Units by Title - W - 2018
- ATS2385 War and Australian society
- ATS2382 War and memory in the Asia Pacific: Legacies of World War II
- ATS2335 War and memory: Resistance, massacre and representation in second world war Italy
- ATS3135 War and memory: Resistance, massacre and representation in second world war Italy
- APG4287 War and peace: Models of conflict resolution
- ATS3287 War and peace: Models of conflict resolution
- ATS4287 War and peace: Models of conflict resolution
- AZA3015 War, peace and international security
- APG5327 Wars of recognition: Terrorism and political violence
- ATS3266 Washington and the world: Washington D.C study tour
- CIV4268 Water resources management
- ENS5330 Water security and environmental pollution
- CIV5884 Water sensitive stormwater design
- CIV6884 Water sensitive stormwater design
- CIV2263 Water systems
- ENG2204 Water systems
- ENG2207 Waterway engineering
- EDF1175 Ways of knowing outdoor environments
- FIT2104 Web database interface
- DIS1704 Web design
- FIT1050 Web fundamentals
- FIT9027 Website authoring
- ECC4830 Welfare economics
- ATS3825 Western art music in the 20th and 21st century
- ATS3077 Whatever happened to truth?: French literature, thought and visual culture
- MEC4459 Wind engineering
- MAE4409 Wing design
- ECE3022 Wireless and guided EM
- ECE4024 Wireless communications
- ECE5884 Wireless communications
- ECE6884 Wireless communications
- FIT5187 Wireless networks
- ATS2579 Witches and depravity in the medieval and early modern world
- MID5002 Woman midwife partnerships and complex childbearing
- MID5001 Woman midwife partnerships and normal childbearing
- AZA3466 Women and crime: Damsels in distress
- MPH5250 Women's and children's health: A global perspective
- MID3105 Women's health: Women's business
- MGF5920 Work and employment relations
- LAW4810 Work integrated learning project
- LAW5057 Work integrated learning project
- ENG5008 Work integrated learning
- BEW3100 Work placement program
- NUT3007 Work placement
- APG5997 Work-based research project
- MID2010 Working with birthing women
- SWK4032 Working with complexity: Honours
- SWK4031 Working with complexity
- NUR2204 Working with families across the lifespan
- BTF5235 Workplace and investment taxation
- LAW5390 Workplace bargaining and agreements law
- LAW5432 Workplace investigations and misconduct
- MGF3361 Workplace learning and performance management
- AMU3744 Workplace learning internship
- AHT2031 World Art
- APG5349 World Englishes
- LAW4526 World Trade Organisation (WTO) law
- LAW5369 World Trade Organization (WTO) law
- AZA2633 World cities: A historical and comparative analysis
- APG5351 World news
- ATS1041 World religions
- PGW5202 Wound assessment
- PGW5203 Wound management principles
- APG5272 Writers and the creative process
- ATS2900 Writing about music: Headlines and hashtags
- ATS3955 Writing destruction: Literature of war
- AMU3858 Writing experiments
- ATS3310 Writing in Australia
- ATS2551 Writing resistance: Understanding the power of Indigenous story-telling through literature
- AMU3857 Writing techniques
- ATS2732 Writing the world, the other and the self
- ATS3503 Writing women
- ATS3833 Writing/Performance