[ ] [3] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [Y] [Z] [e]
Units indexed by unit name: T
- LAW7045: Takeovers
- FNA1901: Tapestry 1B
- FNA1902: Tapestry 1C
- FNA1903: Tapestry 2B
- FNA1904: Tapestry 2C
- FNA2803: Tapestry studio 3
- FNA2804: Tapestry studio 4
- FNA3805: Tapestry studio 5
- FNA3806: Tapestry studio 6
- BTF4440: Tax administration and practice
- BTF5570: Tax administration and practice
- BTF4550: Tax policy and constitutional issues
- BTF5620: Tax policy and constitutional issues
- LAW7048: Taxation Commissioner's discretionary powers
- BTF9201: Taxation and financial planning
- BTF2191: Taxation for international trade
- BTW2191: Taxation for international trade
- BTC3150: Taxation law
- BTC3154: Taxation law
- BTF2931: Taxation law
- BTF3931: Taxation law
- BTF4580: Taxation law
- BTF9651: Taxation law
- LAW5152: Taxation law 506
- BTG9221: Taxation law and practice
- BTW2221: Taxation law and practice
- BTF4650: Taxation of business entities
- BTF5510: Taxation of business entities
- LAW7051: Taxation of capital gains
- BTF4540: Taxation of companies and shareholders
- BTF5520: Taxation of companies and shareholders
- BTC3250: Taxation of financial transactions
- BTC3254: Taxation of financial transactions
- BTF4570: Taxation of financial transactions
- BTF5550: Taxation of financial transactions
- EDF8211: Teachers' work: research and policy
- EDF2105: Teaching Studies A
- EDF3105: Teaching Studies B
- EDF4105: Teaching Studies C
- EDF4902: Teaching and curriculum studies 4 (primary)
- EDF5204: Teaching and learning
- EDF4017: Teaching and learning in science
- NSG4411: Teaching in health care
- EDF5101: Teaching in schools
- EDF4240: Teaching language and literacy: curriculum and pedagogy
- EDF6111: Teaching languages for specific purposes - theory, context and method
- EDF6322: Teaching music: policy and practice
- EDF6112: Teaching standards and teacher evaluation
- ELC1001: Technical and Professional Communication
- DTS2660: Technical aspects of performance making
- IAR1410: Technical communication and drawing
- GEG1133: Technical computing tools
- CSE1402: Technical documentation for software engineers
- MTH1030: Techniques for modelling
- MTH2042: Techniques for scientific computing
- MTH3042: Techniques for scientific computing
- MTE2521: Techniques in materials engineering 1
- MTE2522: Techniques in materials engineering 2
- TEC2131: Technological design principles (electronics)
- MEC4403: Technology and society
- LAW7221: Technology contracts and licensing law
- EDF4212: Technology education
- MKF5130: Technology in retail and wholesale planning
- EDF5355: Technology in society
- EDF6425: Technology in the curriculum
- BEG9675: Technology management and organisational change
- SCI3090: Technology management for scientists
- SCI3094: Technology management for scientists II
- ECE2401: Telecommunications
- CSE5806: Telecommunications management
- GSC2906: Television Journalism
- VSA2770: Television Studies
- VSA3770: Television Studies
- GEG4044: Terotechnology
- GEG7014: Terotechnology and lifecycle costs
- HSY4840: Text and Community in Renaissance Italy
- HYM4840: Text and community in Renaissance Italy
- HYM5840: Text and community in Renaissance Italy
- CLS1010: Text and context
- FNA2810: Textile Construction 2B
- HSY2990: The American Civil War
- HSY3990: The American Civil War
- GES3850: The Australian atmospheric environment - a synoptic-scale approach
- ATM3212: The Australian atmospheric environment: a synoptic-scale approach
- HSY2850: The Australian city: contemporary problems in historical perspective
- HSY3850: The Australian city: contemporary problems in historical perspective
- HYM4090: The Australian ethnic experience
- HYM5090: The Australian ethnic experience
- MGY9570: The Australian health care system
- ELC1002: The Electronic Business Environment
- FRN3801: The Female Body
- FRN4801: The Female Body
- HSY2105: The Great Divide: Religion and Genocide in 20th Century India
- HSY3105: The Great Divide: Religion and Genocide in 20th Century India
- HSY3580: The Holocaust
- ITA3450: The Italian experience in Australia
- ITA4460: The Italian experience in Australia
- FNA2125: The Landscape: Natural and Built Environment
- FRN3603: The Media in France
- TAD2125: The Mediterranean and its visual culture
- VSA2150: The Other Side of the Avant Garde: Twentieth Century Women's Art History
- VSA3150: The Other Side of the Avant Garde: Twentieth Century Women's Art History
- EDF4015: The Professional Teacher
- HYM4140: The Raj imagined
- HYM5140: The Raj imagined
- HSY4140: The Raj imagined:Stories and films of "British" India in their historical context
- RLT3480: The Religious Quest: Eastern Faith and Illumination
- RLT2470: The Religious Quest: Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- RLT3470: The Religious Quest: Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- HSY2860: The Renaissance in Florence
- HSY3860: The Renaissance in Florence
- SCY3450: The Research Process
- HSY2440: The Rise and Fall of Nazi Germany
- ANY3480: The Third World
- ASM4430: The Third World
- TRS1200: The Tourist Experience
- UKR3020: The Ukrainian baroque
- UKR4020: The Ukrainian baroque
- HSY2060: The Uses of the Past
- HSY3060: The Uses of the Past
- HSY2460: The Vietnam war
- HSY3460: The Vietnam war
- PER2000: The aesthetics of performance
- ENE3604: The air environment
- LIN2570: The analysis of discourse: texts, narrative and society
- LIN3570: The analysis of discourse: texts, narrative and society
- ARY2970: The archaeology and history of ancient Egypt, 3000-1650 BCE
- ARY2990: The archaeology and history of ancient Egypt: 1650-664 BCE
- RLM4090: The authority of the text: the hermeneutical question
- RLM5090: The authority of the text: the hermeneutical question
- RLT4090: The authority of the text: the hermeneutical question
- LAW7216: The civil liability of lawyers
- EDF6203: The classroom and the bilingual/immersion teacher
- CSE3323: The computer industry: historical, social and professional issues
- CSE2700: The computing environment
- ENV423E: The conserver society
- ENV523E: The conserver society
- GRN3235: The contemporary novel
- MGX5710: The contemporary world
- BHS2340: The criminal mind
- BHS3340: The criminal mind
- VAM4084: The culture and imagery of cities
- VAM5084: The culture and imagery of cities
- CPE1003: The design and implementation of Web pages.
- SCI1020: The design of science
- SWH4002: The development of social work knowledge
- ATM1010: The dynamic atmosphere
- EDF4502: The early childhood professional
- ECC4810: The economics of collective choice
- ECF5020: The economics of e-commerce
- ECF5030: The emergence of the knowledge-based economy
- GES1050: The global challenge
- CNS6405: The growing child and family
- BME1130: The human being in health and illness
- EDF6442: The impact of computer technology on education and society
- IMS5048: The information continuum
- EDF6231: The international context of teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL)
- ECC3570: The international economy since 1945
- ECC3574: The international economy since 1945
- IMS1401: The internet and multimedia
- IMS5030: The internet and multimedia
- EDF4222: The junior primary specialist
- LAW4167: The justice system: theory and practice 406
- DTS1060: The language of performance
- BTX9060: The law of employment
- LAW5101: The law of public listed companies 506
- BTC9250: The legal environment of business
- ENH4640: The life of the text: genesis, production, reception
- ENM4640: The life of the text: genesis, production, reception
- ENM5640: The life of the text: genesis, production, reception
- MGC3130: The management of change
- MGC3134: The management of change
- MGC3510: The management of technology
- MGC3514: The management of technology
- FRN2603: The media in France
- BCH2011: The molecules of life
- CSE5950: The multimedia industry
- FIT5950: The multimedia industry
- GCO5950: The multimedia industry
- NUR6801: The physiology of ageing
- DTS1160: The places of performance
- AUS4201: The practising consultant
- AUS5201: The practising consultant
- APS1040: The professional ambulance paramedic
- EDF6610: The psychology of the gifted child
- PUB5006: The publishing firm
- CHE5160: The pulp and paper industry
- ENH2050: The reader in history
- ENH3050: The reader in history
- RLM4130: The reforming impulse, 1150-1600
- RLT2480: The religious quest: Eastern faith and illumination
- HSY3440: The rise and fall of Nazi Germany
- EDF6641: The social and political contexts of early childhood services
- ASM4500: The social construction of disabilities
- DTS2500: The study of dance
- DTS3500: The study of dance
- EDF4303: The teacher as a researcher
- MHT0002: The teacher in the classroom, practical considerations
- EDF2002: The teachers' world
- ASM5080: The theory and practice of research
- HSY2640: The twelfth-century renaissance: culture and society
- HSY3640: The twelfth-century renaissance: culture and society
- CHM1031: The world of chemistry I
- CHM1042: The world of chemistry II
- INS5310: Theatre in Indonesia - tradition, innovation, contestation
- MUM4140: Theatrical music
- VAM4030: Themes in nineteenth-century Australian art
- VAM5030: Themes in nineteenth-century Australian art
- ASM5035: Theoretical and methodological issues in applied social research
- SYM4035: Theoretical and methodological issues in applied social research
- SYM5035: Theoretical and methodological issues in applied social research
- PHS3131: Theoretical physics I
- PHS3142: Theoretical physics II
- GSC3504: Theories and research in history and politics
- ECC5690: Theories in international and development economics
- EDF6615: Theories of assessment
- EDF6616: Theories of intervention
- LAW7055: Theories of justice
- ANY4300: Theorising culture
- ASM4290: Theorising culture
- ASM5290: Theorising culture
- ADD5092: Theory Workshop
- ADM5002: Theory Workshop
- GSC4510: Theory and method
- GSC4211: Theory and practice in sociology
- JIT5731: Theory and practice of Japanese interpreting
- EDF6233: Theory and practice of TESOL
- ECG9161: Theory and practice of economic reforms
- ECW4161: Theory and practice of economic reforms
- EDF6221: Theory and practice of second-language education
- SCY4540: Theory and practice of sociology
- JIT4811: Theory and practice of translation A
- JIT5811: Theory and practice of translation A
- JIT4200: Theory and practice of translation B
- JIT5200: Theory and practice of translation B
- EDF6201: Theory and principles of bilingual/immersion education
- MKF9110: Theory and process of buyer behaviour
- ASN3071: Theory and research in Asian studies
- PHL3410: Theory of Knowledge
- VAM4020: Theory of art history and criticism
- VSA4032: Theory of art history and criticism
- MAE1415: Theory of flight
- MGA0012: Theory of group psychotherapy applied to specialised groups
- GHS1441: Therapeutic communication
- GHS1441H: Therapeutic communication
- GHS1441M: Therapeutic communication
- GHS1441S: Therapeutic communication
- BND3082: Therapeutic dietetic practices
- MED6006: Therapeutics
- NUR2201: Therapeutics and medication
- MEC2480: Thermodynamics
- CHE2120: Thermodynamics I
- GSE2401: Thermodynamics I
- CHE3115: Thermodynamics II
- GEG2733: Thermodynamics II
- GSE3401: Thermodynamics II
- GEG3733: Thermodynamics III
- MTE2504: Thermomechanical analysis
- MTE4554: Thermosetting polymers and elastomers
- DTS4600: Thesis
- MUS4720: Thesis
- PCE4000: Thesis
- SLA4600: Thesis
- ANY4380: Thesis in anthropology
- COS4010: Thesis in comparative cultures
- SCY4580: Thesis in sociology
- ECE4909: Thesis project
- ECE4910: Thesis project Sem 1
- RLM4780: Thinking God: Philosophical theology and postmodernity
- PHL2210: Thinking about science
- IMS3000: Third year studio
- CSE3319: Third-year topics in computer science
- HYM4910: Three traditions: perceptions of history in other cultures
- HYM5910: Three traditions: perceptions of history in other cultures
- CIV2224: Timber and masonry structures
- ETC3450: Time series analysis for business and economics
- ETC3454: Time series analysis for business and economics
- STA3042: Time series and statistical inference
- MED2052: Tissue injury, neoplasia and inflammation and infection and immunity
- PHL2850: Topics in Indian Philosophy
- PHL3850: Topics in Indian Philosophy
- SLA4100: Topics in Slavic linguistics
- CPE3003: Topics in advanced web page design and development
- MUM5650: Topics in composition
- ECC3855: Topics in economics pre-honours
- ALM5010: Topics in linguistics
- MUM5010: Topics in musicology
- LAW7226: Tort liabilities of public authorities
- LAW2200: Torts 212
- JPS2140: Touring Japanese Culture
- JPS3140: Touring Japanese Culture
- JLG4805: Tourism Japanese 1
- JLG5805: Tourism Japanese 1
- JLG4806: Tourism Japanese 2
- JLG5806: Tourism Japanese 2
- AIS2809: Tourism and Indigenous Australia
- AIS3809: Tourism and Indigenous Australia
- BUS4640: Tourism and service industry systems
- BUS5640: Tourism and service industry systems
- BUS3640: Tourism and service industry systems
- GES3220: Tourism and the Environment
- GES2320: Tourism and the environment
- ATD4120: Tourism development, planning and special events
- ATM5120: Tourism development, planning and special events
- ECW2600: Tourism economics
- AUS1040: Tourism in Australia
- ATD4010: Tourism industry and marketing
- ATM5010: Tourism industry and marketing
- BTW2161: Tourism law
- MGG9502: Tourism management A
- MGG9540: Tourism management B
- MGW3541: Tourism management projects (evaluations and proposals)
- MKW1600: Tourism marketing
- MGG9520: Tourism operations A (travel)
- MGG9521: Tourism operations B (hospitality)
- MGW3601: Tourism planning and development
- MGW2502: Tourism policy
- MGW1501: Tourism principles and practice
- MGW2501: Tourism principles and practice
- MGG9541: Tourism projects (evaluation and proposals)
- VCF3071: Toxicology
- MPH1028: Toxicology 1
- ECF2721: Trade finance and foreign exchange
- ECW2721: Trade finance and foreign exchange
- LAW7224: Trade mark practice
- LAW7075: Trade marks and commercial designations
- GCO5801: Trading systems and electronic commerce
- BUS3020: Trading systems and electronic commerce
- BUS4020: Trading systems and electronic commerce
- GEG4334: Traffic engineering
- CIV5301: Traffic engineering fundamentals
- FOR2001: Traffic medicine
- CMH2003: Transcultural mental health
- MSC3021: Transformation in metals and ceramics
- NUR3202: Transition to professional roles: ethics, law and management
- SPN3880: Translation and Translators: Theory and Practice
- JIT4832: Translation of Japanese business documents
- JIT5832: Translation of Japanese business documents
- FRN3805: Translation: theory and practice
- FRN4805: Translation: theory and practice
- IDE3807: Transporation Design 2
- CIV2281: Transport and traffic
- ECC3760: Transport economics
- ECC3764: Transport economics
- MKP9630: Transport management
- CIV5305: Transport network models
- CHE3110: Transport phenomena I
- CIV4283: Transport planning
- CIV4284: Transport systems
- ENE4201: Transport, land use and the environment
- IDE3808: Transportation Design 3
- IDE4807: Transportation Design 4
- IDE2806: Transportation design 1
- CTM0001: Trauma, culture and environment
- AUS2040: Travel Writing and New Technologies
- AUS3040: Travel Writing and New Technologies
- MGW2520: Travel and tour management
- PLM4300: Travels in an 'Old Country': Localism, Nationalism and Globalism
- PLT3300: Travels in an 'Old Country': Localism, Nationalism and Globalism
- PLT4300: Travels in an 'Old Country': Localism, Nationalism and Globalism
- AFF5240: Treasury administration and control
- AFF3651: Treasury management
- AFW3651: Treasury management
- AFF9270: Treasury management for financial institutions
- PAR3020: Trends in pre-hospital care services
- LAW5127: Trial practice and advocacy 506
- SCM3011: Tropical aquatic biology
- SCM3022: Tropical terrestrial biology
- HSY2655: Troubadours and Street-Singers: music and Popular Culture 1100-1600
- HSY3655: Troubadours and Street-Singers: music and Popular Culture 1100-1600
- ENH2120: True North: Representations of the North England
- ENH3120: True North: Representations of the North of England
- LAW4170: Trusts 406
- HSY2300: Twentieth Century Australia
- HSY3300: Twentieth Century Australia
- VAM4050: Twentieth-century Australian modernism
- VAM5050: Twentieth-century Australian modernism
- FRN3806: Twentieth-century French Poetry
- FRN4806: Twentieth-century French Poetry
- MGR2310: Twentieth-century Greek literature
- MGR3310: Twentieth-century Greek literature
- VCO1301: Typographic studies 1
- VCO2302: Typographic studies 2
- VCO3303: Typography studies 3