Arts Undergraduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Caution Copyright © Monash University 1996
ISBN 1320-6222

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996

Social science

The Bachelor of Arts (Social Science) degree

Students taking the BA(SocSc) must complete first-year sequences in at least two of the following disciplines: anthropology, economics, geography, history, linguistics, philosophy, politics, psychology, sociology. To complete the BA(SocSc), students must (1) complete a double major, both majors being chosen from the above-named disciplines, each major totalling fifty-two points (first year through to third year) and including the appropriate third-year `core' subjects identified in the list below: (2) complete a further forty points from any discipline offered in the Faculty of Arts, including at least twenty-four opints of further first-year work, of which twelve points must be another first-year sequence. An honours degree, comprised of an additional (fourth) year of forty-eight points, is also available in the above-listed disciplines. For special conditions or requirements, see the separate entries for those disciplines. The subjects listed below have been selected by the participating disciplines as appropriate for the BA(SocSc) Note: Students may take only one of economics and psychology as a major.

Disciplines and subjects in the Bachelor of Arts (Social Science)


First year

+ ANY1010 Contemporary anthropology (6 points)

+ ANY1020 Anthropology of social change (6 points)

Second year

+ ANY2110 Magic, science and religion (8 points)

+ ANY2190 Comparative social structures (8 points)

Third year

+ ANY3290 Advanced anthropology, part I (8 points)

+ ANY3300 Advanced anthropology, part II (8 points)

+ ANY3430 Civilisation and its malcontents (8 points)

+ ANY3570 Socio-ecology (8 points)

+ ANY3610 Urbanisation in the third world (8 points) (proposed to be offered next in 1996)

+ ANY3640 Structuralisms and poststructuralisms (8 points) (core subject)


Students can undertake a major in economics (which requires VCE/Year 12 Mathematics), economics studies, or economic history. For all three, the BA(SocSc) core subject is ECO3570 (The international economy since 1945). For details of the three, see the appropriate sections of this handbook.


First year

+ GES1000 Natural environment and human impact (6 points)

+ GES1040 Development: a global perspective (6 points)

+ GES1062 Geographical perspectives on development in the third world (6 points) (Peninsula)

Second year

+ GES2120 The new Europe: cities and regions (8 points)

+ GES2290 Society, native and settlement in the New World

+ GES2390 Techniques of survey and analysis in geography (8 points)

+ GES2630 Property and real estate markets (8 points) (proposed to be offered next in 1997)

+ GES2650 Development theory and practice (8 points)

+ GES2730 Philosophy of the social sciences (8 points) (proposed to be offered next in 1997)

+ GES2740 Gender and urban restructuring (8 points)

Third year

+ GES3290 Society, nature and settlement in the New World

+ GES3390 Techniques of survey and analysis in geography (12 points)

+ GES3470 Development and environment in Asia-Pacific and Australia (12 points)

+ GES3480 Dilemmas of policy and planning (12 points)

+ GES3730 Philosophy of the social sciences (12 points) (proposed to be offered next in 1997)

+ GES3740 Gender and urban restructuring (12 points) (core subject)


First year

+ HSY1030 Australia: immigrant nation

+ HSY1040 People, place and power: everyday life in Australian history

+ HSY1070 Contemporary Europe: origins

+ HSY1080 Contemporary Europe: East and West

Second year

+ HSY2090 Britain in the age of revolution (8 points)

+ HSY2100 The Victorian Age: Britain in the era of European hegemony (8 points)

+ HSY2360 Contemporary America (8 points)

+ HSY2190 The emergence of modern Indonesia

+ HSY2240 Modern America

+ HSY2370 Dissent in American society

+ HSY2410 History of sexuality

+ HSY2780 Imagining Australia's tomorrow

+ HSY2840 European cultural history

+ HSY2850 The Australian city

Third year

+ HSY3090 Britain in the age of revolution (8 points)

+ HSY3100 The Victorian Age: Britain in the era of European hegemony (8 points)

+ HSY3190 The emergence of modern Indonesia

+ HSY3240 Modern America

+ HSY3360 Contemporary America (8 points)

+ HSY3370 Dissent in American society

+ HSY3870 Social theory and social history (8 points) (core subject)

+ HSY3410 History of sexuality

+ HSY3780 Imagining Australia's tomorrow

+ HSY3840 European cultural history

+ HSY3850 The Australian city

Japanese studies (individual subjects with a social science content)

Second/third year

+ JPS2110/3110 Japanese society (8 points) (proposed to be next offered in 1996)

+ JPS2130/3130 Japanese sociolinguistics (8 points) (proposed to be offered next in 1997)

+ JPS2150/3150 Japanese culture (8 points)

+ JPS2190/3190 Japanese economics (8 points)

+ JPS2210/3310 History of Japanese science and technology (8 or 12 points) (proposed to be offered next in 1998)

+ JPS2810/3810 Australia-Japan social relations (8 points) (proposed to be offered next in 1997)

+ JPS2910/3910 Australia-Japan economic relations (8 points) (proposed to be offered next in 1998)


First year

+ LIN1010 Linguistics: language and communication A (6 points)

+ LIN1020 Linguistics: language and communication B (6 points)

Second year

+ LIN2090 Syntax (8 points)

+ LIN2110 Phonetics and phonology (8 points)

+ LIN2310 Semantics (8 points)

+ LIN2350 Sociolinguistics (8 points)

+ LIN2390 Language communication and the sexes (8 points)

+ LIN2430 Psycholinguistics and child language acquisition (8 points)

+ LIN2470 Linguistics for business (8 points)

+ LIN2530 Languages in contact (8 points)

+ LIN2550 Second language acquisition and attrition (8 points)

Third year

+ LIN3110 Phonetics and phonology (8 points)

+ LIN3190 Historical and comparative linguistics (8 points) (proposed to be offered next in 1996)

+ LIN3310 Semantics (8 points)

+ LIN3350 Sociolinguistics (8 points) (core subject)

+ LIN3390 Language, communication and the sexes (8 points)

+ LIN3430 Psycholinguistics and child language acquisition (8 points)

+ LIN3470 Linguistics for business (8 points)

+ LIN3530 Languages in contact (8 points)

+ LIN3550 Second language acquisition and attrition (8 points) (proposed to be offered next in 1996)


First year

+ PHL1010 Introduction to philosophy A (6 points) or

+ PHL1050 Philosophy of science A (6 points) and

+ PHL1020 Introduction to philosophy B (6 points) or

+ PHL1040 Introduction to philosophy C (6 points) or

+ PHL1060 Philosophy of science B (6 points)

Second year

+ PHL2230 Feminist philosophers (8 points)

+ PHL2330 Issues in political theory (8 points)

+ PHL2870 Science and society: knowledge and power (8 points) (core subject)

Third year

+ PHL3190 Bioethics (8 points)

+ PHL3230 Feminist philosophers (8 points)

+ PHL3330 Issues in political theory (8 points)

+ PHL3370 Contemporary moral problems (8 points)

+ PHL3610 Philosophy of law (8 points)

+ PHL3750 Recent European philosophy (8 points)

+ PHL3810 Philosophy and the environment (8 points)

+ PHL3870 Science and society: knowledge and power (8 points)


First year

+ PLT1020 Australian politics and government (6 points)

+ PLT1040 International relations (6 points)

+ PLT1050 Nature, law and revolution (6 points)

+ PLT1070 Modernity in crisis (6 points)

+ PLT1150 Australia and Asia

+ PLT1120 Power and resistance in contemporary culture (6 points)

Second year

+ PLT2140 Progress and despair: modern political ideologies and theories (8 points)

+ PLT2170 Politics and the media in Australia (8 points)

+ PLT2210 Political sociology (8 points)

+ PLT2230 International political economy (8 points)

+ PLT2250 East Asia and the politics of difference (8 points)

+ PLT2370 America: decay of the liberal dream (8 points)

+ PLT2470 Politics of development (8 points)

+ PLT2870 Power in Australia (8 points)

Third year

+ PLT3140 Progress and despair (8 points)

+ PLT3210 Political sociology (8 points)

+ PLT3320 Australian constitutional democracy (8 points)

+ PLT3330 Political action and political sense (8 points) (core subject)

+ PLT3350 Post-industrial politics

+ PLT3630 Chinese: revolution versus pragmatism (8 points)

+ PLT3790 Three conceptions of international relations (8 points)

+ PLT3890 Empirical research and analysis (8 points)

+ PLT3910 Australian political economy (8 points)

+ PLT3930 Southeast Asian politics


Students wishing to take psychology subjects can choose from courses offered by the Department of Psychology on the Caulfield, Clayton and Peninsula campuses, as listed in the entry for psychology.


First year

+ SCY1010 Introduction to sociology I (6 points)

+ SCY1020 Introduction to sociology II (6 points)

Second year

+ SCY2150 Sociological research techniques (8 points)

+ SCY2210 Gender and sociology (8 points)

+ SCY2230 Australian society: a developmental perspective (8 points)

Third year

+ SCY3000 Advanced sociology A.1 (8 points)

+ SCY3001 Advanced sociology A.2 (8 points) (core subject)

+ SCY3002 Advanced sociology A.3 (8 points)

+ SCY3003 Advanced sociology B.1 (8 points)

+ SCY3004 Advanced sociology B.2 (8 points)

+ SCY3005 Advanced sociology B.3 (8 points)

A selection of units including the following:

+ Data appreciation

+ The joy of `X': computer data processing and analysis using SPSS-X

+ Society and environment

+ Population and migration

+ Social psychology

+ Sociology of the family

+ Sociology of religion

+ Sociology of self

+ Women, gender and society

+ Women and social control

+ The research process

+ Sexed media, media-ted sex

+ Alternatives to straight research

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