Units by Title - T - 2018
- LAW5311 Takeovers
- EDF5694 Taking a stand in education debates
- EDF5646 Talent development and diversity
- AMU3575 Task force: Responding to global challenges
- LAW4243 Tax policy
- BTB3221 Taxation law and practice
- BTW3221 Taxation law and practice
- BTC3150 Taxation law
- BTF3931 Taxation law
- BTF5965 Taxation law
- LAW4704 Taxation law
- EDF5019 Teacher as professional leader
- EDF3552 Teaching and learning of students needing increased support
- EDF5654 Teaching music: Theory and practice
- EDF4122 Teaching partnerships: Working with families and communities
- EDF5183 Teaching specialism in secondary education A
- EDF5184 Teaching specialism in secondary education B
- EDF4121 Teaching: The power to change
- OPM4002 Techniques for managing projects
- MTH1035 Techniques for modelling (advanced)
- MTH1030 Techniques for modelling
- BRM5013 Techniques in medical biotechnology: Imaging, iPS cells, cell and gene therapies
- BRM5012 Techniques in medical biotechnology: genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics
- ARC1102 Technologies and environments 1
- ARC2101 Technologies and environments 2
- ARC3101 Technologies and environments 3
- EDF5647 Technology and education key issues and debates
- LAW5339 Technology contracts and licensing law
- FIT2074 Technology, information and organisations
- MBA5213 Technology, innovation and entrepreneurship
- ECE4044 Telecommunications protocols
- ECE2041 Telecommunications
- AMU1304 Television studies: Forms and approaches
- LAW5365 Terrorism and human rights
- ATS1701 Terrorism and political violence: An introduction
- APG5666 Terrorism, counter-terrorism and intelligence
- APG5667 Terrorism, fringe politics and extremist violence
- ATS3311 Text and community in Medieval and Renaissance Italy
- ATS4311 Text and community in Medieval and Renaissance Italy
- ATS2500 The "Great" American Novel
- ATS2617 The American civil war
- HSC1400 The Australian healthcare system
- ATS2275 The European Union from consensus to crisis
- ATS3275 The European Union from consensus to crisis
- ATS2600 The Holocaust
- ATS2898 The Italian city: Historical and literary perspectives
- ATS3898 The Italian city: Historical and literary perspectives
- ATS2337 The Minotaur to the Trojan war: Aegean archaeology
- ATS3573 The Renaissance codes: Art, magic and belief
- ATS2612 The Renaissance in Florence
- ATS3612 The Renaissance in Florence
- ATS2596 The Vietnam War
- ATS2603 The age of crusades: Cultures and societies
- ATS2620 The age of the Samurai
- ENE3606 The air environment
- ATS2683 The analysis of discourse: Texts, narrative and society
- ATS2378 The anthropology of international development
- ATS2351 The archaeology of death in ancient Egypt
- ATS2283 The archaeology of empires
- ATS2138 The archaeology of world rock art
- ATS2060 The art of teaching music performance
- FBS5005 The assessment and management of problem behaviours
- AHT2025 The body in contemporary art
- AHT3025 The body in contemporary art
- VCO3207 The business of illustration
- ECW2451 The business of sport
- ATS3114 The camera at war: Combat photography and the visual language of conflict
- SWM5160 The child in society: Promoting children's wellbeing and responding to child maltreatment
- ATS2109 The commodities that changed the world: An introduction to globalisation and global history
- PAR1011 The contemporary paramedic
- PRM1001 The contemporary print: Etching and relief printmaking
- CMH5002 The context for mental health practice
- ATS2914 The dark hero
- PGW5206 The diabetes foot
- MCB2022 The dynamic cell
- EAE3321 The earth's critical zone
- ATS2640 The ethics of global conflict
- ATS3280 The ethnographic endeavour: Capturing the Indigenous past to understand the Indigenous present
- ATS2687 The ethnomusicology of improvisation
- ATS3079 The fall and rise of modern China: From opium war to opening up
- ATS3240 The fiction of Italy
- ATS1309 The global challenge
- LAW4250 The global lawyer
- LAW5642 The global lawyer
- AZA3703 The global politics of arms control and disarmament
- AZA4810 The globalisation of civil and human rights
- BTF5160 The globalisation of law and development in Asia
- BTX5160 The globalisation of law and development in Asia
- ATS2349 The golden age of Athens
- MGZ5750 The governance of international trade
- ATS3631 The idea of travel: Global perspectives
- ATS1366 The individual and society
- LAW4523 The judiciary in comparative perspective
- VCO1303 The language of graphic design
- LAW4679 The law of climate change
- LAW5389 The law of climate change
- BTF5060 The law of employment
- LAW4219 The law of financial transactions
- LAW5419 The law of financial transactions
- LAW4302 The law of public listed companies
- MGC3130 The management of change
- MTH5510 The mathematics of finance: From derivatives to risk
- ATS3933 The meaning of things: Writing cultural history
- AHT2801 The medium in contemporary art
- AHT3801 The medium in contemporary art
- ATS3580 The modern Middle East
- ATS2108 The modern family: A global history
- ATS2875 The moral psychology of evil
- ATS3094 The music business: How to be successful in the music industry
- MTH2132 The nature and beauty of mathematics
- PSY3280 The neuronal basis of consciousness
- BEH2141 The paramedic in the community
- ATS3399 The politics of identity
- BTH4200 The practice of biotechnology
- IAR2205 The production of space and place
- ATS2440 The public sphere
- ATS2595 The rise and fall of Nazi Germany
- FBS5002 The role of mental health in criminal offending
- ATS2915 The roots of fantasy
- ATS3487 The shadow of reason: Irrational literature in the eighteenth century
- ATS3816 The social context of language learning
- SCI1800 The sustainable planet
- MTH5220 The theory of martingales in discrete time
- LAW5377 The use of force in international law
- ATS3952 The world of textiles
- ATS2163 The writing self: Creative nonfiction
- ATS3775 Theatre internship unit
- ATS4348 Theme and genre in literary studies
- AZA2719 Theoretical perspectives in political and social thought
- AZA4743 Theoretical perspectives of conflict, crime, victimisation and criminal justice
- LAW4151 Theoretical perspectives on law, gender and feminism
- PHS3142 Theoretical physics 2
- PHS3131 Theoretical physics
- NUR5228 Theories and philosophies of mental health nursing
- DPSY5203 Theories and techniques of intervention part 1
- DPSY6103 Theories and techniques of intervention part 2
- ECC5690 Theories in international and development economics
- ATS2916 Theories of theatre 1
- ATS3987 Theories of theatre 2
- MID3000 Theory and practice of complex midwifery
- APG5049 Theory and practice of interpreting
- MKF5911 Theory and process of buyer behaviour
- FIT2014 Theory of computation
- ATS3876 Theory of knowledge
- AHT4100 Theory reading unit
- ADM5002 Theory workshop
- NUR5208 Therapeutic medication management
- TRC2200 Thermo-fluids and power systems
- TRC4802 Thermo-fluids and power systems
- CHE2164 Thermodynamics I
- MAE2402 Thermodynamics and heat transfer
- MEC3454 Thermodynamics and heat transfer
- MEC4408 Thermodynamics and heat transfer
- MEC2405 Thermodynamics
- ATS3862 Thinking about religion
- ATS2867 Thinking about science
- EDF1032 Thinking mathematically from an early age
- EDF4037 Thinking mathematically in primary education
- ETC3450 Time series analysis for business and economics
- ETC5345 Time series analysis for business and economics
- MTH3230 Time series and random processes in linear systems
- ATS1835 Time, self and mind (Introduction to philosophy B)
- ATS2872 Topics in Indian philosophy
- MTH3130 Topology: The mathematics of shape
- LAW1113 Torts
- MCE5200 Total quality management in assisted reproductive technologies
- APG5389 Tourism industry and marketing
- MKB2600 Tourism marketing
- ECB2721 Trade finance and foreign exchange
- ECF2721 Trade finance and foreign exchange
- ECW2721 Trade finance and foreign exchange
- LAW5341 Trade mark practice
- LAW5316 Trade marks and commercial designations
- ECF5922 Trade, finance and foreign exchange
- CIV5302 Traffic engineering and management
- CIV6302 Traffic engineering and management
- FOR5006 Traffic medicine
- CIV4284 Traffic systems
- CMH5006 Transcultural mental health
- AMU1326 Transformation from above: Globalisation and the state
- AMU2920 Transformation from below: Civil, society, social movements and political change
- AMU2814 Transforming community: Project design and public relations for social campaigns
- EDF4006 Transition and professional engagement
- PAR5470 Transition to intensive care clinical practicum
- OCC4081 Transition to practice 1
- OCC4092 Transition to practice 2
- PAR5460 Transition to practice in the intensive care simulated environment
- OCC5070 Transition to practice
- NUR3009 Transition to professional practice
- LAW5418 Transitional justice
- ATS3083 Translating across cultures
- PBH3012 Translating research into practice
- ENG5007 Translation and commercialisation of medical technologies
- ENG6007 Translation and commercialisation of medical technologies
- APG5048 Translation for special purposes
- APG5881 Translation studies abroad 1
- APG5882 Translation studies abroad 2
- APG5876 Translation trends in a digital age
- TRM6002 Translational research: pathways to the clinic
- TRM4002 Translational research
- CEM6882 Transmission electron microscopy
- LAW5398 Transnational labour law
- LAW4652 Transnational litigation
- LAW5608 Transnational litigation
- CIV5309 Transport and traffic data
- CIV2282 Transport and traffic engineering
- CIV5308 Transport and traffic systems project
- CIV5315 Transport economics
- CHE3167 Transport phenomena and numerical methods
- CIV6314 Transport planning and policy
- CIV4283 Transport planning
- ATS3956 Trauma and memory in the modern world
- MAP5105 Trauma skills
- CIV5305 Travel demand modelling
- CIV6305 Travel demand modelling
- BFC5260 Treasury and financial markets
- BFF3301 Treasury and financial markets
- BFF5260 Treasury and financial markets
- BFF3651 Treasury management
- BFW3651 Treasury management
- PBH2006 Treatment and technologies
- PHH2111 Treatments and technologies
- BIO3070 Trends in ecology
- LAW4310 Trial practice and advocacy
- BIO3810 Tropical aquatic biology
- BIO2810 Tropical ecology
- BIO4180 Tropical environmental biology research project
- BIO3800 Tropical environmental management
- EAE3142 Tropical meteorology
- BIO3820 Tropical terrestrial biology
- LAW4170 Trusts
- ATS2590 Twentieth-century Britain: Rule Britannia to cool Britannia
- VCO1302 Typography 1
- VCO2304 Typography 2
- VCO3307 Typography 3