Arts Undergraduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University

Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996


Cognitive psychology and the origins of behaviour II

Dr L Z Wise

8 points + Four 1-hour lectures and one 4-hour laboratory per week + Second semester + Clayton + Prerequisites: PSY2011 + Prohibitions: PSY2042, APY2020

Synopsis This subject is designed for students who wish to attain an accredited major in psychology with the possibility of entry to honours. Students take three compulsory lecture units (i) cognition, (ii) non-parametric statistics and (iii) motivation, and choose one additional lecture unit among the following: (iv) evolution of animal and human behaviour, (v) action and skills, and (vi) psychology of ageing. Laboratory work illustrates and complements material presented in lectures. It comprises a stand-alone unit which all students take weekly, whether or not they attend any particular optional lecture unit. Necessary background material is provided in association with the laboratory. Detailed descriptions of lecture unit content are given in the class notes distributed at the first lecture. Optional units offered may vary from year to year.

Assessment Examination of lecture material (3 hours): 60% (some examination of lecture material may occur in class) + Laboratory work: 40%

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