Arts Undergraduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Caution Copyright © Monash University 1996
ISBN 1320-6222

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996

Women's studies

Subjects listed under this heading are offered by the Centre for Women's Studies and administered by the Board of Interdisciplinary Studies. The director of the centre is Dr Rose Lucas (Women's studies/English). The centre is located in room S631 of the Menzies building (telephone: 9905 2996; fax: 9905 1454).


The Centre for Women's studies offers an interdisciplinary approach to issues of gender and constructions of female subjectivity and experience, using a variety of feminist models of analysis. Students are thus required to develop a range of methodological skills by means of their engagement with different materials and discourses including historical documents, philosophy, sociological perspectives, considerations of geographical space and location, semiotic analyses of texts, and crosscultural representations of gender. In the context of this disciplinary diversity, the centre aims to introduce students to questions about the formulation of sexual difference, the reproduction of roles of gender and different accounts of the construction of patriarchy or phallocentrism. A consideration of contemporary debates necessarily involves an engagement with the wide-ranging field of writings within theoretical feminisms, thereby challenging students to develop a proficiency with skills of theoretical analysis and critique.

Pass courses

Students wishing to focus on the study of women and gender in their selection of courses for the BA degree may do so in three ways:

(i) Major sequence in women's studies

This will comprise of a first-year sequence in the BA degree; two core women's studies subjects WMN2240/3240 (Introduction to contemporary feminist theory); WMN2110 (Representations of women and gender in Australian society), plus three additional eight-point subjects selected from the cross-listed options within the faculty.

(ii) Minor sequence in women's studies

This will comprise of a first-year sequence in the BA degree; the two core womens' studies subjects WMN2240/3240 (Introduction to contemporary feminist theory); WMN2110 (Representations of women and gender in Australian society) plus two additional eight-point subjects selected from the cross-listed options within the faculty.

(iii) Individual subjects

Students may take individual subjects dealing with issues of women and gender that are offered either within women's studies or within other discipline sequences. Students wishing to vary the components of their minor or major sequences should consult with the director of the centre.

Minor sequence

A minor sequence comprises subjects totalling a minimum of twenty-eight points at second and third-year level. The prerequisite for the minor sequence is usually a first-year sequence. The minor sequence consists of the following: the two core women's studies subjects WMN2240/3240 (Introduction to contemporary feminist theory); WMN2110 (Representations of women and gender in Australian society), plus two additional eight-point subjects selected from the cross-listed options within the faculty.

Major sequence

A major sequence comprises subjects totalling forty points over second and third-year levels. The prerequisite for the major sequence is usually a first-year sequence. The major sequence consists of the following: the two core women's studies subjects WMN2240/3240 (Introduction to contemporary feminist theory); (WMN2110 Representations of women and gender in Australian society), plus three additional eight-point subjects selected from the cross-listed options within the faculty.

A Women's Studies Prize will be awarded to the most outstanding undergraduate student in 1996.

Honours and graduate work

At present there is no provision for students to enrol in women's studies at honours level. However, departments that offer specialist undergraduate courses are also able to provide supervision for theses and research projects with a focus on women and gender. The Centre for Women's Studies does offer a Master of Arts in women's studies by coursework alone, by coursework and minor thesis, and by major thesis. Interested students may also undertake a PhD in women's studies.


Anthropology and Sociology: Lucy Healey and Jan van Bommel; Asian Languages and Studies: Barbara Hatley; Greek, Roman and Egyptian Studies: Alba Romano; Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies: Elizabeth Grosz; English: Jenny Strauss and Pauline Nestor; Education: Georgina Tsolidis;Geography and Environmental Science: Katherine Gibson; German Studies: Silke Hesse; History: Marian Quartly; Law: Bronwyn Naylor; Linguistics: Joanne Winter; Philosophy: Karen Green; Politics:Sue Blackburn; Visual Arts: Leonie Naughton and Annette Van Den Bosch

First-year level

Any relevant first-year sequence in the BA degree.

Second-year level

Students taking either a minor or major sequence in women's studies should select subjects from the following list to the value of at least twelve points at second-year level.

The centre requires that the following compulsory subject be taken at second-year level: WMN2110 (Representations of women and gender in Australian society) (8 points). The other core subject, WMN2240/3240 (Introduction to contemporary feminist theory) (8 points) may be taken at either second or third year.

Optional subjects

Anthropology and sociology

+ WMN2130 Race and sexual politics

Greek, Roman and Egyptian studies

+ WMN2410 Women in Roman society

Comparative literature and cultural studies

+ WMN2010 Introduction to critical theory


+ WMN2060 Critical and literary theory

+ WMN2550 Contemporary women's fiction and theory

+ WMN2570 Writing women

+ WMN2220 The woman's part

Geography and environmental science

+ WMN2471 Gender and urban restructuring


+ WMN2750 Women and German writing


+ WMN2420 History of sexuality, 1800 to the present

+ WMN2840 European cultural history


+ WMN2380 Language, communication and the sexes


+ WMN2230 Feminist philosophers

Visual arts

+ WMN2000 The other side of the avant-garde: twentieth-century women's art history (next offered 1997)

Third-year level

The centre requires that WMN3240 (Introduction to contemporary feminist theory) (8 points) be taken at third year if not selected at second year.

The remaining subjects necessary to complete the forty points required within a major sequence should be selected from the following optional listings:

Optional subjects

For full details of these subjects consult the relevant departmental or centre entry.

Anthropology and sociology

+ WMN3010 Sexed media, media-ted sex

+ WMN3310 Women, gender and society

+ WMN3340 Women and social control (proposed to be offered next in 1997)

+ WMN3360 Sociology of the family

+ WMN3630 Feminism cross-culturally

Asian languages and studies

+ WMN3290 Gender and its representation in Indonesian society and literature

Greek, Roman and Egyptian studies

+ WMN3410 Women in Roman society

Comparative literature and cultural studies

+ WMN3010 Introduction to critical theory

+ WMN3050 Freud and feminism

+ WMN3780 Women in Latin American writing


+ WMN3550 Contemporary women's fiction and theory

+ WMN3210 The woman's part

+ WMN3570 Writing women

Geography and environmental science

+ WMN3740 Gender and urban restructuring


+ WMN3750 Women and German writing


+ WMN3420 History of sexuality, 1800 to the present

+ WMN3840 European cultural history


+ WMN3380 Language, communication and the sexes


+ WMN3230 Feminist Philosophers

+ WMN3370 Contemporary Moral Problems


+ WMN3760 Gender in Asian politics

Visual arts

+ WMN3000 The other side of the avant-garde: twentieth-century women's art history (proposed to be offered next in 1997)

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