
- EDF5670 Leadership studies
- EDF5671 Leadership challenge project
- EDF5672 Leadership in educational technology practices
- EDF5673 Leading mathematics and numeracy education
- EDF5674 Engaging with practices of contemporary science
- EDF5680 Behaviour analysis: Concepts and foundations
- EDF5681 Behaviour analysis: Implementation and experimental methods
- EDF5682 Applications of behaviour analysis in diverse contexts
- EDF5691 Professional project
- EDF5692 Professional practice in special and inclusive education
- EDF5693 Using and evaluating research evidence
- EDF5694 Taking a stand in education debates
- EDF5695 Self-study as professional inquiry
- EDF5696 Professional practice for teachers of TESOL
- EDF5699 Extended teaching practice
- EDF5720 Developmental psychology and counselling and research
- EDF5721 Clinical interventions in educational and developmental psychology
- EDF5722 Cognitive, personality and educational assessment
- EDF5723 Exceptionality: Assessment and intervention
- EDF5731 Clinical placement in psychology 1
- EDF5732 Clinical placement in psychology 2
- EDF5733 Clinical placement in psychology 3
- EDF5741 Psychology thesis part 1
- EDF5742 Psychology thesis part 2
- EDF5743 Psychology thesis extension
- EDF5810 VCAL and VET at school
- EDF5814 Creative research approaches
- EDF5904 Children, families, communities
- EDF5905 Early years literacy and numeracy
- EDF5925 Early years professional experience 1
- EDF5926 Early years professional experience 2
- EDF5927 Early years professional experience 3
- EDF5928 Early years professional experience 4
- EDF5931 Primary professional experience 1
- EDF5932 Primary professional experience 2
- EDF5933 Primary professional experience 3
- EDF5934 Primary professional experience 4
- EDF5935 Primary professional experience 5
- EDF5936 Primary professional experience 6
- EDF5941 Secondary professional experience 1
- EDF5942 Secondary professional experience 2
- EDF5943 Secondary professional experience 3
- EDF5944 Secondary professional experience 4
- ENE1621 Environmental engineering
- ENE2503 Materials properties and recycling
- ENE3048 Energy and the environment
- ENE3606 The air environment
- ENE3608 Environmental impact assessment and management systems
- ENE4607 Environmental risk assessment
- ENG1001 Engineering design: Lighter, faster, stronger
- ENG1002 Engineering design: Cleaner, safer, smarter
- ENG1003 Engineering mobile apps
- ENG1005 Engineering mathematics
- ENG1021 Spatial communication in engineering
- ENG1051 Materials for energy and sustainability
- ENG1060 Computing for engineers
- ENG1081 Physics for engineering
- ENG1090 Foundation mathematics
- ENG1210 Introduction to structural engineering
- ENG1211 Introduction to engineering systems
- ENG2005 Advanced engineering mathematics
- ENG2202 Steel structures
- ENG2203 Concrete structures
- ENG2204 Water systems
- ENG2206 Introduction to geoengineering
- ENG2207 Waterway engineering
- ENG2801 Leadership and innovation
- ENG4001 Special studies in engineering 1
- ENG4002 Special studies in engineering 2
- ENG4700 Engineering technology for biomedical imaging and sensing
- ENG5001 Advanced engineering data analysis
- ENG5002 Engineering entrepreneurship
- ENG5003 Advanced design project A
- ENG5004 Advanced design project B
- ENG5005 Engineering project A
- ENG5006 Engineering project B
- ENG5007 Translation and commercialisation of medical technologies
- ENG5008 Work integrated learning
- ENG5881 Minor project
- ENG6001 Advanced engineering data analysis
- ENG6002 Engineering entrepreneurship
- ENG6007 Translation and commercialisation of medical technologies
- ENS5010 Global challenges and sustainability
- ENS5020 Perspectives on sustainability
- ENS5310 Securing biodiversity and ecosystems
- ENS5320 Climate change, energy and human security
- ENS5330 Water security and environmental pollution
- ENS5510 Processes to influence change
- ENS5520 Understanding human behaviour to influence change
- ENS5530 Leading change for sustainable development
- ENS5900 Research project in environment and sustainability
- ENS5901 Research project in environment and sustainability A
- ENS5902 Research project in environment and sustainability B
- ENS5910 Interdisciplinary project for sustainable development solutions
- ENS5920 Environment and sustainability project
- ENS5930 Sustainability internship
- ENV1800 Environmental science: A Southeast Asian perspective
- ENV2022 Environmental field skills and monitoring
- ENV2726 Ecosystems and bioresources
- ENV2757 Environmental health
- ENV2792 Mathematical models of the environment
- ENV3022 Environmental technology
- ENV3639 Minerals and energy
- ENV3711 Natural area management
- EPM5001 Health indicators and health surveys
- EPM5002 Mathematical background for biostatistics
- EPM5003 Principles of statistical inference
- EPM5004 Linear models
- EPM5005 Data management and statistical computing
- EPM5006 Clinical biostatistics
- EPM5007 Design of randomised controlled trials
- EPM5008 Longitudinal and correlated data analysis
- EPM5009 Categorical data and generalised linear models
- EPM5010 Survival analysis
- EPM5011 Biostatistics practical project: double unit
- EPM5012 Bioinformatics
- EPM5013 Bayesian statistical methods
- EPM5014 Probability and distribution theory
- EPM5015 Biostatistics practical project: single unit
- EPM5023 Foundations of international health
- EPP2032 Paramedic clinical practice
- EPP3011 Paramedic management of mental health
- EPP3012 Clinical education, leadership and emergency preparedness
- EPP3021 Paramedic management of respiratory conditions
- EPP3022 Extended care paramedic practice
- EPP3030 Integrated clinical practice
- EPP3031 Paramedic management of medical conditions
- EPP3032 Paramedic management of maternal and neonatal health
- ESC3340 Geophysics: Special topics
- ETB1100 Business statistics
- ETB2111 Business data modelling
- ETC1000 Business and economic statistics
- ETC1010 Data modelling and computing
- ETC2410 Introductory econometrics
- ETC2420 Statistical thinking
- ETC2430 Actuarial statistics
- ETC2440 Mathematics for economics and business
- ETC2450 Applied forecasting for business and economics
- ETC2470 Applied business modelling
- ETC2480 Business modelling methods
- ETC2500 Marketing research analysis
- ETC2520 Probability and statistical inference for economics and business
- ETC3250 Business analytics
- ETC3400 Principles of econometrics
- ETC3410 Applied econometrics
- ETC3420 Applied insurance methods
- ETC3430 Financial mathematics under uncertainty
- ETC3440 Introductory econometrics
- ETC3450 Time series analysis for business and economics
- ETC3460 Financial econometrics
- ETC3490 Risk and business modelling
- ETC3500 Survey data analysis
- ETC3510 Modelling in finance and insurance
- ETC3530 Contingencies in insurance and pensions
- ETC3550 Applied forecasting for business and economics
- ETC3555 Statistical machine learning
- ETC3580 Advanced statistical modelling
- ETC4010 Special reading unit in econometrics honours
- ETC4110 Actuarial practice 1
- ETC4120 Actuarial practice 2
- ETC4130 Asset liability management
- ETC4400 Econometric theory
- ETC4410 Applied econometrics 2
- ETC4420 Microeconometrics
- ETC4430 Quantitative economic policy
- ETC4460 Financial econometrics 2
- ETC4541 Bayesian time series econometrics
- ETC4860 Honours research project
- ETC5010 Special reading unit 2
- ETC5020 Special reading unit 3
- ETC5242 Statistical thinking
- ETC5252 Probability and statistical inference for economics and business
- ETC5340 Principles of econometrics
- ETC5341 Applied econometrics
- ETC5342 Applied insurance methods
- ETC5343 Financial mathematics under uncertainty
- ETC5345 Time series analysis for business and economics
- ETC5346 Financial econometrics
- ETC5351 Modelling in finance and insurance
- ETC5353 Insurance and pensions
- ETC5400 Research topics in econometrics
- ETC5410 Bayesian time series econometrics
- ETC5420 Microeconometrics
- ETC5440 Econometric theory
- ETC5441 Applied econometrics 2
- ETC5443 Quantitative economic policy
- ETC5460 Financial econometrics 2
- ETC5470 Econometrics graduate seminar
- ETC5860 Research paper
- ETC5900 Business statistics
- ETF1100 Business statistics
- ETF2011 Quantitative methods for risk analysis
- ETF2100 Introductory econometrics
- ETF2121 Data analysis in business
- ETF2480 Business modelling
- ETF2700 Mathematics for business
- ETF3200 Applied econometrics
- ETF3231 Business forecasting
- ETF3300 Quantitative methods for financial markets
- ETF3480 Optimisation for managers
- ETF3500 High dimensional data analysis
- ETF3600 Quantitative models for business research
- ETF5010 Special reading unit 2
- ETF5020 Special reading unit 3
- ETF5200 Applied time series econometrics
- ETF5231 Business forecasting
- ETF5300 Applied financial econometrics
- ETF5320 Applied econometrics
- ETF5330 Quantitative methods for financial markets
- ETF5400 Econometric theory
- ETF5410 Special topics in econometrics
- ETF5480 Optimisation for managers
- ETF5500 High dimensional data analysis
- ETF5550 Research project
- ETF5555 Minor thesis
- ETF5600 Quantitative models for business research
- ETF5650 Business optimisation skills
- ETF5900 Business statistics
- ETF5910 Introductory applied econometrics
- ETF5912 Data analysis in business
- ETF5922 Data visualisation and analytics
- ETF5930 Financial econometrics
- ETF5952 Quantitative methods for risk analysis
- ETF5970 Mathematics for business
- ETM5900 Business statistics
- ETS1102 Business statistics
- ETS1200 Quantitative methods for business
- ETS2000 Advanced quantitative methods
- ETS2010 Introductory probability theory
- ETS2111 Business data modelling
- ETS2410 Introductory econometrics
- ETS3410 Applied econometrics
- ETW1000 Business and economic statistics
- ETW1010 Data modelling and computing
- ETW1102 Business statistics
- ETW2111 Business data modelling
- ETW2410 Introductory econometrics
- ETW2420 Survey methods and managerial statistics
- ETW2472 Project management analytics
- ETW2480 Business modelling methods
- ETW3410 Applied econometrics
- ETW3420 Principles of forecasting and applications
- ETW3481 Econometric methods for finance
- ETW3482 Data mining for business
- ETW3483 Enterprise analytics
- ETX2011 Quantitative methods for risk analysis
- ETX2121 Data analysis in business
- ETX2250 Data visualisation and analytics
- ETX3231 Business forecasting
- ETX5440 Econometric theory
- ETX5443 Quantitative economic policy
- ETX5934 Introductory econometrics
- ETX6500 Statistical inference
- ETX6510 Foundations of econometrics