Units by Faculty - Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences - 2019
- ASC5001 Addiction science: A biopsychosocial overview
- ASC5002 Socio-cultural perspectives of addiction
- ASC5003 Addiction policies, prevention and public health
- ASC5004 Addiction assessment and treatment: Practice and innovation
- ASC5007 Recovery principles
- ASC5008 Co-occurring disorders in mental health and addiction
- ASC5009 Developmental factors: Children and families, youth and early interventions
- ASC5010 Gambling and other process addictions
- AVM5001 Aviation physiology
- AVM5002 Hazards of aviation environment
- AVM5003 Clinical aviation medicine
- AVM5004 Regulatory aviation medicine
- BEH4100 Honours literature review
- BEH4200 Honours research proposal
- BEH4300 Honours research report
- BMA1011 Foundations of anatomy and physiology for health practice 1
- BMA1012 Foundations of anatomy and physiology for health practice 2
- BMA1901 Human structure and function 1
- BMA1902 Human structure and function 2
- BMA5011 Introduction to human bioscience for engineering
- BME2032 Biomedical industry based learning
- BME3032 Introduction to the health system
- BME3082 Fetal and neonatal development
- BMS1011 Biomedical chemistry
- BMS1021 Cells, tissues and organisms
- BMS1031 Medical biophysics
- BMS1042 Public health and preventive medicine
- BMS1052 Human neurobiology
- BMS1062 Molecular biology
- BMS2011 Structure of the human body: An evolutionary and functional perspective
- BMS2021 Human molecular cell biology
- BMS2031 Body systems
- BMS2042 Human genetics
- BMS2052 Microbes in health and disease
- BMS2062 Introduction to bioinformatics
- BMS3031 Molecular mechanisms of disease
- BMS3052 Biomedical basis and epidemiology of human disease
- BMS3930 Action in biomedical science major research project
- BMS3940 Major research project in biomedical science
- BMS3990 Action in biomedical science minor research project
- BMS4100 Biomedical science research project
- BMS4200 Advanced studies in biomedical science
- BMS4301 Advanced studies in biomedical science
- BMS4302 Biomedical science research project
- BMS5001 Research training: Critical thinking and communication skills
- BMS5002 Research techniques: Tissues, organs and systems
- BMS5003 Infectious diseases and population health
- BMS5004 Advanced neuroscience
- BMS5005 Regenerative medicine and stem cells
- BMS5006 Cardiovascular biology and disease
- BMS5007 Biotechnology: Commercialising biomedical science
- BMS5008 Research project and thesis
- BMS5009 Industry training and internship
- BMS5012 Cancer biology and therapeutics
- BMS5013 Research training: Ethics and integrity, biostatistics and critical thinking
- BMS5014 Research techniques: Molecular and cellular techniques
- BND3101 Evidence based management
- BND3102 Introduction to dietetic practice
- BND3202 Food for dietetic practice
- BND3302 Dietetic practice 1
- BND4082 Improving the population's nutrition
- BND4092 Practice and research in public health nutrition
- BND4102 Practice and research in dietetics
- BND4402 Dietetic practice 2
- BRM5011 Foundations for medical biotechnology and its applications
- BRM5012 Techniques in medical biotechnology: genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics
- BRM5013 Techniques in medical biotechnology: Imaging, iPS cells, cell and gene therapies
- BRM5014 Therapeutic approaches and biotechnology
- BRM5021 Biotechnology research project
- BRM5022 Biotechnology work-integrated learning
- CCS5100 Research project in medical science
- CCS5200 Advanced studies in medical science
- CMH5001 Mental health practice essentials
- CMH5002 The context for mental health practice
- CMH5003 Concepts in mental health illness
- CMH5004 Recovery oriented mental health practice
- CMH5005 Mental health of the elderly
- CMH5006 Transcultural mental health
- CMH5011 Contemporary research and practice in family violence
- CMH5012 Psychopharmacology and physical treatments in mental health care
- CPS5001 Psychoanalytic and developmental theories 1
- CPS5002 Normal developmental observation
- CPS5003 Psychoanalytic and developmental theories 2
- CPS5004 Psychodynamic assessment of children and adolescents
- CPS5005 Principles of child psychotherapy
- CPS5006 Principles of adolescent psychotherapy
- CPS5007 Principles of short term therapy
- CPS5008 Principles of working with parents
- CPS5009 Contemporary issues and controversies in child psychotherapy
- DPH6005 Doctor of public health: Public health practice
- DPSY5101 Psychopathology part 1
- DPSY5102 Psychological assessment part 1
- DPSY5103 Research methods in professional psychology
- DPSY5104 Ethics and professional practice
- DPSY5105 Clinical developmental psychology
- DPSY5161 Ethics and professional practice in neuropsychology
- DPSY5162 Neuroanatomy for the clinical neuropsychologist
- DPSY5201 Psychopathology part 2
- DPSY5203 Theories and techniques of intervention part 1
- DPSY5261 Neuropsychological models of cognition and behaviour part 1
- DPSY5262 Case analysis and professional practice in neuropsychology 1
- DPSY5263 Neuropsychological assessment
- DPSY5265 Neuropsychological syndromes
- DPSY5299 Introductory practicum
- DPSY6103 Theories and techniques of intervention part 2
- DPSY6105 Psychopharmacology
- DPSY6107 Health psychology and behavioural medicine
- DPSY6162 Case analysis and professional practice in neuropsychology 2
- DPSY6199 Intermediate practicum
- DPSY6204 Clinical neuropsychology
- DPSY6261 Developmental neuropsychology
- DPSY6262 Case analysis and professional practice in neuropsychology 3
- DPSY6263 Recovery of function and rehabilitation after brain injury
- DPSY6299 Advanced practicum
- DPSY6399 Specialised clinical practicum
- DPSY7131 Advanced clinical psychology: General
- DPSY7141 Advanced clinical psychology: Child, adolescent and family
- DPSY7199 Advanced specialised practicum
- EPM5001 Health indicators and health surveys
- EPM5002 Mathematical background for biostatistics
- EPM5003 Principles of statistical inference
- EPM5004 Linear models
- EPM5005 Data management and statistical computing
- EPM5006 Clinical biostatistics
- EPM5007 Design of randomised controlled trials
- EPM5008 Longitudinal and correlated data analysis
- EPM5009 Categorical data and generalised linear models
- EPM5010 Survival analysis
- EPM5011 Biostatistics practical project: double unit
- EPM5012 Bioinformatics
- EPM5013 Bayesian statistical methods
- EPM5014 Probability and distribution theory
- EPM5015 Biostatistics practical project: single unit
- EPM5023 Foundations of international health
- EPP2032 Paramedic clinical practice
- FBS5001 Fundamentals of forensic behavioural science
- FBS5002 The role of mental health in criminal offending
- FOR3001 Principles of forensic medicine and science
- FOR4001 Medical evidence
- FOR4002 Injury interpretation
- FOR4003 Ethics, medicine and the law
- FOR4004 Elements of the forensic sciences
- FOR5005 Adult sexual assault
- FOR5006 Traffic medicine
- FOR5007 Elements of forensic toxicology
- FOR5008 Custodial medicine
- FOR5009 Advanced issues in sexual violence
- FOR5010 Project in forensic medicine
- FOR5011 Advanced issues in non-accidental injury of children
- FOR5012 Child and adolescent sexual abuse
- FOR5013 Non accidental injury in childhood
- FOR5014 Elements of forensic odontology
- FOR5015 Post mortem dental identification: Principles and methods
- FOR5016 Clinical forensic odontology
- FOR5017 Disaster victim identification (DVI): Principles and methods
- FOR5018 Elements of forensic anthropology
- FOR5020 Post mortem CT imaging
- FOR5021 Mortuary technical science
- FOR5022 Advanced methods in forensic science: emerging trends and issues
- FOR5023 Quality management in the forensic sciences
- FOR5025 Forensic pharmacology
- FPA5007 Death investigation
- GHS5841 Research and evidence for practice
- GHS5850 Nursing leadership and patient safety
- GMA1010 Foundations of medical practice
- GMA2100 Foundations of medical practice
- GMA2200 Principles of medicine
- GRS4100 Laboratory skills in reproductive science
- GRS4101 Reproductive endocrinology
- GRS4102 Gonadal development and function
- GRS4103 Pregnancy and parturition
- GRS4104 Reproductive health and fertility regulations
- GRS4110 Research skills in reproductive science
- GRS4201 Comparative reproduction and conservation
- GRS4202 Assisted reproductive and genetic technologies
- HCS5100 Foundations of health professions education: Clinical Simulation
- HPE5003 Assessment in health professions education
- HPE5015 Leadership and innovations in health professions education
- HPE5100 Foundations of health professions education
- HSC1100 Introduction to research and evidence
- HSC1200 Introduction to public health
- HSC1300 Human health and disease
- HSC1400 The Australian healthcare system
- HSC2100 Emerging challenges in health
- HSC2200 Health and the human lifespan
- HSC2300 Health promotion and disease prevention
- HSC4001 Health science research project 1
- HSC4002 Health science research project 2
- HSC4011 Advanced studies in public health research
- IPE1011 Foundations of health in primary clinical care
- IRD5000 Master of biomedical science (Part 1): Monash Institute of Medical Research
- MAP1000 Indigenous healing ways
- MAP4200 Improving indigenous equity in professional practice
- MAP5000 Research in advanced health professional practice
- MAP5001 Preparatory minor thesis
- MAP5002 Minor thesis
- MAP5003 Essentials of advanced health care practice and research
- MAP5010 Advanced health practice research project
- MAP5101 Advanced critical care skills
- MAP5104 Emergency medicine skills
- MAP5105 Trauma skills
- MCE5100 Biology of reproduction
- MCE5101 Infertility treatment strategies
- MCE5103 Theory: ART laboratory processes (embryology)
- MCE5105 Theory: ART laboratory processes (andrology)
- MCE5112 Practical: ART laboratory processes (embryology/andrology)
- MCE5200 ART laboratory operations and management
- MCE5201 Practical: ART laboratory processes (advanced embryology)
- MCE5205 Research in ART (designing and applying)
- MCE5212 Genetic testing in ART
- MCE5213 Regulation and ethics in assisted reproductive technologies
- MED1011 Medicine 1
- MED1022 Medicine 2
- MED1100 Introduction to medical practice
- MED1200 Principles of medicine 1
- MED2031 Medicine 3
- MED2042 Medicine 4
- MED2100 Foundations of medical practice
- MED2200 Principles of medicine 2
- MED3010 Research methods in medicine
- MED3062 Medicine and surgery 2
- MED3100 Medicine and surgery
- MED3200 Foundation clinical studies
- MED4000 Year 3B and 4C final grade
- MED4190 Specialty clinical practices
- MED4200 Integrated clinical studies
- MED4301 Medical science honours research skills
- MED4302 Medical science honours research project
- MED5091 Advanced clinical practice 1
- MED5092 Advanced clinical practice 2
- MED5100 Final MBBS grade
- MED5101 Applied studies in medical research and professional practice
- MED5102 Contemporary developments in clinical practice: Patient safety
- MEH5050 Emergency health project
- MID1000 Introduction to Midwifery
- MID2000 Foundations for midwifery practice
- MID2010 Working with birthing women
- MID3000 Theory and practice of complex midwifery
- MID3110 Professional midwifery practice
- MID3202 Supporting the newborn infant
- MID3222 Safety in midwifery and nursing contexts
- MID4001 Preparation for practice (midwifery)
- MID5005 Advancing midwifery practice
- MIMR5001 Master of biomedical science (Part 1): Monash Institute of Medical Research PT
- MMT5002 Medicine minor thesis extension unit
- MMT5004 Medicine minor thesis extension unit
- MPH5002 Foundations of health promotion and program planning
- MPH5020 Introduction to epidemiology and biostatistics
- MPH5022 Evaluating public health programs
- MPH5040 Introductory epidemiology
- MPH5041 Introductory biostatistics
- MPH5042 Climate change and public health
- MPH5200 Regression methods for epidemiology
- MPH5203 Environmental influences on health
- MPH5207 Chronic disease: Epidemiology and prevention
- MPH5213 Research methods
- MPH5214 Demographic methods
- MPH5218 Infectious diseases: Epidemiology and prevention
- MPH5222 Assessment and control of workplace hazards
- MPH5231 Research design and project proposal
- MPH5232 Research conduct, analysis, write-up and submission
- MPH5236 Clinical trials
- MPH5239 Systematic reviews and meta-analysis
- MPH5241 Introduction to occupational health and safety
- MPH5242 Psychosocial work environment
- MPH5243 Chemical and biological hazards
- MPH5244 Ergonomic and physical hazards
- MPH5252 Global health care delivery: principles and challenges
- MPH5255 Health and human rights
- MPH5256 Injury epidemiology and prevention
- MPH5265 Law for health systems
- MPH5266 Clinical leadership and management
- MPH5267 Principles of health care quality improvement
- MPH5268 Economics and financial management in health care
- MPH5269 Foundations of health policy
- MPH5270 Advanced statistical methods for clinical research
- MPH5271 Implementation and innovation in health care
- MPH5272 Principles of health systems
- MPH5273 Case study in health services management
- MPH5274 Public health practicum
- MPH5276 Safety management systems
- MPH5277 Practical data management
- MPH5281 Management theory and practice
- MPH5283 Ethics, good research practice and practical research methods
- MPH5286 Applying and practicing the principles of patient safety and quality improvement
- MPH5288 Introduction and challenges in public health
- MPH5289 Professional practice development
- MPH5301 Health systems and policy
- MPH5302 Biostatistics: Concepts and applications
- MPH5303 Epidemiology of infectious diseases
- MPH5304 Leading and managing in public health and health care
- MPH5305 Epidemiology: Concepts and applications
- MPH5306 Health promotion, planning and evaluation in public health
- MPH5307 Introduction to health law principles
- MPH5308 Developing health systems
- MPH5309 Occupational health and safety
- MPH5310 Introduction to environmental health
- MPH5311 Safety and quality in health care
- MPH5312 Advances in managing patient care processes
- MPH5313 Challenges in public health
- MPH5314 Epidemiology of chronic disease
- MPH5315 Introduction to management
- MPH6040 Introductory epidemiology
- MPH6041 Introductory biostatistics
- MSM5100 Research project - Master of Biomedical Science MUM
- MSM5101 Research project - Master of Biomedical Science MUM (part-time)
- MSM5200 Advanced studies in biomedical sciences MUM
- MSM5201 Advanced studies in biomedical sciences MUM (part-time)
- NEH4012 Interprofessional practice in community and hospital settings
- NUR1013 Indigenous health for nursing and midwifery practice
- NUR1110 Communication and scholarship in nursing and midwifery
- NUR1111 Global health and cultural competence in nursing and midwifery practice
- NUR1112 Fundamental skills and knowledge for nursing and midwifery practice 1
- NUR1113 Law, ethics and leadership in nursing and midwifery
- NUR1114 Fundamental skills and knowledge for nursing and midwifery practice 2
- NUR2005 Introduction to maternity and paediatric nursing
- NUR2223 Safety in healthcare contexts
- NUR2225 Mental health nursing practice contexts
- NUR2226 Nursing practice contexts 1
- NUR2227 Primary health care and health promotion in nursing and midwifery contexts
- NUR2228 Nursing practice contexts 2
- NUR2229 Nursing practice contexts 3
- NUR2447 Clinical concepts
- NUR3001 Evidence based health care
- NUR3002 Integrated nursing practice 3
- NUR3003 Education for clinical practice
- NUR3004 Preparing for practice
- NUR3005 Chronic illness management in primary care
- NUR3022 Integrated nursing practice 4
- NUR3310 Translation of nursing knowledge to complex acute care practice
- NUR3312 Translation of nursing knowledge in preparation for professional practice
- NUR4111 Translation of nursing knowledge for primary care practice
- NUR4113 Translation of nursing knowledge for leadership in practice
- NUR4401 Clinical honours thesis 1: Applied research methods and skills
- NUR4402 Clinical honours thesis 2: Framing a research proposal
- NUR4403 Clinical honours thesis 3: Conducting a research project
- NUR4404 Clinical honours thesis 4: Analysing and reporting research
- NUR5002 Contemporary nursing practice 2
- NUR5003 Contemporary nursing practice 3
- NUR5004 Contemporary nursing practice 4
- NUR5008 Contemporary psychotherapies for nurses
- NUR5011 Contemporary nursing in context 1
- NUR5022 Contemporary nursing in context 2
- NUR5033 Contemporary nursing in context 3
- NUR5111 Contemporary nursing practice 1
- NUR5112 Nursing practice in the Australian healthcare context
- NUR5113 Nursing in the Australian context
- NUR5202 Nursing informatics
- NUR5204 Education in health care practice
- NUR5208 Therapeutic medication management
- NUR5209 Education program development
- NUR5210 Disaster and emergency nursing management
- NUR5214 Advanced therapeutic interaction in nursing
- NUR5215 Mental health nursing concepts and practice
- NUR5217 Advanced paediatric nursing
- NUR5218 Advanced clinical decision making
- NUR5227 Integrated mental health care
- NUR5228 Theories and philosophies of mental health nursing
- NUR5229 Challenges and controversies in mental health nursing practice
- NUR5315 Advanced practice in context
- NUR5325 Clinical leadership in nursing
- NUR5326 Leading improvement and innovation in the quality and safety of nursing and health care
- NUR5327 Management and leadership of professional nursing practice
- NUR5411 Advanced clinical assessment and diagnostic reasoning
- NUR5600 Nurse practitioner essentials
- NUR5703 Pathophysiology for advanced clinical nursing
- NUR5704 Pathophysiology for advanced paediatric clinical nursing
- NUR5705 Perioperative nursing 1
- NUR5706 Perioperative nursing 2
- NUR5708 Specialist nursing practice
- NUR5833 Refugee health and wellbeing
- NUR5844 Population health and health promotion
- NUR5850 Working cross-culturally in contemporary health care
- NUR5860 Health education theory and practice
- NUR5870 End of life care in nursing contexts
- NUR5923 Intensive care nursing 1
- NUR5924 Intensive care nursing 2
- NUR5925 Emergency nursing 1
- NUR5926 Emergency nursing 2
- NUR5927 Advanced medical/surgical nursing practice 1
- NUR5928 Advanced medical/surgical nursing practice 2
- NUT1001 Personal and professional perspectives in nutrition
- NUT1002 Evaluating the evidence: Nutrition and population health
- NUT1010 Human nutrition: An introduction to nutrients
- NUT1011 Human nutrition: An introduction to nutrients
- NUT1101 Science foundations
- NUT1102 Food science
- NUT1103 Human biology for nutrition
- NUT2001 Health across the lifespan
- NUT2002 Applied research methods in nutrition
- NUT2102 Food: Science, composition and skills
- NUT2103 Integrated science systems
- NUT2104 Nutritional biochemistry
- NUT3001 Evidence based nutrition
- NUT3002 Nutrition, activity and health in chronic diseases
- NUT3003 Exercise physiology and sports nutrition
- NUT3004 Nutrition controversies
- NUT3005 Nutrition assessment
- NUT3006 Food sustainability systems
- NUT3007 Work placement
- NUT3008 Biochemistry, genetics and molecular nutrition
- NUT3082 Public health nutrition
- NUT4001 Foundations of dietetic practice
- NUT4111 Research skills
- NUT4121 Honours research project 1
- NUT4122 Honours research project 2
- NUT5001 Introduction to dietetic skills
- NUT5002 Practice and research in public health nutrition
- NUT5003 Dietetic practice 1
- NUT5004 Food for dietetic practice
- NUT5005 Dietetic practice 2
- NUT5006 Practice and research in dietetics
- OCC1011 Professional issues
- OCC1012 Occupational science
- OCC1021 Psychology for occupational therapy
- OCC1022 Foundations of occupational therapy practice
- OCC1032 Occupational development across the lifespan
- OCC2012 Foundation clinical sciences for occupational therapy
- OCC2013 Introduction to occupational therapy professional practice
- OCC2014 Occupational performance, capabilities and components
- OCC2020 Enabling occupation: Performance challenges 1A
- OCC2022 Skills for evidence based practice 1
- OCC3000 Enabling occupation: Fieldwork experience 1B
- OCC3031 Enabling occupation: Performance challenges 1B
- OCC3041 Skills for evidence based practice 2
- OCC3052 Enabling occupation 2: Performance challenges in population health
- OCC3061 Health promotion in occupational therapy
- OCC3062 Participation community practice 1: Development
- OCC3072 Occupational therapy honours research project 1
- OCC4010 Foundations of occupational therapy
- OCC4020 Humans as occupational beings
- OCC4030 Occupational performance, capabilities and components
- OCC4040 Enabling occupation 1
- OCC4051 Contemporary advances in occupational therapy practice
- OCC4071 Participatory community practice 2: Implementation
- OCC4081 Transition to practice 1
- OCC4082 Advanced professional practice
- OCC4091 Occupational therapy honours research project 2
- OCC4092 Transition to practice 2
- OCC5050 Enabling occupation 2
- OCC5060 Enabling occupation 3
- OCC5070 Transition to practice
- OCC5080 Advanced professional practice
- OCC5121 Advanced adaptive and assistive technology
- OCC5131 Advanced assessment of children: Methods, policy, ethics and issues
- OCC5141 Occupational therapy for children with a disability and their families
- OCC5161 Human occupation and health
- PAR1011 Foundations of paramedic practice 1
- PAR1012 Foundations of paramedic practice 2
- PAR1021 Introduction to paramedic research and evidence
- PAR1022 Health and disease across the lifespan
- PAR1031 Professionalism in paramedic practice
- PAR1032 Paramedicine in the Australian health care system
- PAR2011 Paramedic advanced life support
- PAR2012 Paramedic management of respiratory conditions
- PAR2020 Foundation paramedic clinical practice
- PAR2021 Paramedic management of cardiovascular conditions
- PAR2022 Paramedic management of trauma conditions
- PAR2031 Pharmacotherapy in paramedic practice
- PAR2032 Paramedic management of mental health
- PAR3011 Paramedic management of medical conditions
- PAR3012 Extended paramedic care
- PAR3021 Paramedic emergency management
- PAR3022 Clinical education and leadership in paramedic research and practice
- PAR3031 Paramedic management of maternal and neonatal health
- PAR3032 Paramedic management of acute conditions affecting special populations
- PAR3033 Integrated clinical practice
- PAR5200 Introduction to aeromedical and retrieval concepts
- PAR5210 Professional practice in aeromedical retrieval
- PAR5220 Aeromedical and retrieval clinical 1: Advanced life support/critical care
- PAR5230 Aeromedical retrieval coordination
- PAR5240 Aeromedical retrieval rescue for intensive care paramedics
- PAR5250 Aeromedical and retrieval clinical 2: Intensive care
- PAR5320 Extended care paramedicine 1
- PAR5330 Extended care paramedicine 2
- PAR5400 Principles of advanced care paramedic practice
- PAR5410 Pharmacotherapy and clinical toxicology in advanced care paramedic practice
- PAR5420 Intensive care management of cardiac conditions
- PAR5430 Intensive care management of respiratory conditions
- PAR5440 Intensive care management of trauma and environmental conditions
- PAR5450 Advanced care paramedic management of paediatric and obstetric patients
- PAR5460 Transition to practice in the intensive care simulated environment
- PAR5470 Transition to intensive care clinical practicum
- PAR5480 Intensive care management of medical conditions
- PBH1102 Introduction to communicating health
- PBH1104 Global health: Opportunities and challenges
- PBH2001 Foundations of epidemiology
- PBH2002 Foundations of biostatistics
- PBH2003 Culture, society and health
- PBH2004 Health, law and ethics
- PBH2005 Health program planning
- PBH2006 Treatment and technologies
- PBH2008 Introduction to health policy and politics
- PBH3001 Public health and clinical research methods
- PBH3002 Disease prevention and control
- PBH3003 Environmental determinants of health and disease
- PBH3004 Health program evaluation
- PBH3005 Social and behavioural sciences in public health
- PBH3006 Public health research practicum
- PBH3007 Health promotion practicum
- PBH3008 Case studies in global and public health
- PBH3009 Chronic disease epidemiology and control
- PBH3010 Health data management
- PBH3011 Advanced biostatistics for public health
- PBH3012 Translating research into practice
- PHC5301 Preventative health and management of chronic disease
- PHC5302 Common problems in primary care
- PHH1052 Health care systems: Global and local
- PHH1061 Data, evidence and critical thinking in health
- PHH1081 Foundations of public health
- PHH1101 Biological bases of health and disease 1
- PHH1102 Biological bases of health and disease 2
- PHH1112 Global health: Opportunities and challenges
- PHH2022 Culture, society and health
- PHH2051 Health program planning
- PHH2101 Health promotion: Global and local
- PHH2111 Treatments and technologies
- PHH2141 Analysing patterns of health and disease
- PHH2142 Research methods in the health sciences
- PHH3001 Health, law and ethics
- PHH3002 Health for all in a global world
- PHH3011 Contemporary health challenges
- PHH3041 Disease prevention and control
- PHH3061 Health program evaluation
- PHH3072 Health policy and politics
- PHH3082 Health promotion practicum
- PHH4101 Public health research proposal
- PHH4102 Contemporary and global public health issues
- PHH4201 Public health research report
- PIT5001 Foundations of psychiatry 1
- PIT5002 Foundations of psychiatry 2
- PIT5003 Foundations of psychiatry 3
- PIT5005 Psychiatry of the medically ill
- PIT5006 Child and adolescent psychiatry
- PIT5008 Fundamentals of forensic psychiatry
- PIT5010 Ethics of mental health care
- PIT5012 Contemporary issues and controversies in psychiatry
- PMH1011 Mental health in the community
- PMH3110 Psychology impact placement
- POM5001 Perioperative management of the cardiac patient
- POM5002 Acute perioperative medicine
- POM5003 Organ dysfunction 1
- POM5004 Organ dysfunction 2
- POM5005 Human factors for patient safety
- POM5101 Perioperative medicine and cardiorespiratory disease
- POM5102 Acute perioperative care
- POM5103 Perioperative medicine and co-existing conditions
- POM5104 Key topics in perioperative medicine
- PSY1011 Psychology 1A
- PSY1022 Psychology 1B
- PSY2042 Personality and social psychology
- PSY2061 Biological psychology
- PSY2071 Developmental psychology
- PSY2112 Organisational psychology
- PSY3032 Abnormal psychology
- PSY3041 Psychological testing, theories of ability and ethics
- PSY3051 Perception and cognitive psychology
- PSY3062 Research methods and theory
- PSY3120 Introduction to counselling
- PSY3130 Health psychology
- PSY3150 Contemporary social psychology
- PSY3180 Human neuropsychology: Developmental and neurodegenerative disorders
- PSY3190 Addiction studies
- PSY3250 Positive psychology
- PSY3280 The neuronal basis of consciousness
- PSY3320 Sleep and circadian rhythms
- PSY4032 Abnormal psychology
- PSY4041 Psychological testing and ethics
- PSY4051 Research design and analysis
- PSY4062 Research methods and theory
- PSY4081 Perception and cognition
- PSY4100 Psychology honours: Research project
- PSY4110 Psychology in society
- PSY4111 Psychology 1A
- PSY4120 Mental health and illness
- PSY4122 Psychology 1B
- PSY4130 Developmental psychology and clinical neuroscience
- PSY4131 Developmental and biological psychology
- PSY4140 Introduction to counselling
- PSY4151 Personality and social psychology
- PSY4170 Neuroscience of cognition and behaviour
- PSY4210 Statistics and research design for professional psychology
- PSY4220 Ethics, legal and professional issues in psychology
- PSY4270 Psychological assessment and intervention
- PSY4400 Psychology research project: final grade
- PSY4401 Psychology research project: Statistics and research design for professional psychology
- PSY4402 Psychology research project: Literature review
- PSY4403 Psychology research project: Methodology and data collection
- PSY4404 Psychology research project: results and discussion
- PSY4405 Ethical and professional issues in psychology
- PSY4406 Psychological assessment and intervention
- PSY4407 Psychology in industry: Pathways to employment
- PSY4408 Perspectives in clinical and developmental neuroscience
- PSY4409 21st century applications of psychology
- PSY6101 Psychopathology
- PSY6102 Psychological assessment
- PSY6103 Legal and ethical principles in clinical psychology practice and research
- PSY6104 Cognitive behaviour therapies: processes and applications
- PSY6105 Clinical development psychology
- PSY6161 Legal and ethical principles in clinical neuropsychology practice and research
- PSY6162 Neuroanatomy and models of cognition for the clinical neuropsychologist
- PSY6163 Neuropsychological assessment and neuropsychological syndromes
- PSY6164 Developmental Neuropsychology
- PSY6201 Psychopathology and theories and techniques of intervention
- PSY6202 Psychopharmacology and advanced psychopathology
- PSY6203 Recovery of function and rehabilitation after brain injury
- PSY6204 Clinical neuropsychology
- PSY6205 Introductory placement and case analysis (clinical psychology)
- PSY6206 Intermediate placement and case analysis (clinical psychology)
- PSY6207 Health psychology and behavioural medicine
- PSY6208 Introductory placement and case analysis (clinical neuropsychology)
- PSY6209 Intermediate placement and case analysis (clinical neuropsychology)
- PSY6301 Advanced placement and case analysis (clinical psychology)
- PSY6302 Advanced placement and case analysis (clinical neuropsychology)
- PTY1011 Physiotherapy 1
- PTY1022 Physiotherapy 2
- PTY2031 Physiotherapy 3
- PTY2042 Physiotherapy 4
- PTY3051 Physiotherapy 5
- PTY3162 Physiotherapy 6A: Clinical
- PTY3262 Physiotherapy 6B: Clinical
- PTY3362 Physiotherapy 6C: Clinical
- PTY3462 Clinical placement
- PTY4000 Honours thesis
- PTY4010 Honours systematic review
- PTY4020 Honours research proposal
- PTY4030 Honours thesis
- PTY4171 Physiotherapy 7A: Clinical
- PTY4172 Physiotherapy 7B: Clinical
- PTY4281 Physiotherapy 8A: Clinical
- PTY4282 Physiotherapy 8B: Clinical
- PTY4283 Physiotherapy 8C: Campus
- PTY5100 Enhancing skills in paediatric physiotherapy
- PTY5101 Advancing skills in paediatric physiotherapy: Cerebral palsy
- PTY5102 Advancing skills in paediatric physiotherapy: Neonates and infants
- PTY5103 Principles of paediatric physiotherapy
- PTY5104 Advancing skills in paediatric physiotherapy: Complex and chronic conditions
- PTY5105 Advanced physiotherapy clinical skills and project
- RAD1012 Radiographic science and practice 2
- RAD1021 Radiologic physics and radiation protection
- RAD1022 Medical radiation science: Physical principles
- RAD1031 Radiologic biology 1
- RAD1061 Radiographic science and practice 1
- RAD1082 Radiologic biology 2
- RAD2001 Medical imaging science: Radiographic principles
- RAD2002 Medical imaging anatomy
- RAD2003 Medical imaging science: Nuclear medicine
- RAD2004 Pathophysiology for medical radiation science 1
- RAD2005 Medical radiation science: Professional skills 1
- RAD2006 Pathophysiology for medical radiation science 2
- RAD2007 Medical radiation science: Professional skills 2
- RAD2012 Radiographic science and practice 4
- RAD2051 Radiographic science and practice 3
- RAD2061 Radiologic biology 3
- RAD2092 Radiologic biology 4 and sectional anatomy
- RAD3002 Medical imaging science: Computed tomography and digital image processing
- RAD3004 Neuroimaging for neuroscience research
- RAD3042 Medical imaging science and practice 2
- RAD3051 Medical imaging science and practice 1
- RAD3061 Medical imaging science (ultrasound)
- RAD3092 Magnetic resonance imaging (physics and technology)
- RAD4000 Radiography and medical imaging work experience
- RAD4070 Research in medical imaging
- RAD4080 Selected topics in medical imaging
- RAD4160 Advanced medical imaging
- RAD4501 MRI imaging and evidence based practice
- RAD4502 Foundations of x-ray image interpretation
- RAD4503 Magnetic resonance imaging: Physics, instrumentation and safety
- RAD5105 Pathology for imaging
- RAD5107 Hybrid and molecular imaging
- RAD5108 Musculoskeletal x-ray interpretation 1
- RAD5109 Musculoskeletal x-ray interpretation 2
- RAD5110 Advanced CT and clinical decision making 1
- RAD5111 Advanced CT and clinical decision making 2
- RAD5112 Advanced MRI clinical decision making
- RAD5114 X-ray interpretation of the chest and abdomen
- RAD5201 Emergency image interpretation 1
- RAD5202 Emergency image interpretation 2
- RAD5500 Multislice CT and clinical decision making
- RAD5504 Magnetic resonance imaging: Musculoskeletal system
- RAD5505 Magnetic resonance imaging: Head, spine abdomen and pelvis
- RAD5506 Magnetic resonance imaging: Advanced imaging techniques
- RTP4101 Professional issues in radiation therapy 1
- RTP4102 Professional issues in radiation therapy 2
- RTP4103 Specialised techniques in radiation therapy
- RTP5101 Patient care and assessment in radiation therapy
- RTP5102 Current issues in radiation therapy and oncology
- RTP5104 Advanced imaging for radiation therapy
- RTS2001 Professional practice in radiation therapy
- RTS2101 Fundamentals of cancer and its management
- RTS4101 Radiation therapy science 1
- RTS4102 Radiation therapy science 2
- RTS4103 Radiation therapy science 3
- RTS4104 Radiation therapy principles and practice 1
- RTS4105 Radiation therapy principles and practice 2
- RTS5101 Radiation therapy science 4
- RTS5102 Radiation therapy science 5
- RTS5103 Radiation therapy science 6
- RTS5104 Radiation therapy science 7
- RTS5105 Radiation therapy science 8
- RTS5110 Radiation therapy science and practice 1
- RTS5120 Radiation therapy science and practice 2
- SON4000 Physics of medical ultrasound and instrumentation
- SON4010 Embryology, anatomy and pathophysiology
- SON5000 Ultrasound research
- SON5020 Sonographic professional skills and sonography of the breast and thyroid
- SON5021 Sonographic abdominal imaging
- SON5022 Sonographic imaging of the reproductive system
- SON5023 Obstetric sonography
- SON5024 Musculoskeletal, neonatal and paediatric sonography
- SON5025 Sonographic vascular and postoperative imaging
- SRH3001 Health and health care planning for communities
- SRH5000 Health and health care planning for communities
- SRH5001 Research methods for health
- SRH5003 Designing and conducting health research
- SRH5032 Applied research for health practitioners
- SWK1011 Introduction to human services practice
- SWK2001 Introduction to the Australian welfare state
- SWK2140 Social welfare and practice with communities
- SWK3080 Planning for supervised professional practice placement 1
- SWK3180 Supervised professional practice 1
- SWK3220 Social work: Orientation to practice
- SWK3230 Social work research
- SWK3400 Critical social work 1: Individuals and families (context and practice)
- SWK3410 Critical social work 2: Community work, context and practice
- SWK3440 Leadership in social work and human services
- SWK4030 Human rights, legal and ethics knowledge for social work practice
- SWK4031 Working with complexity
- SWK4032 Working with complexity: Honours
- SWK4060 Planning for supervised professional practice placement 2
- SWK4400 Critical social work 3: Group work and community engagement (context and practice)
- SWK4401 Critical social work 4: Individual, health and society (context and practice)
- SWK4450 Social policy and social justice
- SWK4451 Social policy and social justice: Honours
- SWK4560 Supervised professional practice 2
- SWM5003 Planning for supervised professional practice placement 1
- SWM5008 Planning for supervised professional practice placement 2
- SWM5100 Social work: Fields of practice
- SWM5101 Human rights, law and ethics contexts for social work practice
- SWM5102 Critical social work 1: Frameworks for practice with children and families
- SWM5103 Supervised professional practice 1
- SWM5104 Critical social work 2: Frameworks for practice in health and mental health
- SWM5105 Social work practice and research
- SWM5106 Critical social work 3: Community engagement group project
- SWM5108 Supervised professional practice 2
- SWM5109 Critical social work 4: Social policy, social change and community practice
- SWM5111 Leadership in social work and human services
- SWM5112 Research for social work practice
- SWM5113 Critical social work 3: Group work and social work leadership
- SWM5120 Criminology and social work
- SWM5160 The child in society: Promoting children's wellbeing and responding to child maltreatment
- SWM5170 Applied research study
- SWM5190 Social work research
- SWM5200 Social work in a hospital context
- SWM5220 Longevity and social work
- SWM5225 Family violence and social work practice
- SWM5235 Family violence and professional practice
- SWM5241 Mental health practice
- SWM5260 Social work in post disaster sites
- TRM4001 Introduction to clinical trials
- TRM4002 Translational research
- TRM6001 Introduction to clinical trials
- TRM6002 Translational research: pathways to the clinic