Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996
Synopsis The subject matter is the conceptualisation and analysis of gender and gender relations in sociology. A broad range of social theories are examined critically from a feminist perspective, including the ideas of classical theorists (Marx, Weber, Durkheim, Freud) and modern theorists (Parsons, Althusser, Lacan, Foucault). Comparisons of these theories are made with analyses of gender by feminist scholars such as Millett, Mitchell, Barrett, Hartmann, Walby, Chodorow and Weedon. In the final section of the subject, the general issues relating to the theorisation of gender are explored by considering the substantive topic of `sex, gender and sexuality'. Feminist work is examined (Rubin, Rich, MacKinnon, Grosz) as well as some recent work on gender by male sociologists (Connell, Hearn, Weeks).
Assessment Two essays (2500 words each): 40% each + Examination (1 hour): 20%