Units by Code - F - 2018

  • FBS5001 Fundamentals of forensic behavioural science
  • FBS5002 The role of mental health in criminal offending
  • FBS5004 Developmental aspects of forensic behavioural science
  • FBS5005 The assessment and management of problem behaviours
  • FIT1003 IT in organisations
  • FIT1006 Business information analysis
  • FIT1008 Introduction to computer science
  • FIT1013 Digital futures: IT for business
  • FIT1033 Foundations of 3D
  • FIT1040 Digital futures: adventures in programming
  • FIT1043 Introduction to data science
  • FIT1044 Mobile communications 1
  • FIT1045 Algorithms and programming fundamentals in python
  • FIT1046 Interactive media foundations
  • FIT1047 Introduction to computer systems, networks and security
  • FIT1048 Fundamentals of C++
  • FIT1049 IT professional practice
  • FIT1050 Web fundamentals
  • FIT1051 Programming fundamentals in java
  • FIT1052 Digital futures: IT shaping society
  • FIT1053 Algorithms and programming in python (advanced)
  • FIT1054 Computer science (advanced)
  • FIT2001 Systems development
  • FIT2002 IT project management
  • FIT2004 Algorithms and data structures
  • FIT2005 Software analysis, design and architecture
  • FIT2009 Data structures and algorithms
  • FIT2014 Theory of computation
  • FIT2017 Computer models for business decision making
  • FIT2020 Network architecture
  • FIT2027 Systems design and implementation
  • FIT2032 Industry-based learning
  • FIT2033 Computer models for business decisions
  • FIT2034 Computer programming 2
  • FIT2065 Operating systems and the Unix environment
  • FIT2069 Computer architecture
  • FIT2072 Educational multimedia
  • FIT2073 Game design studio 1
  • FIT2074 Technology, information and organisations
  • FIT2077 Advanced data management
  • FIT2081 Mobile application development
  • FIT2082 Computer science research project
  • FIT2083 Innovation and research in computer science
  • FIT2085 Introduction to computer science for engineers
  • FIT2086 Modelling for data analysis
  • FIT2087 Advanced 3D
  • FIT2089 Mobile networks
  • FIT2090 Business information systems and processes
  • FIT2091 Interactive media studio 1
  • FIT2092 Interactive media studio 2
  • FIT2093 Introduction to cyber security
  • FIT2094 Databases
  • FIT2095 e-Business software technologies
  • FIT2096 Games programming 1
  • FIT2097 Games programming 2
  • FIT2098 Virtual and augmented reality
  • FIT2099 Object oriented design and implementation
  • FIT2100 Operating systems
  • FIT2101 Software engineering process and management
  • FIT2102 Programming paradigms
  • FIT2104 Web database interface
  • FIT2105 Creative computing: understanding art, science and technology
  • FIT2107 Software quality and testing
  • FIT2108 Industry based learning seminar
  • FIT3002 Applications of data mining
  • FIT3003 Business intelligence and data warehousing
  • FIT3008 Advanced digital video
  • FIT3013 Formal specification for software engineering
  • FIT3019 Information systems management
  • FIT3020 Information visualisation
  • FIT3021 Infrastructure for e-commerce
  • FIT3027 Android and iOS development
  • FIT3031 Information and network security
  • FIT3036 Computer science project
  • FIT3037 Software engineering
  • FIT3039 Studio project 1
  • FIT3040 Studio project 2
  • FIT3042 System tools and programming languages
  • FIT3045 Industry-based learning
  • FIT3046 Operating environments
  • FIT3047 Industry experience studio project 1
  • FIT3048 Industry experience studio project 2
  • FIT3077 Software engineering: Architecture and design
  • FIT3080 Intelligent systems
  • FIT3081 Image processing
  • FIT3083 e-Business software technologies
  • FIT3088 Computer graphics
  • FIT3094 Artificial life, artificial intelligence and virtual environments
  • FIT3098 Social informatics
  • FIT3130 Computer network design and deployment
  • FIT3134 Entrepreneurship
  • FIT3136 IT governance and strategy for business
  • FIT3138 Real time enterprise systems
  • FIT3139 Computational science
  • FIT3140 Advanced programming
  • FIT3142 Distributed computing
  • FIT3143 Parallel computing
  • FIT3144 Advanced computer science research project
  • FIT3145 Game design studio 2
  • FIT3146 Emergent technologies and interfaces
  • FIT3152 Data analytics
  • FIT3153 Research-based learning
  • FIT3154 Advanced data analysis
  • FIT3155 Advanced data structures and algorithms
  • FIT3156 Advanced visual effects
  • FIT3157 Advanced web design
  • FIT3158 Business decision modelling
  • FIT3159 Computer architecture
  • FIT3161 Computer science project 1
  • FIT3162 Computer science project 2
  • FIT3163 Data science project 1
  • FIT3164 Data science project 2
  • FIT3165 Computer networks
  • FIT3168 IT forensics
  • FIT3169 Immersive environments
  • FIT3170 Software engineering practice
  • FIT3171 Databases
  • FIT3172 Sonics
  • FIT3173 Software security
  • FIT3174 IT strategy and governance
  • FIT3175 Usability
  • FIT3176 Advanced database design
  • FIT3178 Advanced mobile applications
  • FIT3179 Data visualisation
  • FIT3180 Data management for health informatics
  • FIT3199 Industry work experience
  • FIT4000 Honours thesis extension
  • FIT4002 Software engineering industry experience studio project
  • FIT4003 Software engineering research project
  • FIT4004 System validation and verification, quality and standards
  • FIT4005 Research methods in information technology
  • FIT4007 Advanced topics in information systems
  • FIT4008 Reading unit
  • FIT4009 Advanced topics in intelligent systems
  • FIT4010 Advanced topics in algorithms and discrete structures
  • FIT4012 Advanced topics in computational science
  • FIT4039 Android and iOS development
  • FIT4042 Industry-based learning
  • FIT4165 Computer networks
  • FIT4441 Honours thesis part 1
  • FIT4442 Honours thesis part 2
  • FIT4443 Honours thesis part 3
  • FIT4444 Honours thesis final
  • FIT4448 Honours thesis final
  • FIT5000 Minor thesis extension
  • FIT5003 Software security
  • FIT5010 Network protocols standards
  • FIT5011 Network design and performance
  • FIT5032 Internet applications development
  • FIT5034 Quality of service and network management
  • FIT5037 Network security
  • FIT5042 Enterprise application development for the web
  • FIT5046 Mobile and distributed computing systems
  • FIT5047 Intelligent systems
  • FIT5057 Project management
  • FIT5083 Network infrastructure
  • FIT5086 Organisational informatics
  • FIT5088 Information and knowledge management systems
  • FIT5090 Social informatics
  • FIT5094 IT for management decision making
  • FIT5097 Business intelligence modelling
  • FIT5101 Enterprise systems
  • FIT5102 IT strategy and governance
  • FIT5104 Information and knowledge management professional practice
  • FIT5105 Information access and use
  • FIT5106 Information organisation
  • FIT5107 Recordkeeping Informatics
  • FIT5108 Reading unit
  • FIT5109 Research topic
  • FIT5111 Information systems development practices
  • FIT5120 Industry experience studio project
  • FIT5122 Professional practice
  • FIT5124 Advanced topics in security
  • FIT5125 IT research methods
  • FIT5126 Masters thesis part 1
  • FIT5127 Masters thesis part 2
  • FIT5128 Masters thesis final
  • FIT5129 Enterprise IT security - planning, operations and management
  • FIT5133 Enterprise architecture and management
  • FIT5136 Software engineering
  • FIT5137 Database analysis and processing
  • FIT5138 Advanced software engineering
  • FIT5139 Advanced distributed and parallel systems
  • FIT5140 Advanced mobile systems
  • FIT5141 Advanced topics in information technology
  • FIT5142 Advanced data mining
  • FIT5143 IT research methods
  • FIT5144 Research strategies and skills
  • FIT5145 Introduction to data science
  • FIT5146 Data curation and management
  • FIT5147 Data exploration and visualisation
  • FIT5148 Big data management and processing
  • FIT5149 Applied data analysis
  • FIT5152 User interface design and usability
  • FIT5159 IT for financial decisions
  • FIT5160 Business process modelling, design and simulation
  • FIT5163 Information and computer security
  • FIT5166 Information retrieval systems
  • FIT5168 Semi-structured data management
  • FIT5170 Programming for distributed, parallel and mobile systems
  • FIT5171 System validation and verification, quality and standards
  • FIT5178 Applied project management
  • FIT5183 Mobile and distributed computing systems
  • FIT5186 Intelligent systems
  • FIT5187 Wireless networks
  • FIT5190 Introduction to IT research methods
  • FIT5191 Network protocols and network security
  • FIT5192 Enterprise and internet applications development
  • FIT5194 Computer based global project management
  • FIT5195 Business intelligence and data warehousing
  • FIT5196 Data wrangling
  • FIT5197 Modelling for data analysis
  • FIT5201 Data analysis algorithms
  • FIT5202 Data processing for big data
  • FIT5203 Community informatics
  • FIT5204 Digital Heritage
  • FIT5205 Data in society
  • FIT5206 Digital continuity
  • FIT5207 Data for sustainability
  • FIT5210 Masters thesis
  • FIT5211 Algorithms and data structures
  • FIT5212 Data analysis for semi-structured data
  • FIT5213 Advanced data analytics case study
  • FIT6021 Advanced research methods
  • FIT9027 Website authoring
  • FIT9123 Introduction to business information systems
  • FIT9130 Systems analysis and design
  • FIT9131 Programming foundations in Java
  • FIT9132 Introduction to databases
  • FIT9133 Programming foundations in python
  • FIT9134 Computer architecture and operating systems
  • FIT9135 Data communications
  • FNA1111 Introduction to contemporary practices 1
  • FNA1112 Introduction to contemporary practices 2
  • FNA2003 3D digital modelling for artists
  • FNA2111 Contemporary practices 3
  • FNA2112 Contemporary practices 4
  • FNA2903 Art and design in film
  • FNA3111 Contemporary practices 5
  • FNA3112 Contemporary practices 6
  • FNA3903 Film practice
  • FNA4001 Project studies (fine art honours)
  • FNA4002 Major project (fine art honours)
  • FNA4011 Studio methodology
  • FOR4001 Medical evidence
  • FOR4002 Injury interpretation
  • FOR4003 Ethics, medicine and the law
  • FOR4004 Elements of the forensic sciences
  • FOR5005 Adult sexual assault
  • FOR5006 Traffic medicine
  • FOR5007 Elements of forensic toxicology
  • FOR5008 Custodial medicine
  • FOR5009 Advanced issues in sexual violence
  • FOR5010 Project in forensic medicine
  • FOR5011 Advanced issues in non-accidental injury of children
  • FOR5012 Child and adolescent sexual abuse
  • FOR5013 Non accidental injury in childhood
  • FOR5014 Elements of forensic odontology
  • FOR5015 Post mortem dental identification: Principles and methods
  • FOR5016 Clinical forensic odontology
  • FOR5017 Disaster victim identification (DVI): Principles and methods
  • FOR5018 Elements of forensic anthropology
  • FOR5020 Forensic cross sectional imaging
  • FOR5021 Mortuary technical science
  • FOR5022 Advanced methods in forensic science: emerging trends and issues
  • FOR5023 Quality management in the forensic sciences
  • FOR5025 Forensic pharmacology
  • FPA5004 Autopsy practice
  • FPA5007 Death investigation
  • FST1800 Fundamentals of food and sensory science
  • FST2810 Food bioprocess technology
  • FST3711 Food and industrial microbiology
  • FST3800 Food science internship
  • FST3810 Human nutrition
  • FST3820 Food preservation
  • FST3830 Functional foods
  • FST3840 Food processing
  • FST3850 Food product development
  • FST4100 Food science and technology research project
  • FST4280 Honours coursework in food science and technology