Arts Undergraduate Handbook 1996

Published by Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Caution Copyright © Monash University 1996
ISBN 1320-6222

Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996

Slavic studies

First-year level

As well as first-year subjects described under Russian, Russian studies, and Ukrainian, students may take the following:

+ SLA1040 Polish studies I/1A

+ SLA1050 Polish studies I/2A

Second-year level

As well as second-year subjects described under Russian, Russian studies, Polish and Ukrainian, students may take the following:

+ SLA2110 Foundations of Slavic linguistics

+ SLA2170 Belief and perception

+ SLA2530 Modernism

+ RUS2330 Slavic lexicology

+ SLA2830 Structuralism and semiotics: Bakhtin, Lotman

+ SLA2910 The novel in Eastern Europe

Third-year level

As well as third-year subjects described under Russian, Russian studies and Ukrainian, students may take the following:

+ SLA3110 Foundations of Slavic linguistics

+ SLA3150 Slavic contrastive studies

+ SLA3170 Belief and perception

+ SLA3530 Modernism

+ SLA3810 Comparative drama of the twentieth century

+ RUS3330 Slavic lexicology

+ RUS3370 Russian syntax

+ RUS3410 Tolstoy and Dostoevsky: discourse of experience and alterity

+ SLA3400 Language study abroad program

+ SLA3830 Structuralism and semiotics: Bakhtin, Lotman

+ SLA3910 The novel in Eastern Europe

Fourth-year honours

The fourth-year course consists of SLA4600 (Honours thesis) (10,000-12,000 words, normally in the language of the student's specialisation, twenty-four points) and three other fourth-year level subjects. With the approval of the head of the section one fourth-year subject from the comparative literature and cultural studies curriculum may be taken instead of a corresponding Slavic literature subject.

The following fourth-year subjects, each valued at eight points, are offered with the same syllabus as their third-year counterparts. Fourth-year level standards will apply in assessment.

+ SLA4150 Slavic contrastive studies

+ SLA4370 Russian syntax

+ SLA4400 Language study abroad program

+ RUS4410 Tolstoy and Dostoevsky: discourse of experience and alterity

+ SLA4810 Comparative drama of the twentieth century

+ UKR4010 Literature and society in Kievan Rus

+ UKR4020 The Ukrainian baroque

A subject offered at fourth-year level only is:

+ SLA4100 Topics in Slavic linguistics

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