Arts Undergraduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Caution Copyright © Monash University 1996
ISBN 1320-6222

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996

Religion and theology

The programs of study listed under this heading are offered by the Centre for Studies in Religion and Theology. The director of the centre is Constant Mews (room 631 of the Menzies building on the Clayton campus, phone 9905 2185).

The Centre for Studies in Religion and Theology was established by the Faculty of Arts in 1991 in order to:

+ advance interdisciplinary scholarship in the fields of religion and theology by drawing on existing strengths in the faculty and university;

+ provide coherent undergraduate programs of study in religious studies, within the limited resources of the centre by coordinating existing faculty resources;

+ provide graduate courses and opportunities to pursue higher degrees by research in the area of religious studies and theology by offering a range of postgraduate subjects, coordinating individual graduate supervision, and calling attention to relevant subjects offered within faculty;

+ promote interdisciplinary research, interchange and collaboration focused on religion and theology among staff at Monash and in the wider community through seminars, conferences and papers. One of the means of pursuing this objective involves on-going discussions with the major providers of theological education in Melbourne.

Educational objectives

The minor and major sequences in religion and theology commence in second year following any first-year sequence in the Faculty of Arts. Students are encouraged to take one or more of the first-year options which have a religious focus. Students who successfully complete a minor or major sequence in religion and theology will have:

+ been introduced to the major world religions and to several perspectives through which religious variation and change are understood including the disciplines of history, sociology, philosophy, cultural studies and literature;

+ developed advanced understanding of the place of religion in their own society and in other societies, explored in detail one or more religions at particular points in history, and developed skills in dealing with the sacred literature and beliefs of several religions.

Pass courses

Students wishing to focus on the study of religion in their selection of subjects for the BA degree may do so in several ways: (i) by taking a minor sequence in religious studies, (ii) by taking a major sequence in religious studies, (iii) by pursuing honours or graduate work in religious studies and theology or (iv) by choosing individual subjects dealing with religion that are offered as parts of sequences in other disciplines.

Credit can also be given for subjects taken at Catholic Theological College, an affiliated college of the university which offers courses in theology, philosophy, church history, the sociology of religion and inter-faith dialogue. Credit can also be given for approved subjects taken at the Melbourne College of Divinity. The inclusion of such subjects in a religious studies major will have to be approved by the board of the centre on a case-by-case basis.

Minor sequence

The first part of the minor sequence consists of RLT2470/HSY2470 and RLT2480/HSY2480. The second part of the minor sequence consists of subjects at third-year level to the value of not less than twelve points from those listed below.

Major sequence

Entry to the major sequence is at second year. Given the broadly interdisciplinary nature of religious studies, any first-year sequence in Arts provides a suitable first part of the major sequence.

The second part of the major sequence comprises at minimum the two core subjects (RLT2470/HSY2470 and RLT2480/HSY2480).

The third part of the major sequence comprises the subjects students will select from existing subjects which deal with religion (listed below) to the value of not less than twenty-four points (at least sixteen points of which will be at the third-year level).


Students wishing to enrol in the honours program in religious studies and theology are encouraged to discuss the possibilities with one of the advisers listed below. The honours program normally requires two core seminars (RLT4010 and RLT4090), a third seminar plus a minor thesis.

Combined honours may be taken in the Centre for Studies in Religion and Theology and another discipline provided that all honours requirements have been met in both disciplines and subject to the approval of the heads of both departments/centres.

Mid-year entry is offered by this centre.

Postgraduate studies

For postgraduate courses offered by the Centre for Studies in Religion and Theology, please refer to the Arts graduate handbook for 1996.


Anthropology and Sociology: Professor G Bouma (Sociology) and Dr D Miller (Anthropology); Greek, Roman and Egyptian Studies: Dr P Bicknell; Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies: Associate Professor W Veit; English: Associate Professor K Hart; History: Dr I W Mabbett and Dr C Mews; Linguistics: Professor M Clyne; Philosophy: Professor J Bigelow. For preliminary information about courses at the Melbourne College of Divinity see Professor G Bouma (Anthropology and Sociology).

First-year level

Ancient Greek

+ AGR1010 Introductory Ancient Greek I

+ AGR1030 Introductory Ancient Greek (New Testament option)

Asian studies

+ ASN1010 Introduction to Asian civilisations, part 1

+ ASN1020 Introduction to Asian civilisations, part 2


+ ENH1050 Configurations of the female: revising the myths


+ HSY1010 Medieval Europe

+ HSY1020 Renaissance Europe


+ PHL1010 Introduction to philosophy A (students should include the option `Science, religion and witchcraft')

+ PHL1020 Introduction to philosophy B (students should include the option `God, freedom and evil')

Second-year level

Religion and theology core subjects

+ RLT2470 The religious quest: Judaism, Christianity and Islam

+ RLT2480 The religious quest: Eastern faith and illumination

Anthropology and sociology

+ ANY/RLT2110 Magic, science and religion

Comparative literature and cultural studies

+ CLS/RLT2150 Belief and perception


+ ENH2020 Heroes, lovers and monsters: the literary culture of medieval England


+ HSY/RLT2560 Modern Jewish history

+ HSY/RLT2580 The Holocaust

+ HSY/RLT2600 Pursuing the millennium

+ HSY2640 Twelfth-century renaissance: culture and society (proposed to be offered next in 1997)

Indonesian studies

+ INS2010/3010 Cultural concepts in Indonesian societies


+ LIN2570 Discourse analysis

Jewish civilisation

+ JWC/RLT2590 Alexandria-Jerusalem-Rome: connections and conflict

Visual arts

+ VSA/RLT2510 Sixteenth-century studies

+ VSA/RTL2530 Baroque art (proposed to be offered next in 1997)

Third-year level

+ Religion and theology

+ RLT3131 Sociology of religion (Caulfield)

+ RLT3290 Sociology of religion (Clayton)

Anthropology and sociology

+ ANY3250 The anthropology of witchcraft and sorcery

Comparative literature and cultural studies

+ CLS3150/RLT3150 Belief and perception


+ HSY/RLT3550 Jewish civilisation before the modern era

+ HSY/RLT3560 Modern Jewish history

+ HSY/RLT3580 The Holocaust

+ HSY/RLT3600 Pursuing the millennium

+ HSY3640 Twelfth-century renaissance: culture and society (proposed to be offered next in 1997)

Jewish civilisation

+ JWC/RLT3590 Alexandria-Jerusalem-Rome: connections and conflict


+ LIN3570/4580 Discourse analysis


+ MUS3230 Choral music

+ MUS3260 Asian music: three great traditions

+ MUS3330 Music of north and south India

+ MUS3830 Music of Southeast Asia I: Indonesia

+ MUS3860 Music of Southeast Asia II: Thailand

+ MUS3880 Music of China, Japan and Korea


+ PHL2670/3670 Philosophy of religion

Visual arts

+ VSA/RLT3510 Sixteenth-century studies (proposed to be offered next in 1997)

+ VSA/RLT3530 Baroque art

Fourth-year level

Honours candidates normally enrol in

+ RLT4000 Minor thesis in religion and theology

+ RLT4010 The search for enlightenment: path of east and west

+ RLT4090 The authority of the text: the hermeneutical question

and one of the following twelve-point seminars

+ RLT4100 Religion in Australian society

+ RLT4050 Perspectives on organisational values and patterns of leadership (proposed to be offered next in 1997)

+ RLT4080 Sacred Writings: the hymn, myth and ritual

+ RLT4810 A history of popular Christianity (proposed to be offered next in 1997)

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