
Employee relations


Dr Sandra Cockfield

6 points + 1-hour lecture per week and 2-hour tutorial + First and second semester + Caulfield and Peninsula + Prerequisite: Completion of 12 units of study

Synopsis: Industrial relations systems theory; the environment; the external influences; the role of the parties in an industrial relations system - employees, trade unions, employers, employer associations, government and tribunals; industrial conflict and change; processes of conflict resolution: negotiations/mediations, conciliation and arbitration, and enterprise bargaining. Outcomes: awards, certified agreements, enterprise bargaining agreements. Current issues with special reference to Australia: labour market reforms, decentralisation/deregulation of the industrial relations system.

Assessment: Case study (1500 words): 10% + Media portfolio (2500 words): 30% + Class work: 10% + Examination (3 hours): 50%