[3] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W]
Subjects indexed by subject name: S
- EDF1122: SOSE: Culture and Society
- RLM4080: Sacred writings: the hymn, myth and ritual
- RLM5080: Sacred writings: the hymn, myth and ritual
- RLT4080: Sacred writings: the hymn, myth and ritual
- GEG6114: Safety management
- MKB3442: Sales management
- MKF5391: Sales management
- MKG3442: Sales management
- MKF3471: Sales management and negotiation
- MKW3471: Sales management and negotiation
- MAT3242: Sample surveys
- APA2415: Sand-casting glass
- APA2414: Sandblasting glass
- EDF6824: School effectiveness and improvement: research, policy and practice
- EDF8201: School effectiveness and improvement: research, policy and practice
- EDF4215: School effectiveness and school improvement
- EDF6308: School literacy practices: P-12
- EDF8210: Schools for tomorrow
- ENG4611: Schools technology studies project
- EDP1102: Science and health and physical education
- EDF4242: Science education
- EDF4220: Science education: teaching and learning in science
- CLS2085: Science fiction: from monsters to cyborgs
- CLS3085: Science fiction: from monsters to cyborgs
- NUR1301: Science in nursing 1
- NUR1302: Science in nursing 2
- NUR2303: Science in nursing 3
- NUR2304: Science in nursing 4
- NUR3305: Science in nursing 5
- BME1111: Science, culture, and the concept of race, human origins and development
- PHL3890: Science, happiness and death in stoic and epicurean philosophy
- PHL1010 unit 2 of 4: Science, religion and witchcraft
- ASC1736: Science, technology and society
- EDF3235: Science, technology and society
- EDF6421: Science, technology and society
- PHL2210: Science: its nature and development
- GSC2408: Screen studies
- GSC3408: Screen studies
- APA2416: Sculptural form in glass
- FNA1701: Sculpture 1B
- FNA1702: Sculpture 1C
- FNA1703: Sculpture 2B
- FNA1704: Sculpture 2C
- FNA2705: Sculpture 3B
- FNA2706: Sculpture 4B
- FNA1601: Sculpture studio 1
- FNA1602: Sculpture studio 2
- FNA2603: Sculpture studio 3
- FNA2604: Sculpture studio 4
- FNA3605: Sculpture studio 5
- FNA3606: Sculpture studio 6
- ALM5250: Second language acquisition
- GRN2135: Second language acquisition and attrition
- GRN3135: Second language acquisition and attrition
- LIN2550: Second language acquisition and attrition
- LIN3550: Second language acquisition and attrition
- IMS2000: Second year studio
- CSE2319: Second-year topics in computer science
- SYM4015: Secondary analysis of official statistics
- SYM5015: Secondary analysis of official statistics
- LAW7014: Secured finance and related transactions
- BTC4180: Securities regulation
- LAW7219: Security over intangible property
- ESC3142: Sedimentary geology, palaeontology, stratigraphy
- CLS4650: Seeing/Reading Text
- CRT4650: Seeing/Reading Text
- CRT5650: Seeing/Reading Text
- ENH4650: Seeing/Reading Text
- VSA4650: Seeing/Reading Text
- COS2960: Seeking a new world order? Washington and world politics
- COS3960: Seeking a new world order? Washington and world politics
- PLT2960: Seeking a new world order? Washington and world politics
- PLT3960: Seeking a new world order? Washington and world politics
- CHE4145: Selected topics in dynamic simulation and control
- CHE4143: Selected topics in heat and mass transfer
- CHE4144: Selected topics in thermodynamics
- CHE4147: Selected topics in transport phenomena
- RAD4030: Selective studies in Medical Imaging
- LIN2310: Semantics
- LIN3310: Semantics
- GES4820: Seminar in geography
- GYM4820: Seminar in geography
- GSE3801: Sensors and Artificial Perception
- CSE4848: Sensory instrumentation
- IAR1301: Services A
- IAR1302: Services B
- IAR2302: Services B
- MGC3230: Services management and marketing
- MGC3234: Services management and marketing
- MKF5630: Services marketing
- MKX3301: Services marketing
- WMN1010: Sex, Gender, and Knowledge:Introduction to Women0s Studies
- PLT1120: Sex, drugs and rock n0 roll: power and resistance in contemporary culture
- WMN4180: Sex, power, self: feminist interventions in contemporary discourse
- WSM4180: Sex, power, self: feminist interventions in contemporary discourse
- WSM5180: Sex, power, self: feminist interventions in contemporary discourse
- CLS2260: Sexing the text: constructions of female sexuality
- CLS3260: Sexing the text: constructions of female sexuality
- ENH2260: Sexing the text: constructions of female sexuality
- ENH3260: Sexing the text: constructions of female sexuality
- WMN2260: Sexing the text: constructions of female sexuality
- WMN3260: Sexing the text: constructions of female sexuality
- NSG5600: Sexual and reproductive health nursing
- COS2031: Sexuality, gender and social relations
- COS3031: Sexuality, gender and social relations
- SCY2031: Sexuality, gender and social relations
- SCY3031: Sexuality, gender and social relations
- ENH2230: Shakespeare: interpretations and transmutations
- ENH3230: Shakespeare: interpretations and transmutations
- DTS2630: Shakespeare: text and performance
- DTS3630: Shakespeare: text and performance
- ENH2630: Shakespeare: text and performance
- ENH3630: Shakespeare: text and performance
- LAW7243: Shareholders' Remedies Law
- ENH2770: Short fiction: classic and contemporary
- ENH3770: Short fiction: classic and contemporary
- ECS4313: Signal processing
- ELE4281: Signal processing
- ECE2101: Signals and systems 1
- ECE3102: Signals and systems 2
- MGF5521: Simulation and modelling of business dynamics
- BTF2151: Singapore and Malaysian company law
- BTF3191: Singapore income taxation
- BME2012: Skeletal muscle and cardiorespiratory physiology during exercise
- SLA3150: Slavic contrastive studies
- SLA4150: Slavic contrastive studies
- RUS2330: Slavic lexicology
- RUS3330: Slavic lexicology
- MGX3901: Small business and entrepreneurship
- SWK4530: Social and behavioural studies I
- SWM5130: Social and community service organisations: their behaviour and management
- MPM1013: Social and cultural psychiatry (semester 1)
- MPM2012: Social and cultural psychiatry (semester 2)
- EDF8204: Social context of education, policy and practice
- ECC3880: Social economics
- EDF4228: Social education: cultural studies A
- EDF4223: Social education: cultural studies B
- EDF5203: Social foundations of schooling
- EDF5207: Social history of schooling
- EDF3607: Social isues in sport and outdoor recreation
- GSC2211: Social justice and legal institutions
- MKF2511: Social marketing
- SWK3190: Social policy and administration I
- SWK4570: Social policy and administration III
- GSC2310: Social policy: developing the links
- BHS2400: Social psychology
- SCY2400: Social psychology
- SCY3400: Social psychology
- SCY2261: Social research methods
- SCY3261: Social research methods
- HYM4870: Social theory and social history
- GSC1301: Social welfare issues
- SWK3110: Social work I
- SWK3120: Social work II
- SWK4510: Social work III
- SWK4520: Social work IV
- SWM5220: Social work and aged care
- SWK3130: Social work perspectives on human development I
- SWM5190: Social work research
- SWK3150: Social work research I
- AUS4010: Society and culture of twentieth-century Australia
- AUS5010: Society and culture of twentieth-century Australia
- SCY3430: Society and environment
- EDF1601: Socio-cultural elements of sport and the individual
- LIN2350: Sociolinguistics
- LIN3350: Sociolinguistics
- MPH2034: Sociological foundations of public health
- GSC1202: Sociological issues
- SCY2100: Sociological perspectives
- SCY3100: Sociological perspectives
- GSC1201: Sociological reflections on everyday life
- SCY2150: Sociological research techniques for public policy
- SCY3150: Sociological research techniques for public policy
- SCY4500: Sociology honours seminar A
- SCY4520: Sociology honours seminar B
- GSC2203: Sociology of children
- GSC3203: Sociology of children
- GSS2203: Sociology of children
- GSS3203: Sociology of children
- GSC2205: Sociology of deviance
- GSC3205: Sociology of deviance
- SCY2041: Sociology of ethnicity and minority relations
- SCY3041: Sociology of ethnicity and minority relations
- GSC2201: Sociology of family and generation
- GSC2206: Sociology of health
- GSC1206: Sociology of health (health care)
- SCY3460: Sociology of men and masculinity
- SCY2272: Sociology of popular music
- SCY3272: Sociology of popular music
- SCY2181: Sociology of prisons
- SCY3181: Sociology of prisons
- GSC2202: Sociology of race and ethnic relations
- ASM4330: Sociology of the family
- SCY3070: Sociology of the family
- SCY2021: Sociology of the mass media
- SCY3021: Sociology of the mass media
- CSE3210: Software Component Technologies
- CPE5003: Software architectures
- SFT7600: Software development I
- SFT7640: Software development II
- SFT4000: Software development honours
- SFT4001: Software development honours part-time
- GCO3811: Software engineering
- ECE3704: Software engineering and real-time systems
- ECE5410: Software engineering for telecommunications
- ECS4348: Software engineering for telecommunications
- CSE2201: Software engineering practice
- SFT2201: Software engineering practice
- CSE3302: Software engineering project
- CSE3308: Software engineering: analysis and design
- SFT4030: Software lifecycle processes
- SFT5050: Software metrics and reliability
- CFR5210: Software process modelling and management
- BUS4530: Software systems design and development
- GCO4805: Software systems design and development
- SFT5510: Software systems engineering
- GEG3323: Soil mechanics I
- ENV2747: Soil science
- GES2110: Soils, land use and the environment
- GES2130: Soils, land use and the environment
- GES3360: Soils, landscape and their management
- MUS1980: Solo and duo performance and literature
- MUS1990: Solo and duo performance and literature
- MUS2980: Solo and duo performance and literature I
- MUS3980: Solo and duo performance and literature I
- MUS2990: Solo and duo performance and literature II
- MUS3990: Solo and duo performance and literature II
- MUS1160: Solo, orchestral and choral performance and repertoire I
- MUS1170: Solo, orchestral and choral performance and repertoire II
- MGP1010: Somatisation
- RAD4020: Sonographic Imaging and Methods 3
- RAD3021: Sonographic imaging and methods 1
- RAD3052: Sonographic methods 2 and sonographic professional skills
- COM4001: Sources and methods
- COM5001: Sources and methods
- GSC3502: Southeast Asian history
- PLM4930: Southeast Asian politics
- PLT3930: Southeast Asian politics
- RSS1010: Soviet literature and culture
- RSS2010: Soviet literature and culture
- SPN4750: Spanish American fiction since independence
- SPN3750: Spanish American fiction since independence
- SPN1070: Spanish language IA
- SPN1080: Spanish language IB
- SPN2070: Spanish language IIA
- SPN2080: Spanish language IIB
- SPN2290: Spanish linguistics in trading and communication
- SPN3290: Spanish linguistics in trading and communication
- MEC1411: Spatial visualisation
- ASM4800: Special ASM subject
- ASM5800: Special ASM subject
- EDF3665: Special Education Practicum Placement 1
- EDF3666: Special Education Practicum Placement 2
- EDF6602: Special education practice 1
- EDF6603: Special education practice 1 (special practicum)
- EDF6614: Special education practice 2
- GED0140: Special education practicum
- ECS4301: Special elective
- MTE4550: Special elective I
- MTE4551: Special elective II
- GED0437: Special needs in mathematics education
- INM4579: Special project in Indonesian
- INM4589: Special project in Indonesian
- MUM4760: Special project: composition and advanced music technology
- MUS4760: Special project: composition and advanced music technology
- MUS4030: Special project: practical study
- EUR4530: Special reading course
- ITA4440: Special reading course
- SPN4930: Special reading course
- FRN4960: Special reading course
- ENM4710: Special reading course - Orientations: reading the /East0
- GNM4375: Special reading course in German
- GRN4375: Special reading course in German
- ETC5000: Special reading subject I
- ETC5010: Special reading subject II
- ETC5020: Special reading subject III
- ASP3121: Special relativity
- MAT3061: Special relativity
- MUM4600: Special research project in music
- MUS4600: Special research project in music
- SWM5170: Special research study
- AFX3011: Special studies II
- MKP9311: Special studies in logistics
- MKF3001: Special studies subject
- HSY4030: Special subject 1: first semester
- HSY4040: Special subject 1: second semester
- IMS5037: Special topic
- ALM4140: Special topic in applied linguistics
- ALM5460: Special topic in applied linguistics
- EDF4238: Special topic in educational studies
- GYM4880: Special topic in geography
- MGY5100: Special topic in industrial and employee relations
- BUS5500: Special topics in business systems I
- BUS5510: Special topics in business systems II
- ETC5400: Special topics in econometrics I
- ETC5410: Special topics in econometrics II
- LIN4720: Special topics in linguistics
- CHE5166: Special topics in pulp and paper
- THA3330: Specialised readings in Thai A
- THA3340: Specialised readings in Thai B
- CNS6592: Specialist anaesthesia/post anaesthesia nursing practice 2
- CNS6591: Specialist anaesthesia/post-anaesthesia nursing practice 1
- SFT4020: Specifying non-sequential and real-time systems
- COS2290: Spiritualities, faiths and religions: society and the transcendent
- COS3290: Spiritualities, faiths and religions: society and the transcendent
- RLT2290: Spiritualities, faiths and religions: society and the transcendent
- RLT3290: Spiritualities, faiths and religions: society and the transcendent
- SCY2290: Spiritualities, faiths and religions: society and the transcendent
- SCY3290: Spiritualities, faiths and religions: society and the transcendent
- EDF3608: Sport education
- EDF4162: Sports coaching
- EDF4161: Sports injury prevention
- BTF5600: Stamp duties and other state taxes
- BTF4660: Stamp duty and other state taxes
- ASP3011: Stars
- MAT3111: Stars
- EUR3720: State, markets and monopoly in contemporary western Europe
- EUR4720: State, markets and monopoly in contemporary western Europe
- MEC3491: Statistical analysis of mechanical systems
- MEC3494: Statistical analysis of mechanical systems
- TEC2222: Statistical methods
- ETF2211: Statistical methods for retailers
- MTH1210: Statistical methods for science
- MTH2210: Statistical methods for science
- MTH2222: Statistical modelling
- MTH3222: Statistical modelling
- MAT3901: Statistics and integral transforms for engineering
- ETX2161: Statistics for accounting, auditing and finance
- ETF9660: Statistics for marketers
- MKF1131: Statistics for marketing
- MTE4536: Steel and its processing
- CIV2222: Steel framed structures
- MAT3262: Stochastic processes
- BTC2130: Stock exchange and derivatives law
- BTF3091: Stock exchange and derivatives law
- MKP9770: Strategic agribusiness
- MGG3350: Strategic human resource management
- MGG9350: Strategic human resource management
- MGX5551: Strategic human resource management
- MGX5090: Strategic industrial and employee relations management
- MKC3130: Strategic issues in marketing
- MKC3134: Strategic issues in marketing
- MKP9470: Strategic logistics planning
- MGB3344: Strategic management
- MGC3110: Strategic management
- MGC3114: Strategic management
- MGG3344: Strategic management
- MGG9371: Strategic management
- MGW3401: Strategic management
- MGX3401: Strategic management
- AFX3511: Strategic management accounting
- MGX3121: Strategic management for international trade
- MKF3131: Strategic marketing
- MKW3131: Strategic marketing
- MKF5270: Strategic marketing policy
- MGX9761: Strategic planning and management
- MGX3231: Strategic planning for financial institutions
- AFX4012: Strategic policy and entrepreneurship
- PLM4600: Strategic studies: a critical introduction
- PLM5600: Strategic studies: a critical introduction
- PLT4609: Strategic studies: a critical introduction
- ATM5000: Strategic tourism
- MGF5541: Strategy in complex environments
- CIV2204: Strength of materials
- DFM3002: Stress Management
- CGP1006: Stress Management and Relaxation Therapy
- GEG2303: Structural design
- CVE4121: Structural engineering 5
- CVE4122: Structural engineering 6
- GEG2313: Structural engineering I
- GEG3303: Structural engineering II
- GEG3313: Structural engineering III
- GEG4304: Structural engineering IV
- GEG4314: Structural engineering V
- ESC3121: Structural geology
- GSE2201: Structural mechanics
- CRT4200: Structuralism and semiotics
- CRT5200: Structuralism and semiotics
- GSC3201: Structure and analysis in sociology
- BOT2032: Structure and function of plants: from cells to organism
- LIN2510: Structure of English
- LIN3510: Structure of English
- MTE2501: Structure of engineering materials I
- MTE2502: Structure of engineering materials II
- BMS2011: Structure of the human body
- IAR1304: Structures A
- IAR2305: Structures B
- IAR3306: Structures C
- EDP2104: Structuring education
- EDF6605: Studies in learning difficulties
- GED0137: Studies in learning difficulties
- EDF6601: Studies in special education/inclusion
- EDF4225: Studies in teaching 8: project
- KOR2450: Studies in translation: English - Korean, part 1
- KOR3450: Studies in translation: English - Korean, part 1
- KOR2460: Studies in translation: English - Korean, part 2
- KOR3460: Studies in translation: English - Korean, part 2
- EDF3122: Studio arts - computer art (Education)
- EDF3123: Studio arts - mixed media (Education)
- EDP1303: Studio arts - printmaking/textiles (Education)
- EDF2122: Studio arts - sculpture/painting (Education)
- EDF2126: Studio arts - three dimensional studies
- EDP2303: Studio arts - two dimensional studies
- EDF4207: Studio arts A: Contemporary Art A (Education)
- EDF4208: Studio arts B: Contempoary Art B (Education)
- SPN2310: Study abroad program
- BTF4690: Superannuation and retirement benefits
- BTF5580: Superannuation and retirement benefits
- LAW5150: Superannuation law 506
- PHL4880: Supervised reading course A
- PHM4880: Supervised reading course A in philosophy
- PHM5050: Supervised reading course A in philosophy
- PHL4980: Supervised reading course B
- PHM4890: Supervised reading course B in philosophy
- PHM5150: Supervised reading course B in philosophy
- ENH4500: Supervised reading subject
- GYM4900: Supervised research paper in geography
- GYM5060: Supervised research paper in geography
- BEW2620: Supra-organisational systems
- BEG2620: Supraorganisational systems
- MTE3510: Surfaces I
- MED5005: Surgery
- MED6008: Surgery (city/rural) and anaesthetics
- ETC3500: Survey data analysis
- ETC3504: Survey data analysis
- MKC3500: Survey data analysis
- ETW2420: Survey methods and managerial statistics
- CIV5281: Survey methods in traffic and transport
- SYM4025: Survey research
- SYM5025: Survey research
- CIV2202: Surveying
- GEG2333: Surveying
- GES3240: Sustainable cities
- ENV442E: Sustainable production and consumption
- EDF2603: Swimming and Water Safety
- LIN2090: Syntax
- LIN3090: Syntax
- CHE5174: Synthesis of reaction-separation systems
- GSE3803: System Dynamics and Control
- CFR3102: System development using CASE
- EDF6806: Systematic approaches to work-related learning
- CSE1205: Systems Analysis and Design
- TEC3641: Systems Analysis and Design
- IND3313: Systems Modelling and Simulation
- CSE3241: Systems Programming I
- SYS7500: Systems analysis
- IMS1002: Systems analysis and design
- IMS2071: Systems analysis and design
- IMS9001: Systems analysis and design
- CIV5290: Systems analysis for transport
- MEC3402: Systems and control
- MEC3462: Systems and control
- CSE2200: Systems design and implementation
- SYS2168: Systems design and implementation
- SYS7510: Systems design and implementation
- MEC4427: Systems integrity and maintenance
- IND4336: Systems modelling and simulation II
- CPE1005: Systems modelling and simulation techniques
- SFT4100: Systems programming I
- IND4345: Systems reliability
- IND4316: Systems reliability and maintenance
- COT2200: Systems security and privacy
- COT3206: Systems security and privacy
- ENV401C: Systems thinking and practice 1
- ENV501C: Systems thinking and practice 1
- ENV402C: Systems thinking and practice 2
- ENV502C: Systems thinking and practice 2
- MGF5500: Systems thinking and theory
- SFT5530: Systems verification, quality and standards