Units by Title - F - 2018
- ATS2379 Fairy tale in Italy
- ATS3379 Fairy tale in Italy
- ATS3496 Fairy-tale traditions
- ATS2718 Families, relationships and society
- AZA1366 Families, relationships, health and the media
- AZA3769 Family functioning and child abuse: The child and youth care worker's role
- LAW4330 Family law assistance program: Professional practice
- LAW4162 Family property and financial disputes
- TDN2703 Fashion interfaces: communication and the interior
- ATS3574 Fears and fantasies: Deviance and criminality in the modern world
- ATS2790 Feature writing
- LAW4305 Federal criminal justice
- LAW5374 Federal labour law
- BME3082 Fetal and neonatal development
- EAE2532 Field geology and geological mapping
- MPH5249 Field methods for global health planning and evaluation
- APG4248 Field methods in anthropology and international development
- ATS3248 Field methods in anthropology and international development
- AZA3772 Field placements in child and youth care settings
- ATS3553 Field studies in regional sustainability
- APG5553 Field studies in sustainable development
- APG5752 Field trip in media and communications
- PHS1022 Fields and quantum physics
- ATS2971 Fields of play: Entertainment, politics and popular cultures
- EDF1101 Fieldwork experience 1A
- EDF1102 Fieldwork experience 1B
- EDF1103 Fieldwork experience in outdoor education and environmental studies 1A
- EDF1104 Fieldwork experience in outdoor education and environmental studies 1B
- EDF2103 Fieldwork experience in outdoor education and environmental studies 2
- EDF3103 Fieldwork experience in outdoor education and environmental studies 3
- ATS3207 Film and society in Spain and Latin America
- ATS2530 Film and television genres
- ATS2538 Film and television institutions
- ATS3969 Film and television studies in the digital era
- APG5782 Film festival study tour
- AMU2448 Film genres
- ATS3828 Film music
- FNA3903 Film practice
- AMU1305 Film studies: Forms and approaches
- APR6100 Film, media and communication studies: The state of the fields
- MED5100 Final MBBS grade
- ARC5002 Final architecture project
- ATS3284 Final journey: Remembering the Holocaust
- ATS4286 Final journey: Remembering the Holocaust
- BTX5801 Final research project
- MEC4402 Final year project - Thesis
- MEC4401 Final year project
- BFC3999 Finance and society
- BTC3200 Finance law
- BTW3243 Finance law
- ACS2730 Financial accounting A
- ACS2740 Financial accounting B
- ACS3730 Financial accounting C
- ACS3740 Financial accounting D
- ACC2100 Financial accounting
- ACF2100 Financial accounting
- ACF5953 Financial accounting
- ACW2491 Financial accounting
- ACX3150 Financial analysis and valuation
- BEX4460 Financial econometrics 2
- ETC4460 Financial econometrics 2
- ETC5460 Financial econometrics 2
- BEX3460 Financial econometrics
- ETC3460 Financial econometrics
- ETC5346 Financial econometrics
- ETF5930 Financial econometrics
- ECC4750 Financial economics
- ECC5475 Financial economics
- BFC5926 Financial institutions and markets
- BFF3999 Financial institutions and society
- MPH5268 Financial issues in health care management
- BFC5925 Financial management theory
- ETC3430 Financial mathematics under uncertainty
- ETC5343 Financial mathematics under uncertainty
- MTH3251 Financial mathematics
- BFC5913 Financial planning
- ACF5150 Financial reporting issues
- LAW5466 Financial services law
- BTF5180 Financial services regulation
- ACF5130 Financial statement analysis and business valuation
- MNE2010 Fixed plant engineering
- MAE3404 Flight vehicle dynamics
- MAE3405 Flight vehicle propulsion
- CIV5882 Flood hydraulics and hydrology
- CIV6882 Flood hydraulics and hydrology
- MTH3360 Fluid dynamics
- MEC3451 Fluid mechanics 2
- IAR3303 Folio and reflection
- FST3711 Food and industrial microbiology
- FST2810 Food bioprocess technology
- CHM2962 Food chemistry
- BND3202 Food for dietetic practice
- NUT5004 Food for dietetic practice
- FST3820 Food preservation
- FST3840 Food processing
- FST3850 Food product development
- FST4100 Food science and technology research project
- FST3800 Food science internship
- NUT1102 Food science
- NUT3006 Food sustainability systems
- EDF3173 Food, health and wellbeing
- NUT2102 Food: Science, composition and skills
- ATS3312 Foreign bodies: Reading world crime fiction
- ATS2706 Foreign policy analysis
- AZA3688 Foreign policy: Introduction
- ACF5120 Forensic accounting and fraud examination
- AZA3468 Forensic criminology: Victim and offender profiling
- FOR5020 Forensic cross sectional imaging
- LAW4304 Forensic evidence: Law, science, medicine and technology
- LAW5457 Forensic evidence: Law, science, medicine and technology
- LAW5303 Forensic family law
- FOR5025 Forensic pharmacology
- FIT3013 Formal specification for software engineering
- ATS3304 Forms of identity
- PSC3532 Formulation Science pre-honours research project
- PSC2222 Formulation chemistry
- EDF2210 Fostering positive child and adolescent behaviour and development
- OCC2012 Foundation clinical sciences for occupational therapy
- MED3200 Foundation clinical studies
- CIV4249 Foundation engineering
- ENG1090 Foundation mathematics
- PAR2020 Foundation paramedic clinical practice
- PHS1001 Foundation physics
- PGP5021 Foundation practice 1
- PGP5022 Foundation practice 2
- ARC1001 Foundation studio 1
- ARC1002 Foundation studio 2
- EDF1551 Foundation to inclusive education
- BRM5011 Foundations for medical biotechnology and its applications
- MID2000 Foundations for midwifery practice
- MGF5921 Foundations in human resource management
- FIT1033 Foundations of 3D
- BMA1011 Foundations of anatomy and physiology for health practice 1
- BMA1012 Foundations of anatomy and physiology for health practice 2
- PBH2002 Foundations of biostatistics
- PHS3031 Foundations of contemporary physics
- NUT4001 Foundations of dietetic practice
- BEX6510 Foundations of econometrics
- ETX6510 Foundations of econometrics
- PBH2001 Foundations of epidemiology
- BFB1001 Foundations of finance
- BFF1001 Foundations of finance
- BFW1001 Foundations of finance
- GEN2041 Foundations of genetics
- IPE1011 Foundations of health in primary clinical care
- MPH5269 Foundations of health policy
- MPH5002 Foundations of health promotion and program planning
- EPM5023 Foundations of international health
- LAW1111 Foundations of law
- NUR1105 Foundations of leadership and professional practice
- MKF5916 Foundations of marketing
- GMA1010 Foundations of medical practice
- ATS2863 Foundations of modern philosophy: Descartes and the thinking self
- ATS3884 Foundations of modern philosophy: Love and other passions
- ATS1353 Foundations of modern politics
- NUR1010 Foundations of nursing and midwifery practice
- OCC1022 Foundations of occupational therapy practice
- OCC4010 Foundations of occupational therapy
- EDF1174 Foundations of outdoor education and environmental studies
- PAR1012 Foundations of paramedic practice
- PHH1081 Foundations of public health
- LAW5361 Foundations of regulation: Policy, principles and practice
- ATS3071 France on film
- AMU3451 Freedom and control in the media
- LAW5427 Freedom of speech: Law theory and policy
- LAW4674 Freedom of speech: Law, theory and policy
- LAW5625 Freedom of speech: Law, theory and policy
- ATS3249 French individualism
- ATS2063 French intermediate 1
- ATS2064 French intermediate 2
- ATS1061 French introductory 1
- ATS1062 French introductory 2
- ATS2065 French proficient 1
- ATS3065 French proficient 1
- ATS2066 French proficient 2
- ATS3066 French proficient 2
- ATS3067 French studies advanced 1
- ATS3068 French studies advanced 2
- ATS3069 French studies advanced 3
- ATS3070 French studies advanced 4
- ATS3350 From Alexander to Kleopatra: The rise and fall of the Hellenistic world
- ATS2804 From the erotic to the exotic: Music in the nineteenth century
- ATS3078 From the fall of Rome to the millennium: The world of the early Middle Ages
- ATS3045 From translation to interpreting in Chinese 1
- ATS3046 From translation to interpreting in Chinese 2
- FST3830 Functional foods
- BCH3031 Functional genomics and molecular medicine
- MTE3545 Functional materials and devices
- MTE2544 Functional materials
- MTH1010 Functions and their applications
- MDC4201 Fundamental interaction design studio 1
- MDC4202 Fundamental interaction design studio 2
- MDC5201 Fundamental interaction design studio 3
- PHS3062 Fundamental particle physics
- NUR1112 Fundamental skills and knowledge for nursing and midwifery practice 1
- NUR1114 Fundamental skills and knowledge for nursing and midwifery practice 2
- FIT1048 Fundamentals of C++
- BTH1802 Fundamentals of biotechnology
- RTS2101 Fundamentals of cancer and its management
- PHS3042 Fundamentals of condensed matter physics
- DEV3011 Fundamentals of developmental processes
- FST1800 Fundamentals of food and sensory science
- FBS5001 Fundamentals of forensic behavioural science
- AZA1011 Fundamentals of international relations
- ATS1089 Fundamentals of journalism
- MKB1700 Fundamentals of marketing
- BTH2830 Fundamentals of microbiology
- AZA1010 Fundamentals of political science
- EDF1151 Fundamentals of the English language
- PHA3800 Fundamentals of toxicology
- CIV5316 Fundamentals of urban public transport
- BFF5270 Funds management
- IDE2810 Furniture 1
- IDE3815 Furniture design 2
- EAE3132 Future climates: Projections, impacts and adaptation