- SCI1020 Introduction to statistical reasoning
- SCI1200 Humans, evolution and modern society
- SCI1300 Climate change: From science to society
- SCI1501 Impact through science 1A
- SCI1502 Impact through science 1B
- SCI1800 The sustainable planet
- SCI2010 Scientific practice and communication
- SCI2015 Scientific practice and communication (advanced)
- SCI2501 Impact through science 2A
- SCI2502 Impact through science 2B
- SCI3501 Impact through science 3A
- SCI3502 Impact through science 3B
- SCI3716 Laboratory and workplace management
- SCI3790 Science in action communication project
- SCI3800 Science internship
- SCI3910 Schools science project
- SCI3920 Science internship
- SCI3930 Career skills for scientists
- SCI3990 Science in action research project
- SCI4100 Science honours project
- SCI4110 Science honours project
- SCI4120 Science honours project
- SCI4210 Science honours coursework
- SCI4220 Science honours coursework
- SCI4230 Science honours coursework
- SCI4240 Science honours coursework
- SCI4501 Impact through science 4A: Research
- SCI4502 Impact through science 4B: Professional practice
- SCU1021 Contemporary casting
- SCU1022 Sculptural construction: Woodworking and welding
- SCU1611 Sculpture practice and theory 1A
- SCU1612 Sculpture practice and theory 2A
- SCU1631 Sculpture practice and theory 1B
- SCU1642 Sculpture practice and theory 2B
- SCU2021 Advanced moulding and casting
- SCU2022 Site specificity: Sculptural and installation interventions
- SCU2613 Sculpture practice and theory 3A
- SCU2614 Sculpture practice and theory 4A
- SCU2623 Sculpture practice and theory 3B
- SCU2624 Sculpture practice and theory 4B
- SCU3615 Sculpture practice and theory 5
- SCU3616 Sculpture practice and theory 6
- SON4000 Physics of medical ultrasound and instrumentation
- SON4010 Embryology, anatomy and pathophysiology
- SON5000 Ultrasound research
- SON5020 Sonographic professional skills and sonography of the breast and thyroid
- SON5021 Sonographic abdominal imaging
- SON5022 Sonographic imaging of the reproductive system
- SON5023 Obstetric sonography
- SON5024 Musculoskeletal, neonatal and paediatric sonography
- SON5025 Sonographic vascular and postoperative imaging
- SRH3001 Health and health care planning for communities
- SRH5000 Health and health care planning for communities
- SRH5001 Research methods for health
- SRH5003 Designing and conducting health research
- SRH5032 Applied research for health practitioners
- STA1010 Statistical methods for science
- STA2216 Data analysis for science
- SWK1011 Introduction to human services practice
- SWK2001 Introduction to the Australian welfare state
- SWK2110 Social welfare and the law
- SWK2140 Social welfare and practice with communities
- SWK3080 Planning for supervised professional practice placement 1
- SWK3180 Supervised professional practice 1
- SWK3220 Social work: Orientation to practice
- SWK3230 Social work research
- SWK3310 Social welfare practice and research
- SWK3400 Critical social work 1: Individuals and families (context and practice)
- SWK3410 Critical social work 2: Community work, context and practice
- SWK3440 Leadership in social work and human services
- SWK4001 Honours research methods
- SWK4002 Honours project seminar
- SWK4003 Social work honours dissertation
- SWK4030 Human rights, legal and ethics knowledge for social work practice
- SWK4031 Working with complexity
- SWK4032 Working with complexity: Honours
- SWK4060 Planning for supervised professional practice placement 2
- SWK4400 Critical social work 3: Group work and community engagement (context and practice)
- SWK4401 Critical social work 4: Individual, health and society (context and practice)
- SWK4450 Social policy and social justice
- SWK4451 Social policy and social justice: Honours
- SWK4560 Supervised professional practice 2
- SWM5003 Planning for supervised professional practice placement 1
- SWM5008 Planning for supervised professional practice placement 2
- SWM5100 Social work: Fields of practice
- SWM5101 Human rights, law and ethics contexts for social work practice
- SWM5102 Critical social work 1: Frameworks for practice with children and families
- SWM5103 Supervised professional practice 1
- SWM5104 Critical social work 2: Frameworks for practice in health and mental health
- SWM5105 Social work practice and research
- SWM5106 Critical social work 3: Community engagement group project
- SWM5108 Supervised professional practice 2
- SWM5109 Critical social work 4: Social policy, social change and community practice
- SWM5110 Advances in direct social work practice
- SWM5111 Leadership in social work and human services
- SWM5112 Research for social work practice
- SWM5113 Critical social work 3: Group work and social work leadership
- SWM5120 Criminology and social work
- SWM5160 The child in society: Promoting children's wellbeing and responding to child maltreatment
- SWM5170 Applied research study
- SWM5180 Management of human resources in the social services
- SWM5190 Social work research
- SWM5200 Social work in a hospital context
- SWM5220 Longevity and social work
- SWM5241 Mental health practice
- SWM5250 Clinical supervision: Becoming a professional developer
- SWM5260 Social work in post disaster sites