[3] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W]
Subjects indexed by subject name: E
- EDF4011: ESL in the Mainstream
- EDF3504: Early childhood expressive arts
- EDF3501: Early childhood literacy and studies of society
- EDF4501: Early childhood mathematics, science and technology
- EDF2507: Early childhood teaching studies 1
- EDF2508: Early childhood teaching studies 2
- EDF3507: Early childhood teaching studies 3
- EDF3508: Early childhood teaching studies 4
- EDF4507: Early childhood teaching studies 5
- EDF4508: Early childhood teaching studies 6
- ESC4000: Earth sciences honours
- ESC3200: Earth sciences project
- ASP1010: Earth to cosmos: introductory astronomy
- COS2650: East Asia and the politics of difference
- COS3650: East Asia and the politics of difference
- PLT2250: East Asia and the politics of difference
- PLT3250: East Asia and the politics of difference
- GSC3501: East Asian history
- BIO3112: Ecological management of biological resources
- ENV414F: Ecological systems and management
- BIO2011: Ecology
- BIO3092: Ecology and evolution of the Australian vegetation
- RLM4110: Ecology, gender and the sacred
- RLM5110: Ecology, gender and the sacred
- ETC3400: Econometric theory
- ETC3404: Econometric theory
- ETC4400: Econometric theory
- ETC2400: Econometrics
- ETC3470: Econometrics (pre-honours)
- ETC5470: Econometrics graduate seminar
- ETC4020: Econometrics honours
- ECG3140: Economic development
- ECG9140: Economic development
- ECC2890: Economic development of East Asia
- ECW2890: Economic development of East Asia
- ECC4670: Economic development theory and policy
- ECC4990: Economic evaluation of health services
- ECC3680: Economic growth
- ECC3684: Economic growth
- ECC4530: Economic history
- ECC4500: Economic history honours
- ECC4510: Economic history of modern Europe
- ECC1520: Economic history: Japan and Australia
- ECC1510: Economic history: world economic leadership
- ECG9101: Economic policy
- ETG9105: Economic statistics
- LAW7018: Economic torts
- ECC1000: Economics
- ECC1010: Economics
- ECC1100: Economics
- ECC2100: Economics
- ECF9530: Economics
- ECW1000: Economics
- ECW1010: Economics
- AFC4860: Economics and commerce issues seminar
- ECC4860: Economics and commerce issues seminar
- ETC4860: Economics and commerce issues seminar
- MGC4860: Economics and commerce issues seminar
- ECC3850: Economics honours
- ECC4020: Economics honours
- ECC3670: Economics of developing countries
- ECC3674: Economics of developing countries
- MPH2011: Economics of health care
- ECC4840: Economics of industry, institution and organisation
- ECG9121: Economics of international trade
- ECG3143: Economics of money and banking
- ECG9143: Economics of money and banking
- ECC5800: Economics seminar
- ECC4040: Economics/econometrics honours
- ENV436E: Ecotourism
- ENV536E: Ecotourism
- GES3220: Ecotourism
- EDF6801: Educating and learning in the workplace
- EDP2101: Education - mathematics education and learning technologies
- EDP3103: Education and change
- GEC1902: Education and learning
- EDF5206: Education and society
- GEC1901: Education ideas
- NUR9204: Education in Nursing
- GEC1401: Education studies
- EDF6810: Education, work organisation and workplace change
- EDF6222: Educational applications of second-language acquisition research
- EDF8202: Educational management: theory, research and practice
- EDF3805: Educational project management
- EDF5205: Educational psychology
- EDF6001: Educational research methodology
- PPR1103: Effective communication
- ENH1240: Effective writing
- GEG1503: Electric circuits
- ECE2002: Electrical Engineering
- GSE2804: Electrical and electronic drives
- MTE3508: Electrical and magnetic materials
- MTE4553: Electrical and optical properties of polymers
- GEG2503: Electrical design II
- GEG3503: Electrical design III
- ECE2501: Electrical energy conversion
- ECS4354: Electrical energy conversion
- ECS4353: Electrical energy systems I
- ECS4358: Electrical energy systems II
- ENG1301: Electrical engineering
- GPS3232: Electrical geophysics
- GEG3513: Electrical machines
- GSE2301: Electrical power I
- ECS4368: Electroacoustics
- MFM1010: Electrocardiography
- ECE3202: Electromagnetic propagation
- ECE2201: Electromagnetics
- ELC1000: Electronic Commerce Fundamentals
- ELC2000: Electronic Commerce Laboratory
- IMS3280: Electronic commerce
- IMS5007: Electronic commerce
- BEG3640: Electronic commerce project management
- BEW3640: Electronic commerce project management
- GCO2601: Electronic commerce systems - analysis and design
- GEG2552: Electronic design II
- IMS5033: Electronic document management and recordkeeping systems
- COT2170: Electronic document operations
- MKX3881: Electronic marketing
- ECS4367: Electronic systems and components
- ECE3602: Electronics 2
- ECE3603: Electronics 3
- ECE2601: Electronics and control 1
- CSE2111: Electronics for digital systems
- IDE2801: Electronics for industrial design
- LAW5110: Elements of forensic medicine 506
- FOR2004: Elements of the forensic sciences
- MCE1112: Embryo culture & cryopreservation
- MED4007: Emergency medicine
- CNS6501: Emergency nursing 1
- CNS6502: Emergency nursing 2
- MPH2052: Emerging health issues in transitional societies
- GED0151: Empirical research in psychology part I
- GED0152: Empirical research in psychology part II
- MGC2420: Employee relations
- MGX2341: Employee relations
- MGY9130: Employee relations
- MGC3410: Employee relations practice: policy and skills
- MGC3414: Employee relations practice: policy and skills
- LAW7239: Employment Law and Practice
- BTF9290: Employment law
- BTG3241: Employment law
- BTX2991: Employment law
- MGG3346: Employment relations policy and practice
- MGG9346: Employment relations policy and practice
- BTF4560: Employment taxation
- BTF5540: Employment taxation
- MED3011 unit 1 of 2: Endocrinology
- MED3011: Endocrinology and human sexuality and reproduction
- GEG3913: Energy and the environment
- GEG2513: Energy conversion and machines
- BCH2022: Energy metabolism of cells and tissues
- ENE3408: Energy systems
- ELE3252: Energy systems 2
- ENV445E: Energy, environment infrastructure
- ENV545E: Energy, environment infrastructure
- GSE3701: Engineering Computer Applications
- CPE2004: Engineering Distributed Software Applications
- IND3315: Engineering Economy
- IND4309: Engineering Practices: Project Thesis A
- IND4310: Engineering Practices: Project Thesis B
- IND4722: Engineering accounting B
- GSE2001: Engineering activity and biological systems
- GEG3133: Engineering computer applications
- GSE2701: Engineering computer techiques
- GEG2136: Engineering computer techniques
- ENG1602: Engineering computing
- GEG3353: Engineering construction
- ENG1601: Engineering context
- MTE4522: Engineering design
- GSE2002: Engineering design and computer-aided drawing (CAD)
- IDE2201: Engineering drawing 1
- IDE2202: Engineering drawing 2
- GEG1723: Engineering dynamics
- ENG1302: Engineering in medicine and biology
- CIV3204: Engineering investigation
- GEG4104: Engineering management
- IND2332: Engineering management
- ECE3907: Engineering management A
- ECE4908: Engineering management B
- ENC4303: Engineering management D
- GEG8004: Engineering management I (operations management)
- GEG8014: Engineering management II (project management)
- GEG1713: Engineering materials
- GEG3713: Engineering materials and manufacturing processes
- GSE2703: Engineering mathematical analysis
- GAS1641: Engineering mathematics 1A
- GAS1642: Engineering mathematics 1B
- GAS2642: Engineering mathematics 2
- ENG1901: Engineering mathematics A
- ENG1902: Engineering mathematics B
- MTE4521: Engineering practice
- MTE3503: Engineering practice 1
- MEC3404: Engineering practices: design management
- MEC2450: Engineering practices: design of machine elements
- MEC2420: Engineering practices: design process
- MEC1414: Engineering practices: drafting
- MEC2410: Engineering practices: drafting
- MEC2414: Engineering practices: drafting
- MEC4424: Engineering practices: industrial innovation
- MEC3403: Engineering practices: machine design
- MEC4401: Engineering practices: project thesis A
- MEC4402: Engineering practices: project thesis B
- TEC2041: Engineering programming 1
- TEC2042: Engineering programming 2
- GEG4008: Engineering project
- GEG4006: Engineering project I
- GEG4007: Engineering project II
- GSE3003: Engineering project management
- GEG6124: Engineering project supervision
- ENG1603: Engineering systems
- MEC3421: Engineering thermodynamics
- EDP1101: English and studies of society and environment
- LIN2150: English around the world
- LIN3150: English around the world
- EIU2130: English as the language of action and reflection
- EIU3130: English as the language of action and reflection
- EIU3210: English discourse: exploration and demonstration
- ALM5350: English in Southeast Asia and the Pacific
- EIU2120: English language in use: one mode, many methods
- EIU3120: English language in use: one mode, many methods
- EIU3110: English: language and culture
- IMS5052: Enterprise resource planning systems
- IMS2001: Enterprise systems
- DSM5010: Environment and development
- ENV432E: Environment and health
- ENV532E: Environment and health
- GYM5520: Environment and health
- ENV531E: Environmental Psychology
- CHE5165: Environmental aspects of pulp and paper making
- ENV422E: Environmental assessment
- ENV522E: Environmental assessment
- GYM5300: Environmental assessment
- BIO1042: Environmental biology
- CHM2951: Environmental chemistry - water
- ENE4212: Environmental design
- CHE5177: Environmental design for aqueous emissions
- ECC2360: Environmental economics
- EDF6109: Environmental education
- CHE4112: Environmental engineering
- ENE1620: Environmental engineering
- GEG4034: Environmental engineering
- ENE3607: Environmental engineering laboratory
- MEC4432: Environmental fluid mechanics
- MEC4445: Environmental fluid mechanics
- ESC2042: Environmental geoscience I
- ESC3191: Environmental geoscience II
- EDP2202: Environmental health
- ENV2757: Environmental health
- MPH2045: Environmental health risk assessment
- ATM2242: Environmental hydrology
- GES2210: Environmental hydrology
- GES2220: Environmental hydrology
- MPH1003: Environmental influences on health
- ENV433E: Environmental internship
- ENV533E: Environmental internship
- ENV429E: Environmental land use planning
- GYM5350: Environmental land use planning
- LAW4115: Environmental law 406
- ENV3737: Environmental management
- GES2430: Environmental management and policy
- ENE3602: Environmental management systems
- BTH3797: Environmental microbiology
- ENV3002: Environmental monitoring
- ENV441E: Environmental performance measurement, accounting, and reporting
- ENV404C: Environmental policy and action
- ENV504E: Environmental policy and action
- GYM5370: Environmental policy and action
- ENV2011: Environmental policy and management
- GES2420: Environmental policy and management
- GES2440: Environmental policy and management
- ENE4603: Environmental project
- ENV431E: Environmental psychology
- ENV505C: Environmental research frameworks
- ENV506C: Environmental research methodologies
- ENV4010: Environmental sampling and analysis
- ENV2022: Environmental sampling and monitoring
- ENV1616: Environmental science 1 - the dynamic environment
- ENV2737: Environmental science 2 - resource management issues
- GSC2209: Environmental sociology
- GSC3209: Environmental sociology
- MPH1042: Epidemiological research methods
- MPH1040: Epidemiology
- MPH1xxx: Epidemiology and biostatistics
- MPH1030: Epidemiology and demography
- MED4010: Epidemiology and preventive medicine
- AFC2240: Equities and investment analysis
- LAW4201: Equity and trusts 412
- MGC3440: Equity, diversity and participation
- MGC3444: Equity, diversity and participation
- MPH2014: Ergonomics
- IDE2301: Ergonomics 1
- IDE3302: Ergonomics 2
- EDF6202: Establishing, maintaining and evaluating an immersion program
- NUR2202: Ethical Issues in Nursing
- EDF6503: Ethical and legal issues in counselling psychology
- PCE2060: Ethical and professional policing
- PCE3060: Ethical and professional policing
- NSG4107: Ethical issues and legal studies
- CHB4203: Ethical issues in patient care
- CHB5203: Ethical issues in patient care
- CHB5207: Ethical issues in professional life
- CHB4101: Ethics
- CHB5101: Ethics
- MFM1017: Ethics
- PHL2150: Ethics
- GBL4003: Ethics and Biotechnology
- PHL2160: Ethics in Business and Professional Life
- GAS4504: Ethics of professional practice
- ECB1103: Ethics, economy and society
- ECG1103: Ethics, economy and society
- ECG9103: Ethics, economy and society
- FOR1003: Ethics, medicine and the law
- BTX9890: Ethics, privacy and legislation in direct marketing
- EUR4080: Europe today
- EUR2080: Europe today: problems of integration
- EUR3080: Europe today: problems of integration
- EUR2950: Europe: enlightenment and revolution
- EUR3950: Europe: enlightenment and revolution
- EUR3430: European cultural history: the Spanish Civil War
- EUR4430: European cultural history: the Spanish Civil War
- SPN3430: European cultural history: the Spanish Civil War
- SPN4430: European cultural history: the Spanish Civil War
- ECC2560: European economic history since 1945
- ECC3560: European economic history since 1945
- ECC3564: European economic history since 1945
- EUR2100: European economic history since 1945
- EUR3100: European economic history since 1945
- EDF6108: Evaluating educational programs: theory and practice
- EDF6444: Evaluation and development of educational software
- ECC4999: Evaluation methods and epidemiology
- EDF5353: Evaluation of educational software
- MSC2011: Everyday materials
- PHS2611: Everyday materials
- LAW5159: Evidence
- IMS5010: Evidence and metadata
- BIO2022: Evolution and systematics
- BOT2041: Evolution of plant diversity
- ECC3750: Evolution of the Australian financial system
- ECC3754: Evolution of the Australian financial system
- GCO4015: Evolutionary and neural computing
- EDF6510: Exceptionality: assessment and intervention
- ASC2736: Exercise physiology and fitness assessment
- IDE2802: Exhibition design 1
- IDE3803: Exhibition design 2
- EDF3609: Experiencing the Australian landscape
- MGA0001: Experiential group
- MGA0007: Experiential group supervision 1
- MGA0009: Experiential group supervision 2
- PHS4000: Experimental physics honours
- GAS4000: Experimental sciences (honours)
- CLS4830: Exploration and Immigration in the Cultural Imaginary
- ENH4830: Exploration and Immigration in the Cultural Imaginary
- VSA4830: Exploration and Immigration in the Cultural Imaginary
- VAM4830: Exploration and immigration in the cultural imaginary
- VAM5830: Exploration and immigration in the cultural imaginary
- GPS3241: Exploration geophysics: reflection seismology
- EDF6447: Explorations in learning, instructional design and technology
- EDF1121: Exploring Science
- EDF6704: Exploring international education in the Asia-Pacific region
- EDF2123: Exploring mathematics
- EDF4014: Exploring multiculturalism and cultural difference in schools
- MUS1100: Exploring music I
- MUS1110: Exploring music II
- MKB3443: Export marketing
- MKG3443: Export marketing
- CHE4141: Extractive metallurgy