Authorised by Academic Registrar, April 1996
Synopsis The rapidly changing nature of the world system has put into question the traditional social and political categories which we use to make sense of political events. Among these categories are the social contract, the nation-state, sovereignty, citizenship and democracy, the public/private distinction, human rights and ethnicity and even the notion of power itself. What new categories are being developed to replace these? What are the concrete proposals which are advanced in the European, Australian and non-European world as strategies for meeting these changes? These issues are examined critically to assess their adequacy for the twenty-first century both on a practical and an ethical level. Particular attention will be paid to techniques for managing continuing difference like enlarged democracy and federalist solutions to devolution of power. At the end of the subject we hope to answer tentatively the Kantian questions. Who am I? What can I know? What might I be?
Assessment Written and seminar presentation (4500 words): 50% + Examination (3 hours): 50%