Units by Title - C - 2019
- APG5367 Campaigns, advocacy and change
- BMS5012 Cancer biology and therapeutics
- BMS5006 Cardiovascular biology and disease
- SCI3930 Career skills for scientists
- DPSY5262 Case analysis and professional practice in neuropsychology 1
- DPSY6162 Case analysis and professional practice in neuropsychology 2
- DPSY6262 Case analysis and professional practice in neuropsychology 3
- BFC5130 Case studies in banking and finance
- BFF5300 Case studies in finance
- PBH3008 Case studies in global and public health
- ECW3301 Case studies in international trade
- BFF5021 Case studies in risk management
- CIV5320 Case studies in transportation systems
- MPH5273 Case study in health services management
- EAE3331 Catchment hydrology
- EPM5009 Categorical data and generalised linear models
- AMG5018 Celebrity, fashion, publicity
- APG5018 Celebrity, fashion, publicity
- BCH3042 Cell signal transduction: Role in cancer and human disease
- BMS1021 Cells, tissues and organisms
- BTH2752 Cellular metabolism
- BCH3021 Cellular organisation: Organelle structure and function in health and disease
- NUR5229 Challenges and controversies in mental health nursing practice
- MPH5313 Challenges in public health
- EDF5621 Challenging curriculum, pedagogy and assessment
- ATS3021 Chamber music 1
- ATS3022 Chamber music 2
- EDF3033 Change and transition in children's education
- MPH5243 Chemical and biological hazards
- CHE4180 Chemical engineering project
- CHM1051 Chemistry 1 advanced
- CHM1011 Chemistry 1
- CHM1052 Chemistry 2 advanced
- CHM1022 Chemistry 2
- CHE3161 Chemistry and chemical thermodynamics
- EDF5127 Chemistry education in the secondary years A
- EDF5128 Chemistry education in the secondary years B
- CHM1752 Chemistry for engineering
- CHM4211 Chemistry honours coursework part-time A
- CHM4221 Chemistry honours coursework part-time B
- CHM4201 Chemistry honours coursework
- CHM3990 Chemistry project
- CHM4110 Chemistry research project part-time A
- CHM4120 Chemistry research project part-time B
- CHM4100 Chemistry research project
- CHM3980 Chemistry study abroad
- PIT5006 Child and adolescent psychiatry
- FOR5012 Child and adolescent sexual abuse
- AZA2455 Child and adult development
- AZA2763 Child and youth assessment: Risk and protective factors, signs and symptoms
- AZA4310 Child and youth care policy and leadership: Advocating for the rights of children and youth
- AZA1285 Child and youth development in South Africa: A person-in-environment perspective
- AZA1286 Child and youth development: A five-level developmental model
- AZA2765 Child and youth interventions: Individual, group and community interventions
- AZA3467 Child justice: Human rights, law reform and socio-criminology of deviance
- EDF5540 Children and adolescents counselling
- EDF2039 Children and childhood across time: Policies and practices
- LAW5463 Children's law in action
- EDF3034 Children's literacy development
- EDF3032 Children's literature, storytelling and the arts
- ATS2519 Children's literature: A comparative study
- LAW5417 Children's rights in international law
- EDF5904 Children, families, communities
- LAW5437 China's legal system
- BTF5170 Chinese business law
- ATS3013 Chinese business translation 1
- ATS3014 Chinese business translation 2
- ATS3940 Chinese cultural analysis
- ATS2003 Chinese intermediate 1
- ATS2004 Chinese intermediate 2
- ATS1001 Chinese introductory 1
- ATS2001 Chinese introductory 1
- ATS1002 Chinese introductory 2
- ATS2002 Chinese introductory 2
- ATS1905 Chinese introductory for background speakers 1
- ATS1906 Chinese introductory for background speakers 2
- LAW5455 Chinese law and innovation policies
- LAW4252 Chinese legal institutions and laws
- ATS3042 Chinese media analysis
- ATS3037 Chinese online media: Contemporary issues and perspectives
- ATS3038 Chinese online media: Current issues and perspectives
- ATS2005 Chinese proficient 1
- ATS3005 Chinese proficient 1
- ATS2006 Chinese proficient 2
- ATS3006 Chinese proficient 2
- ATS3007 Chinese studies advanced 1
- ATS3008 Chinese studies advanced 2
- ATS3009 Chinese studies advanced 3: Readings in modern literature
- ATS3010 Chinese studies advanced 4: Readings in modern literature
- ATS3011 Chinese studies advanced 5: Contemporary literature
- ATS3012 Chinese studies advanced 6: Contemporary literature
- ATS1959 Chinese translation 1
- ATS2959 Chinese translation 1
- ATS1940 Chinese translation 2
- ATS2940 Chinese translation 2
- ATS2043 Chinese translation for professional purposes 1
- ATS2044 Chinese translation for professional purposes 2
- PBH3009 Chronic disease epidemiology and control
- MPH5207 Chronic disease: Epidemiology and prevention
- NUR3005 Chronic illness management in primary care
- ECE2031 Circuits and control
- ATS2547 Cities and sustainability
- ATS3761 Civic forum journalism
- CIV4212 Civil and environmental engineering practice
- CIV2283 Civil engineering construction
- PHS3201 Classical dynamics and field theory
- ATS4702 Classical languages for researchers
- PHS1011 Classical physics and relativity
- EDF2211 Classroom practice
- MEC4804 Clean energy materials
- BEX5200 Climate change and carbon management strategies
- LAW5454 Climate change and displacement
- LAW4532 Climate change and international law
- LAW5638 Climate change and international law
- MPH5042 Climate change and public health
- ATS2324 Climate change communication
- ENS5320 Climate change, energy and human security
- SCI1300 Climate change: From science to society
- EAE3111 Climate dynamics
- AZA3550 Climatology
- PHY3171 Clinical and experimental cardiovascular physiology
- IMM3062 Clinical and research laboratory immunology
- EDF5516 Clinical and therapeutic interventions
- AVM5003 Clinical aviation medicine
- EPM5006 Clinical biostatistics
- EDF5561 Clinical case formulation
- NUR2447 Clinical concepts
- PSY6105 Clinical development psychology
- DPSY5105 Clinical developmental psychology
- PAR3022 Clinical education and leadership in paramedic research and practice
- APG5729 Clinical ethics
- FOR5016 Clinical forensic odontology
- NUR4401 Clinical honours thesis 1: Applied research methods and skills
- NUR4402 Clinical honours thesis 2: Framing a research proposal
- NUR4403 Clinical honours thesis 3: Conducting a research project
- NUR4404 Clinical honours thesis 4: Analysing and reporting research
- IMM3042 Clinical immunopathology
- EDF5721 Clinical interventions in educational and developmental psychology
- MPH5266 Clinical leadership and management
- NUR5325 Clinical leadership in nursing
- DPSY6204 Clinical neuropsychology
- PSY6204 Clinical neuropsychology
- EDF5731 Clinical placement in psychology 1
- EDF5732 Clinical placement in psychology 2
- EDF5733 Clinical placement in psychology 3
- LAW4803 Clinical placement
- PTY3462 Clinical placement
- PGC5108 Clinical research 2
- PGC5109 Clinical research 3
- PGW5209 Clinical risk management and wound care
- MPH5236 Clinical trials
- ASC5008 Co-occurring disorders in mental health and addiction
- EDF5563 Cognitive assessment
- PSY6104 Cognitive behaviour therapies: processes and applications
- EDF5531 Cognitive behaviour therapies
- EDF5545 Cognitive behaviour therapy
- EDF5722 Cognitive, personality and educational assessment
- APG5100 Colab M: Mentoring for development practice and professional development
- COL1001 Collaborative design studio 1
- MDC4130 Collaborative design studio 1
- MDC5230 Collaborative design studio 2
- MDC5330 Collaborative design studio 3
- LAW5410 Collaborative practice
- EDF4551 Collaborative principles, partnerships and procedures
- LAW4127 Collective labour rights
- LAW5323 Collective labour rights
- ATS2020 Colonialism in comparison: Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific
- ATS3020 Colonialism in comparison: Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific
- MTH4153 Combinatorics
- MTH5153 Combinatorics
- LAW5315 Commercial alternative dispute resolution
- BFF2401 Commercial banking and finance
- BFW2401 Commercial banking and finance
- LAW5445 Commercial equity
- BTB1010 Commercial law
- BTC1110 Commercial law
- LAW4701 Commercial transactions
- BEX5002 Commercialisation project A
- BEX5003 Commercialisation project B
- MGF5011 Commercialisation
- PHC5302 Common problems in primary care
- ATS1119 Communicating in the digital era
- ENG6009 Communicating research in engineering
- AZA4721 Communication and media practice applied
- IAR1411 Communication and media
- NUR1110 Communication and scholarship in nursing and midwifery
- CDS2002 Communication design elective studio
- CDS1001 Communication design studio 1
- CDS1002 Communication design studio 2
- CDS2001 Communication design studio 3
- CDS3001 Communication design studio 4
- CDS3002 Communication design studio 5
- TDN2002 Communication design theory
- APG5050 Communication research methods
- AMG5409 Communication research
- AMU1278 Communication technologies and practices
- ATS2250 Communications and cultures in the global era
- ATS3732 Communications and media studies: Contemporary debates
- ATS3445 Communications ethics, policy and law
- AMG5751 Communications industry internship
- AMG5742 Communications research project
- AMG5743 Communications research thesis
- AMG5894 Communications theories and practices
- APG5894 Communications theories and practices
- ECE4042 Communications theory
- EDF3071 Community development and partnerships
- ACB2491 Company reporting
- LAW4153 Comparative European legal systems
- LAW5326 Comparative European legal systems
- BTF5050 Comparative business law in Asia
- LAW4688 Comparative commercial transactions law
- LAW5648 Comparative commercial transactions law
- LAW5351 Comparative competition law
- LAW5331 Comparative constitution and rights
- LAW4165 Comparative constitutions and rights
- LAW4189 Comparative criminal law
- LAW5333 Comparative criminal law
- LAW4665 Comparative cybercrime
- LAW5618 Comparative cybercrime
- LAW4329 Comparative cyberlaw
- LAW5603 Comparative cyberlaw
- LAW4664 Comparative dispute resolution
- LAW5605 Comparative dispute resolution
- LAW4684 Comparative indigenous rights
- LAW5639 Comparative indigenous rights
- LAW4655 Comparative issues in patent law
- LAW5611 Comparative issues in patent law
- LAW4516 Comparative perspectives on crime and punishment
- LAW5435 Comparative perspectives on crime and punishment
- AZA2012 Comparative politics
- LAW4644 Comparative remedies
- GRS4201 Comparative reproduction and conservation
- BTW2241 Comparative workplace relations law
- AZA3010 Competing models of political economy
- LAW4702 Competition and consumer law
- ECS3830 Competition and regulation
- LAW4318 Competition law
- LAW5312 Competition law
- ECC5470 Competition, regulation and policy
- MTH3020 Complex analysis and integral transforms
- MEC4446 Composite structures
- ATS1046 Composition and music technology 1: Introduction to composition genres
- ATS1047 Composition and music technology 2: Materials of composition
- ATS2127 Composition and music technology 3: Spatial composition techniques
- ATS2128 Composition and music technology 4: Composition for screen
- ATS3140 Composition and music technology 5: Interactive composition
- ATS3141 Composition and music technology 6: Final project
- PHR3041 Comprehensive Care: Blood, Brain and Cancers
- PHR2142 Comprehensive Care: Cardiovascular
- PHR2141 Comprehensive Care: Dermatology and Pain
- PHR2042 Comprehensive Care: Endocrinology and Renal
- PHR3141 Comprehensive Care: Pathogens, host defence and treatment
- PHR2041 Comprehensive Care: Respiratory and Gastrointestinal
- ASP3162 Computational astrophysics and the extreme universe
- PSC3142 Computational drug design
- MTH4141 Computational group theory
- MTH5141 Computational group theory
- MTH3320 Computational linear algebra
- MTH5530 Computational methods in finance
- FIT3139 Computational modelling and simulation
- MTH4089 Computational statistical inference
- MTH5089 Computational statistical inference
- FIT9134 Computer architecture and operating systems
- FIT3159 Computer architecture
- FIT5194 Computer based global project management
- FIT3088 Computer graphics
- FIT3165 Computer networks
- FIT4165 Computer networks
- ECE2071 Computer organisation and programming
- FIT2034 Computer programming 2
- FIT1054 Computer science (advanced)
- FIT3161 Computer science project 1
- FIT3162 Computer science project 2
- FIT3036 Computer science project
- FIT2082 Computer science research project
- ECE3073 Computer systems
- ECE4076 Computer vision
- MAE3426 Computer-aided design
- MEC4426 Computer-aided design
- MEC4447 Computers in fluids and energy
- CIV2207 Computing and water systems modelling
- ENG1060 Computing for engineers
- IDN2101 Concept art for design
- CMH5003 Concepts in mental health illness
- VCO3206 Conceptual illustration
- ENG2203 Concrete structures
- ATS3820 Conducting
- APG5616 Conference interpreting
- ATS2189 Conflict and coexistence 1: Jews, Christians and Muslims from antiquity through the middle ages
- ATS3190 Conflict and coexistence 2: Jews, Christians and Muslims in the modern world
- LAW4156 Conflict of laws - private international law
- APG5073 Conflict, security and development
- BIO2040 Conservation biology
- LAW4108 Constitutional law of Malaysia
- LAW2111 Constitutional law
- AHT3109 Constructing art in Australia: Colonialism to postcolonialism
- LAW4244 Construction law (dispute resolution)
- LAW4190 Construction law: Principles and practice
- IAR1602 Constructions and environments 1
- IAR2601 Constructions and environments 2
- IAR2602 Constructions and environments 3
- AZA3764 Consulting
- MKS2402 Consumer behaviour
- MKW2402 Consumer behaviour
- ECF3120 Consumer economics
- LAW4196 Consumer law
- MKB2704 Consumer orientated marketing communications
- LAW5347 Consumer policy and regulation
- MKB2703 Consumer psychology
- ATS2648 Contemporary Japan
- OCC4051 Contemporary advances in occupational therapy practice
- PHH4102 Contemporary and global public health issues
- ARC2401 Contemporary architecture
- AHT2136 Contemporary art fieldwork: context and site
- GLS2223 Contemporary blown and sculpted glass
- SCU1021 Contemporary casting
- EDF2030 Contemporary child development theories and practices
- MED5102 Contemporary developments in clinical practice: Patient safety
- TAD3214 Contemporary discourse in design
- EAE4064 Contemporary environmental earth science problems
- EAE5064 Contemporary environmental earth science problems
- AMU3560 Contemporary feminisms in Asia
- AMU2498 Contemporary fiction
- ATS4280 Contemporary film theory and criticism
- GLS1231 Contemporary glass blowing practices
- GLS1211 Contemporary glass practices
- GLS2213 Contemporary glass sculpture
- PHH3011 Contemporary health challenges
- IAR2411 Contemporary interior architecture
- AHT2105 Contemporary international art
- AHT3105 Contemporary international art
- CPS5009 Contemporary issues and controversies in child psychotherapy
- PIT5012 Contemporary issues and controversies in psychiatry
- AMG5382 Contemporary issues in Asia
- BEX6014 Contemporary issues in finance
- MGX5461 Contemporary issues in globalisation
- EDF1072 Contemporary issues in health and physical education
- LAW4682 Contemporary issues in international sports law
- LAW5635 Contemporary issues in international sports law
- MGX4300 Contemporary issues in management
- MKF5461 Contemporary issues in marketing
- MKX4461 Contemporary issues in marketing
- LAW4686 Contemporary issues in public policy, regulation and the law
- LAW5647 Contemporary issues in public policy, regulation and the law
- ATS3852 Contemporary issues in social science research
- JWL1311 Contemporary jewellery practice 1
- JWL1312 Contemporary jewellery practice 2
- JWL2313 Contemporary jewellery practice 3
- JWL2314 Contemporary jewellery practice 4
- ATS3502 Contemporary literature
- AMU2450 Contemporary media theory
- NUR5011 Contemporary nursing in context 1
- NUR5022 Contemporary nursing in context 2
- NUR5033 Contemporary nursing in context 3
- NUR5111 Contemporary nursing practice 1
- NUR5002 Contemporary nursing practice 2
- NUR5003 Contemporary nursing practice 3
- NUR5004 Contemporary nursing practice 4
- FNA2111 Contemporary practices 3
- FNA2112 Contemporary practices 4
- FNA3111 Contemporary practices 5
- FNA3112 Contemporary practices 6
- EDF5304 Contemporary practices of STEM education
- LAW5335 Contemporary problems in the administration of criminal justice
- EDF5567 Contemporary psychological practice
- NUR5008 Contemporary psychotherapies for nurses
- CMH5011 Contemporary research and practice in family violence
- APG5332 Contemporary security topics
- PSY3150 Contemporary social psychology
- EDF3037 Contemporary theories of learning development
- EDF4032 Contemporary theories of learning development
- APG5390 Contemporary tourism and development in emerging economies
- LAW4119 Contemporary workplace relations law
- LAW5633 Contemporary workplace relations law
- EDF5302 Content, pedagogy and pedagogical content knowledge in STEM education
- ATS2358 Contesting laws: Heritage, culture and land
- PAC4382 Context for practice III
- ETC3530 Contingencies in insurance and pensions
- MAT1841 Continuous mathematics for computer science
- LAW2101 Contract A
- LAW2102 Contract B
- ECE4132 Control system design
- ECE3031 Control systems
- MEC4418 Control systems
- ATS1422 Controlling crime, controlling society
- BTW3233 Conventional and Islamic finance law
- LAW5645 Conventional and islamic international banking and finance law
- LAW5448 Copyright X: US and international copyright law and theory
- LAW4341 Copyright and designs
- LAW5301 Copyright
- LAW5356 Corporate and white collar crime
- AZA2030 Corporate communication
- BTF2223 Corporate crime
- BFB2140 Corporate finance 1
- BFC2140 Corporate finance 1
- BFF2140 Corporate finance 1
- BFW2140 Corporate finance 1
- BFC3140 Corporate finance 2
- BFS2780 Corporate finance A
- BFS3790 Corporate finance B
- LAW5385 Corporate finance law
- BEX6012 Corporate financial management
- LAW5357 Corporate governance and directors' duties
- BTF5000 Corporate governance
- LAW5306 Corporate insolvency
- MGX3100 Corporate social responsibility and business ethics
- MGF5030 Corporate social responsibility
- APG5433 Corporate sustainability management
- BTF5910 Corporate sustainability regulation
- APG5122 Corporate sustainability
- BFW3652 Corporate treasury and credit management
- BFF5250 Corporate treasury management
- BTB2220 Corporations law
- BTF5501 Corporations law
- LAW3112 Corporations law
- MTE4595 Corrosion mechanisms and protection methods
- ACS2770 Cost and management accounting A
- ACS3750 Cost and management accounting B
- ACB2020 Cost information for decision making
- EDF4533 Counselling children and adolescents
- EDF4539 Counselling in a multicultural context
- EDF5554 Counselling internship
- EDF4536 Counselling practice and theory
- EDF5552 Counselling practicum
- EDF5547 Counselling research design, statistics and program evaluation
- EDF4531 Counselling settings and populations
- EDF5530 Counselling skills for individuals, couples and groups
- EDF5542 Counselling skills: Individuals and couples
- AZA4430 Counselling
- EDF4251 Creative arts education
- APG5068 Creative cities
- CDS2521 Creative coding
- FIT2105 Creative computing: understanding art, science and technology
- EDF5023 Creative development for children
- APG5082 Creative entrepreneurship in cultural industries
- CDS2522 Creative expression through physical computing
- EDF1031 Creative learning in childhood through music and the arts
- EDF5814 Creative research approaches
- CDS2523 Creative visualisation
- BEX5411 Creativity and entrepreneurship
- BFF3841 Credit analysis and lending management
- BFW3841 Credit analysis and lending management
- BFC5380 Credit risk modelling
- ATS2056 Crime and inequality
- AZA2461 Crime and punishment
- ATS3867 Crime fiction and film in Hispanic cultures
- ATS3939 Crime in Italian popular culture
- ATS2458 Crime, control and policing
- ATS2552 Crime, justice and the public
- ATS2457 Crime, media and culture
- ATS3004 Crime, risk and security
- AZA3463 Criminal behaviour in South Africa: A psychosocial approach
- LAW4227 Criminal investigation law and procedure
- LAW1114 Criminal law 1
- LAW4332 Criminal law and procedure 2
- SWM5120 Criminology and social work
- ATS4699 Criminology honours coursework: Research, practice and policy
- TAD2214 Critical issues in design
- AMU2908 Critical methodologies for action research
- SWM5102 Critical social work 1: Frameworks for practice with children and families
- SWK3400 Critical social work 1: Individuals and families (context and practice)
- SWK3410 Critical social work 2: Community work, context and practice
- SWM5104 Critical social work 2: Frameworks for practice in health and mental health
- SWM5106 Critical social work 3: Community engagement group project
- SWK4400 Critical social work 3: Group work and community engagement (context and practice)
- SWM5113 Critical social work 3: Group work and social work leadership
- SWK4401 Critical social work 4: Individual, health and society (context and practice)
- SWM5109 Critical social work 4: Social policy, social change and community practice
- ATS3405 Critical theory and poststructuralism: Recent European philosophy
- ATS2946 Critical thinking: How to analyse arguments and improve your reasoning skills
- BTH2820 Crop science
- MGF5640 Cross-cultural management communication
- MGM5640 Cross-cultural management communication
- MGS5640 Cross-cultural management communication
- MGZ5640 Cross-cultural management communication
- MTE2541 Crystal structures, thermodynamics and phase equilibria
- ATS2251 Cuba study tour
- ATS3251 Cuba study tour
- ATS3257 Cuba: Understanding the revolution
- APG5662 Cultural and creative industries
- APG5077 Cultural and nature-based product management
- ATS2716 Cultural diversity and identity
- ATS2619 Cultural diversity in contemporary Europe
- ATS3319 Cultural diversity in contemporary Europe
- APG5067 Cultural economy and sustainable development
- APG5900 Cultural economy
- ATS3064 Cultural intelligence: Building competencies for global leadership
- ATS3779 Cultural linguistics
- ATS1254 Culture, power and difference: Indigeneity and Australian identity
- PBH2003 Culture, society and health
- PHH2022 Culture, society and health
- ATS3199 Cultures of the corporate world
- AHT4406 Curating internship
- AHT2712 Curating: Histories and theories
- AHT3712 Curating: Histories and theories
- AHT2722 Curating: Practices
- AHT3722 Curating: Practices
- EDF4040 Curiosity and powerful learning and teaching
- PSC3322 Current aspects of cancer biology
- PAC3512 Current aspects of pharmaceutical research
- LAW4197 Current issues in Indigenous rights: International, comparative and regional perspectives
- BEX6002 Current issues in accounting research
- ECC2400 Current issues in applied microeconomics
- BEX3600 Current issues in business administration
- BEX3000 Current issues in business
- BEX3500 Current issues in commerce
- LAW5425 Current issues in copyright
- BTW2320 Current issues in corporate governance
- BFM5014 Current issues in international finance
- ECC2300 Current issues in macroeconomic policy
- RTP5102 Current issues in radiation therapy and oncology
- LAW5438 Current issues in sports law
- LAW5407 Current issues in torts
- LAW5358 Current issues in workplace law
- LAW4113 Current problems in criminal law
- EDF3010 Curriculum development and innovative practice
- EDF3551 Curriculum in inclusive education
- EDF2038 Curriculum, assessment and documentation in education
- EDF4004 Curriculum, assessment and education policy
- EDF3218 Curriculum, assessment and evaluation
- EDF4260 Curriculum, assessment and evaluation
- EDF5018 Curriculum, assessment and reporting
- FOR5008 Custodial medicine
- MKF5801 Customer focused innovation
- ATS2456 Cybercrime
- LAW5353 Cybercrime