Units by Title - S - 2018

  • ATS3636 Sacred and profane: Religion, the secular and the state
  • ATS3194 Sacred cities: Between co-existence and persecution
  • MPH5311 Safety and quality in health care
  • NUR2223 Safety in healthcare contexts
  • MPH5276 Safety management systems
  • MKF3471 Sales management and negotiation
  • MKF5391 Sales management
  • CEM6881 Scanning electron microscopy
  • AZA3744 School of Social Science workplace internship
  • EDF3009 Schooling, education and equity: Local and global perspectives
  • SCI3910 Schools science project
  • EDF4023 Science and technology education in the primary years
  • EDF4027 Science education in the primary years
  • EDF5030 Science education in the primary years
  • EDF2214 Science education
  • NUT1101 Science foundations
  • SCI4210 Science honours coursework
  • SCI4220 Science honours coursework
  • SCI4230 Science honours coursework
  • SCI4240 Science honours coursework
  • SCI4100 Science honours project
  • SCI4110 Science honours project
  • SCI4120 Science honours project
  • SCI3790 Science in action communication project
  • SCI3990 Science in action research project
  • SCI3800 Science internship
  • SCI3920 Science internship
  • LAW5456 Science, technology and law
  • EDF5022 Science, technology and sustainability in early years
  • BPS1041 Scientific Inquiry
  • SCI2015 Scientific practice and communication (advanced)
  • SCI2010 Scientific practice and communication
  • ATS2983 Screen project: From film theory to digital video practice
  • ATS2295 Screening contemporary Europe
  • ATS3295 Screening contemporary Europe
  • PRM2401 Screenprinting and the contemporary poster
  • ATS2890 Script development 1
  • ATS3776 Script development 2
  • SCU1022 Sculptural construction: Woodworking and welding
  • GVA1611 Sculpture practice 1
  • GVA1612 Sculpture practice 2
  • SCU1611 Sculpture practice and theory 1A
  • SCU1631 Sculpture practice and theory 1B
  • SCU1612 Sculpture practice and theory 2A
  • SCU1642 Sculpture practice and theory 2B
  • SCU2613 Sculpture practice and theory 3A
  • SCU2623 Sculpture practice and theory 3B
  • SCU2614 Sculpture practice and theory 4A
  • SCU2624 Sculpture practice and theory 4B
  • SCU3615 Sculpture practice and theory 5
  • SCU3616 Sculpture practice and theory 6
  • ATS2682 Second language acquisition and attrition
  • ATS3682 Second language acquisition and attrition
  • APG5348 Second language acquisition
  • EDF4269 Secondary pedagogy B
  • EDF1055 Secondary professional experience 1A
  • EDF1056 Secondary professional experience 1B
  • EDF5941 Secondary professional experience 1
  • EDF2055 Secondary professional experience 2A
  • EDF2056 Secondary professional experience 2B
  • EDF5942 Secondary professional experience 2
  • EDF3055 Secondary professional experience 3A
  • EDF3056 Secondary professional experience 3B
  • EDF3057 Secondary professional experience 3C
  • EDF5943 Secondary professional experience 3
  • EDF4055 Secondary professional experience 4A
  • EDF4056 Secondary professional experience 4B
  • EDF5944 Secondary professional experience 4
  • ENS5310 Securing biodiversity and ecosystems
  • APG5332 Security and securitisation
  • EAE2522 Sediments and basins
  • APG4314 Seeking justice: South Africa and Rwanda
  • ATS3314 Seeking justice: South Africa and Rwanda
  • AZA4020 Selected topics in journalism
  • RAD4080 Selected topics in medical imaging
  • AZA4010 Selected topics in philosophy
  • ATS4235 Selected topics in theory and practice
  • ATS3726 Self and society
  • EDF5695 Self-study as professional inquiry
  • ATS2674 Semantics and pragmatics: The study of meaning in human languages
  • ATS3674 Semantics and pragmatics: The study of meaning in human languages
  • FIT5168 Semi-structured data management
  • EDF4804 Senior secondary health education
  • EDF4803 Senior secondary physical education
  • TRC3500 Sensors and artificial perception
  • PHY3111 Sensory and cognitive neuroscience
  • LAW4306 Sentencing and sanctions
  • LAW5310 Sentencing
  • CHE3165 Separation processes
  • IDN2102 Service design studio
  • MGF5690 Services and operations management
  • MKB3301 Services marketing
  • MKF3301 Services marketing
  • MKF5630 Services marketing
  • MKW3301 Services marketing
  • ATS2561 Sex and the media
  • ATS3466 Sex, gender and crime
  • ATS3230 Sex, gender and power in the ancient Near East
  • LAW5439 Sexual and gender minorities and human rights
  • AMU2907 Sexual and reproductive health and rights in global contexts
  • ATS3715 Sexuality and society
  • LAW4646 Sexuality and the law
  • ATS2492 Shakespeare and Renaissance literature
  • APG5066 Shanghai city lab
  • ATS2513 Short fiction classic and contemporary
  • ECE2011 Signal processing
  • ECE2111 Signals and systems
  • SCU2022 Site specificity: Sculptural and installation interventions
  • OCC2022 Skills for evidence based practice 1
  • OCC3041 Skills for evidence based practice 2
  • ATS2110 Slavery: A history
  • PSY3320 Sleep and circadian rhythms
  • ECE5886 Smart grids
  • ECE6886 Smart grids
  • PBH3005 Social and behavioural sciences in public health
  • AZA2495 Social and community psychology
  • EDF2072 Social and environmental influences on health and physical education
  • EDF5177 Social education in the secondary years A
  • EDF5178 Social education in the secondary years B
  • MGW3234 Social entrepreneurship
  • AZA3301 Social inclusion internship: Working on migrant and refugee settlement in multicultural communities
  • FIT3098 Social informatics
  • FIT5090 Social informatics
  • ATS3089 Social institutions and power in Asia
  • AZA4445 Social issues in psychology
  • ATS1250 Social justice and Indigenous Australians
  • MKP3800 Social marketing
  • ATS2787 Social media and digital storytelling
  • MKF5601 Social media marketing
  • SWK4451 Social policy and social justice: Honours
  • SWK4450 Social policy and social justice
  • ATS2723 Social research methods
  • APG4681 Social research practice
  • AZA4778 Social science honours dissertation A
  • AZA4779 Social science honours dissertation B
  • SWK2140 Social welfare and practice with communities
  • SWK2110 Social welfare and the law
  • SWK3310 Social welfare practice and research
  • SWK4003 Social work honours dissertation
  • SWM5200 Social work in a hospital context
  • SWM5260 Social work in post disaster sites
  • SWM5105 Social work practice and research
  • SWK3230 Social work research
  • SWM5190 Social work research
  • SWM5100 Social work: Fields of practice
  • SWK3220 Social work: Orientation to practice
  • ASC5002 Socio-cultural perspectives of addiction
  • EDF1171 Sociocultural foundations of health and physical education
  • ATS2676 Sociolinguistics
  • AZA3720 Sociological perspectives on youth culture and social change
  • TDN2001 Sociologies of design
  • AZA3380 Sociology of development
  • EDF4031 Sociology of early childhood
  • AZA4110 Sociology selected topics
  • FIT2005 Software analysis, design and architecture
  • FIT4002 Software engineering industry experience studio project
  • FIT3170 Software engineering practice
  • FIT2101 Software engineering process and management
  • FIT4003 Software engineering research project
  • FIT3077 Software engineering: Architecture and design
  • FIT3037 Software engineering
  • FIT5136 Software engineering
  • FIT2107 Software quality and testing
  • FIT3173 Software security
  • FIT5003 Software security
  • RSE3141 Solar energy
  • MEC3455 Solid mechanics
  • ECE4809 Solid state lighting
  • ATS2139 Song writing: How to write a popular song
  • FIT3172 Sonics
  • SON5021 Sonographic abdominal imaging
  • SON5022 Sonographic imaging of the reproductive system
  • SON5020 Sonographic professional skills and sonography of the breast and thyroid
  • SON5025 Sonographic vascular and postoperative imaging
  • PTG2034 Sound in the space of art
  • ATS1338 Sounds and words
  • ATS3157 Sources of religious violence: Texts and contexts
  • AZA3737 South Africa and African social justice
  • BTS1201 South Africa business law A
  • AZA3644 South Africa: Democracy and development
  • BTW3300 South African administration of deceased and insolvent estates
  • BTS2201 South African business law B
  • BTS3301 South African business law C
  • BTS2301 South African taxation A
  • BTS3302 South African taxation B
  • BTS3303 South African taxation law C
  • BTW2122 South African taxation of businesses
  • LAW4343 Sovereignty and globalisation
  • LAW5644 Sovereignty and globalisation
  • TAD2138 Space, Place and Society
  • AHT2138 Space, place and society
  • AHT3138 Space, place and society
  • MAE5408 Spaceflight dynamics
  • ATS2193 Spanish intermediate 1
  • ATS2194 Spanish intermediate 2
  • ATS1191 Spanish introductory 1
  • ATS1192 Spanish introductory 2
  • ATS2195 Spanish proficient 1
  • ATS3195 Spanish proficient 1
  • ATS2196 Spanish proficient 2
  • ATS3196 Spanish proficient 2
  • ATS3197 Spanish studies advanced 1
  • ATS3198 Spanish studies advanced 2
  • ENG1021 Spatial communication in engineering
  • ATS4137 Special reading unit 1 (Honours)
  • BEX5110 Special reading unit 2
  • ETC5010 Special reading unit 2
  • ETF5010 Special reading unit 2
  • ETC5020 Special reading unit 3
  • ETF5020 Special reading unit 3
  • ETC4010 Special reading unit in econometrics honours
  • ENG4001 Special studies in engineering 1
  • ENG4002 Special studies in engineering 2
  • MKF3001 Special studies unit
  • APG5052 Special topic in digital media and communication
  • ATS4388 Special topic in literary studies
  • ECC5010 Special topics in advanced economics
  • APG5051 Special topics in bioethics
  • ETF5410 Special topics in econometrics
  • MTH3401 Special topics in mathematics 1
  • MTH3402 Special topics in mathematics 2
  • MKF3710 Specialised applications in marketing
  • DPSY6399 Specialised clinical practicum
  • APG5885 Specialised interpreting
  • RTP4103 Specialised techniques in radiation therapy
  • NUR5708 Specialist nursing practice
  • ATS3093 Specialist topic in media, film and journalism
  • MED4182 Specialty clinical practices 2
  • MED4190 Specialty clinical practices
  • CHM2922 Spectroscopy and analytical chemistry
  • LAW4340 Sport and the law
  • ATS2219 Sport journalism in the digital age
  • MKF5241 Sport marketing and sponsorship
  • MKX3200 Sport marketing and sponsorship
  • ECC2450 Sports economics
  • ECF2450 Sports economics
  • ECW2450 Sports economics
  • BTX3650 Sports law
  • MKP3200 Sports marketing and sponsorship
  • AMU3127 Stardom: Celebrity, society and power
  • ASP3012 Stars and galaxies
  • ATS2330 State sovereignty, human rights, and the responsibility to protect
  • ATS3330 State sovereignty, human rights, and the responsibility to protect
  • AMU2140 States and markets
  • BEX6500 Statistical inference
  • ETX6500 Statistical inference
  • MTH5540 Statistical learning in finance
  • ETC3555 Statistical machine learning
  • STA1010 Statistical methods for science
  • ETC2420 Statistical thinking
  • ETC5242 Statistical thinking
  • PSY4210 Statistics and research design for professional psychology
  • MTH3260 Statistics of stochastic processes
  • ENG2202 Steel structures
  • DEV3032 Stem cells and the foundations of life
  • MTH5210 Stochastic calculus and mathematical finance
  • BTX3130 Stock exchange and derivatives law
  • ATS3885 Stoic and Epicurean philosophy
  • ATS2535 Storytelling in film and television: From classical narrative to art cinema
  • MKF5231 Strategic brand management
  • MGF5551 Strategic human resource management
  • MKC3130 Strategic issues in marketing
  • ACF5100 Strategic management accounting
  • MGX5360 Strategic management in the public sector
  • MGC3110 Strategic management
  • MGF5976 Strategic management
  • MGS3401 Strategic management
  • MGW3401 Strategic management
  • MKF3131 Strategic marketing
  • MKC2610 Strategic retailing in the global market
  • MBA5415 Strategy capstone
  • PSC2021 Structural organic chemistry
  • BCH2011 Structure and function of cellular biomolecules
  • IAR3308 Structure and services B
  • ATS2681 Structure of English
  • BMS2011 Structure of the human body: An evolutionary and functional perspective
  • MTE2547 Structure-property relationships in materials
  • IAR2303 Structures and services A
  • ATS2932 Struggles for justice: The history of rebellion, resistance and revolt
  • ATS2653 Studies in Japanese interaction and language use
  • IAR3501 Studies in interior architecture
  • EDF3025 Studies of science, environment and sustainability
  • MVA4001 Studio discipline A
  • MVA4002 Studio discipline B
  • FNA4011 Studio methodology
  • APG5547 Studio production
  • FIT3039 Studio project 1
  • FIT3040 Studio project 2
  • MVA5001 Studio project
  • ATS2344 Study tour in Italy: Etruscan and Roman archaeology
  • ATS3344 Study tour in Italy: Etruscan and Roman archaeology
  • ATS3464 Study tour: Comparative criminology USA
  • ATS3210 Study tour: Crime and criminal justice in Asia
  • EDF2162 Subject knowledge for teaching: Measurement and geometry
  • EDF1162 Subject knowledge for teaching: Number and algebra
  • EDF3161 Subject knowledge for teaching: Statistics and probability
  • LAW4311 Succession law
  • LAW5322 Superannuation law and practice
  • LAW4319 Superannuation law
  • EDF5534 Supervised professional counselling practice
  • SWK3180 Supervised professional practice 1
  • SWM5103 Supervised professional practice 1
  • SWK4560 Supervised professional practice 2
  • SWM5108 Supervised professional practice 2
  • LAW4214 Supervised research paper
  • MGF5961 Supply chain management
  • MID3202 Supporting the newborn infant
  • MNE3040 Surface mining systems
  • CIV5883 Surface water hydrology
  • CIV6883 Surface water hydrology
  • ETC3500 Survey data analysis
  • MKC3500 Survey data analysis
  • MKF3500 Survey data analysis
  • MKF5500 Survey data analysis
  • ETW2420 Survey methods and managerial statistics
  • EPM5010 Survival analysis
  • ATS3730 Sustainability and society
  • ENS5930 Sustainability internship
  • APG5434 Sustainability measurement
  • BEX3150 Sustainability practice and organisations
  • BTX3100 Sustainability regulation for business
  • BTF5910 Sustainability regulation
  • CHM3972 Sustainable chemistry
  • ATS2249 Sustainable development in South East Asia
  • MEC5886 Sustainable energy technologies
  • MEC6886 Sustainable energy technologies
  • MEC4802 Sustainable engineering and design with nanomaterials
  • MEC5884 Sustainable engineering systems
  • MEC6884 Sustainable engineering systems
  • MKF5280 Sustainable marketing
  • MGF5691 Sustainable operations and supply chain management
  • CHE4173 Sustainable processing 2
  • CHE3163 Sustainable processing I
  • APG5609 Sustainable tourism development and planning
  • CIV5321 Sustainable transportation systems planning
  • ATS2866 Symbolic logic
  • ATS2668 Syntax: Exploring linguistic diversity
  • ATS3668 Syntax: Exploring linguistic diversity
  • PSC2122 Synthetic organic chemistry
  • FIT3042 System tools and programming languages
  • FIT4004 System validation and verification, quality and standards
  • FIT5171 System validation and verification, quality and standards
  • MPH5239 Systematic reviews and meta-analysis
  • FIT9130 Systems analysis and design
  • MEC3457 Systems and control
  • FIT2027 Systems design and implementation
  • FIT2001 Systems development