Units by Title - A - 2017
- ATS3392 A Lonely Planet? travel, culture, power
- ATS2244 A history of American business
- ATS2106 A short history of the world: From the big bang to climate change
- AMU3650 A world in crisis: Multilevel responses to global emergencies
- ATS3391 A world of sport: Business, politics and media
- AZA3135 Abnormal behaviour
- PSY3032 Abnormal psychology
- PSY4032 Abnormal psychology
- ATS2820 Abnormal psychology & behavioural disorders
- ATS3677 Aboriginal languages of Australia
- PTG2031 Abstraction and non-objective painting
- AMU1017 Academic literacies
- EDF1013 Academic writing
- ATS1297 Academic writing
- ATS2894 Accommodating minorities in Australia?
- ATS3894 Accommodating minorities in Australia?
- BFS5959 Accounting and finance for international managers
- BFF5959 Accounting and finance for international managers
- BFZ5959 Accounting and finance for international managers
- BFM5959 Accounting and finance for international managers
- EDF5121 Accounting education in the secondary years A
- EDF5122 Accounting education in the secondary years B
- ACW2522 Accounting for Islamic financial institutions
- ACF5903 Accounting for business
- ACC5903 Accounting for business
- ACM5903 Accounting for business
- ACF5268 Accounting for healthcare managers
- ACC1200 Accounting for managers
- ACB1200 Accounting for managers
- ACW1200 Accounting for managers
- ACF1200 Accounting for managers
- ACX2900 Accounting for sustainability
- ACC2400 Accounting information systems
- ACF2400 Accounting information systems
- ACF5904 Accounting information systems
- ACG2851 Accounting information systems and financial modelling
- ACB2851 Accounting information systems and financial modelling
- ACW2851 Accounting information systems and financial modelling
- ACW3040 Accounting theory
- ATS1189 Acting 1: Theory and practice
- ATS1190 Acting 2: Theory and practice
- BCH3990 Action in biochemistry research project
- BMS3930 Action in biomedical science major research project
- BMS3990 Action in biomedical science minor research project
- DEV3990 Action in developmental biology research project
- MIC3990 Action in microbiology research project
- PHA3990 Action in pharmacology research project
- PHY3990 Action in physiology research project
- HSC3132 Action in public health research
- EDF2029 Active citizenship and community connections: Local and global
- ETC4110 Actuarial practice 1
- ETC4120 Actuarial practice 2
- BEX4120 Actuarial practice II
- ETC2430 Actuarial statistics
- PGW5204 Acute and chronic wounds
- POM5002 Acute perioperative medicine
- ATS2516 Adaptation into film
- OCC4121 Adaptive and assistive technology
- ASC5004 Addiction assessment and treatment: Practice and innovation
- ASC5003 Addiction policies, prevention and public health
- ASC5001 Addiction science: A biopsychosocial overview
- PSY3190 Addiction studies
- MTE6886 Additive manufacturing of metallic materials
- MTE5886 Additive manufacturing of metallic materials
- MTE6887 Additive manufacturing of polymeric and functional materials
- MTE5887 Additive manufacturing of polymeric and functional materials
- LAW4101 Administration of criminal justice
- LAW4331 Administrative law
- EDF2007 Adolescent development and learning
- AZA4420 Adult psychopathology
- FOR5005 Adult sexual assault
- FIT2087 Advanced 3D
- RAD5110 Advanced CT and clinical decision making 1
- RAD5111 Advanced CT and clinical decision making 2
- PSC3121 Advanced Synthetic organic chemistry
- OCC5121 Advanced adaptive and assistive technology
- LAW5449 Advanced administrative law
- MAE4965 Advanced aerodynamics and turbulence
- CHM3952 Advanced analytical chemistry
- ARC4001 Advanced architecture project 1
- ARC4002 Advanced architecture project 2
- ARC5001 Advanced architecture project 3
- ARC4501 Advanced architecture studies 1
- ARC4502 Advanced architecture studies 2
- ARC5501 Advanced architecture studies 3
- AHT4503 Advanced art theory
- TAD4503 Advanced art theory
- AHT4200 Advanced art theory reading unit
- OCC5131 Advanced assessment of children: Methods, policy, ethics and issues
- MKF5403 Advanced business research methods
- MKX4080 Advanced business research methods
- BEX5463 Advanced buyer behaviour
- MKF5463 Advanced buyer behaviour
- PAR5450 Advanced care paramedic management of paediatric and obstetric patients
- MTE4592 Advanced ceramics and applications
- NUR5411 Advanced clinical assessment and diagnostic reasoning
- NUR5218 Advanced clinical decision making
- MED5091 Advanced clinical practice 1
- MED5092 Advanced clinical practice 2
- NUR5219 Advanced clinical practice for nurse practitioner
- PGW5208 Advanced clinical practice in wound care
- DPSY7141 Advanced clinical psychology: Child, adolescent and family
- DPSY7131 Advanced clinical psychology: General
- LAW5444 Advanced commercial contracts masterclass
- LAW5429 Advanced commercial negotiation skills
- CIV5888 Advanced computational methods
- CIV6888 Advanced computational methods
- ECE4074 Advanced computer architecture
- FIT3144 Advanced computer science project
- ECE4077 Advanced computing techniques
- AZA4889 Advanced concepts in geography and environmental science
- LAW5360 Advanced conflict resolution skills
- LAW4112 Advanced constitutional law
- ECE4032 Advanced control
- LAW4251 Advanced copyright: Global law and policy
- LAW5017 Advanced corporations law
- ATS2822 Advanced counselling and case management
- EDF5533 Advanced counselling practice
- BIO4200 Advanced coursework in biology
- MAP5101 Advanced critical care skills
- FIT3154 Advanced data analysis
- FIT2077 Advanced data management
- FIT5142 Advanced data mining
- FIT3155 Advanced data structures and algorithms
- FIT3176 Advanced database design
- BFF5290 Advanced derivatives and quantitative finance
- MDC4010 Advanced design communication
- ENG5003 Advanced design project A
- ENG5004 Advanced design project B
- FIT3008 Advanced digital video
- FIT5139 Advanced distributed and parallel systems
- PSC4311 Advanced drug discovery biology
- MEC4428 Advanced dynamics
- ECE4122 Advanced electromagnetics
- ECE6882 Advanced electronics design
- ECE5882 Advanced electronics design
- ENG6001 Advanced engineering data analysis
- ENG5001 Advanced engineering data analysis
- ENG2005 Advanced engineering mathematics
- LAW4325 Advanced evidence
- LAW5430 Advanced evidence and proof in litigation
- ATS3518 Advanced fiction writing
- ACF5956 Advanced financial accounting
- ACW3491 Advanced financial accounting
- ACF3100 Advanced financial accounting
- ACC3100 Advanced financial accounting
- ACB3050 Advanced financial accounting theory and issues
- ACG3050 Advanced financial accounting theory and issues
- ACW3050 Advanced financial accounting theory and issues
- BFF5390 Advanced financial planning
- PSC3222 Advanced formulation and nanotechnology
- PSC4211 Advanced formulation science
- RAD5108 Advanced general radiography image interpretation 1
- RAD5109 Advanced general radiography image interpretation 2
- OCC5111 Advanced hand therapy theory, principles, and practice
- ECC5870 Advanced health economics
- BEX5870 Advanced health economics
- MAP5010 Advanced health practice research project
- RTP5104 Advanced imaging for radiation therapy
- CHM3941 Advanced inorganic chemistry
- APG5885 Advanced interpreting
- FOR5011 Advanced issues in non-accidental injury of children
- FOR5009 Advanced issues in sexual violence
- ACX3250 Advanced management accounting
- MKF5641 Advanced marketing communication
- MTE6881 Advanced materials characterisation and applied crystallography
- MTE5881 Advanced materials characterisation and applied crystallography
- MSC4200 Advanced materials science
- BEX6800 Advanced mathematical economic theory
- LAW5411 Advanced mediation: Skills and theory A
- LAW5412 Advanced mediation: Skills and theory B
- RAD4160 Advanced medical imaging
- NUR5927 Advanced medical/surgical nursing practice 1
- NUR5928 Advanced medical/surgical nursing practice 2
- PSC4111 Advanced medicinal chemistry
- PSC4411 Advanced medicine use and safety
- FOR5022 Advanced methods in forensic science: emerging trends and issues
- ECC5651 Advanced microeconomic theory
- FIT3178 Advanced mobile applications
- FIT5140 Advanced mobile systems
- BFX4030 Advanced modelling in finance
- SCU2021 Advanced moulding and casting
- BMS5004 Advanced neuroscience
- MTH3060 Advanced ordinary differential equations
- CHM3922 Advanced organic chemistry
- NUR5217 Advanced paediatric nursing
- EDF4552 Advanced pedagogy
- EDF3023 Advanced pedagogy in the primary years A
- EDF3024 Advanced pedagogy in the primary years B
- EDF5546 Advanced personnel and career development counselling
- PHO2202 Advanced photography
- MTE5884 Advanced photovoltaics and energy storage
- MTE6884 Advanced photovoltaics and energy storage
- CHM3911 Advanced physical chemistry
- PTY5105 Advanced physiotherapy clinical skills and project
- ATS3509 Advanced poetry writing
- MTE6882 Advanced polymeric materials
- MTE5882 Advanced polymeric materials
- NUR5315 Advanced practice in context
- PGC5119 Advanced practice portfolio
- DPSY6299 Advanced practicum
- OCC4082 Advanced professional practice
- OCC5080 Advanced professional practice
- ATS2490 Advanced professional writing
- FIT3140 Advanced programming
- SCS5201 Advanced project in medical science (part-time)
- LAW5018 Advanced property law
- BEX6200 Advanced qualitative research methods
- ETS2000 Advanced quantitative methods
- BEX6100 Advanced quantitative research methods
- CHE6881 Advanced reaction engineering
- CHE5881 Advanced reaction engineering
- ATS4171 Advanced readings in media and communications studies
- MRE5103 Advanced reliability
- APR6035 Advanced research methodologies in media, film and journalism
- FIT6021 Advanced research methods
- RSE4112 Advanced rock mechanics
- BFF5040 Advanced security analysis
- APG5324 Advanced seminar in international political economy
- APG5668 Advanced seminar in international relations
- ECE5883 Advanced signal processing
- ECE6883 Advanced signal processing
- FIT5138 Advanced software engineering
- DPSY7199 Advanced specialised practicum
- EDF4171 Advanced sport and exercise science
- EDF3622 Advanced sports coaching and development
- MPH5270 Advanced statistical methods for clinical research
- ETC3580 Advanced statistical modelling
- CIV4234 Advanced structural analysis
- CIV4235 Advanced structural design
- ARC5502 Advanced studies in architecture 4
- ARC3501 Advanced studies in architecture A
- ARC3502 Advanced studies in architecture B
- BMS4301 Advanced studies in biomedical science
- BMS4200 Advanced studies in biomedical science
- BMS5200 Advanced studies in biomedical sciences
- BMS5201 Advanced studies in biomedical sciences (part-time)
- MSM5200 Advanced studies in biomedical sciences MUM
- MSM5201 Advanced studies in biomedical sciences MUM (part-time)
- BMH4200 Advanced studies in biomedicine
- BMH4210 Advanced studies in biomedicine part-time A
- BMH4220 Advanced studies in biomedicine part-time B
- HSC4011 Advanced studies in contemporary and global health research
- MDC5340 Advanced studies in design
- CCS5400 Advanced studies in health sciences
- PHC5200 Advanced studies in health sciences
- SCS5401 Advanced studies in health sciences (part-time)
- PHC5201 Advanced studies in health sciences (part-time)
- CCS5401 Advanced studies in health sciences (part-time)
- MTH4200 Advanced studies in mathematics
- CCS5200 Advanced studies in medical science
- SCS5200 Advanced studies in medical science
- CCS5201 Advanced studies in medical science (part-time)
- NUR5200 Advanced studies in nursing
- NUR5201 Advanced studies in nursing (part-time)
- PSY5200 Advanced studies in psychology
- PSY5201 Advanced studies in psychology (part-time)
- MIS4200 Advanced studies in regenerative medicine
- RUR5200 Advanced studies in rural health
- RUR5201 Advanced studies in rural health (part time)
- MGF5611 Advanced supply chain management
- LAW4322 Advanced taxation law
- NUR5214 Advanced therapeutic interaction in nursing
- FIT4010 Advanced topics in algorithms and discrete structures
- FIT4012 Advanced topics in computational science
- FIT4007 Advanced topics in information systems
- FIT5141 Advanced topics in information technology
- FIT4009 Advanced topics in intelligent systems
- FIT5124 Advanced topics in security
- LAW4301 Advanced torts
- CIV6301 Advanced traffic engineering
- CIV5301 Advanced traffic engineering
- FIT3156 Advanced visual effects
- FIT3157 Advanced web design
- ATS3278 Advanced writing and interviewing
- SWM5110 Advances in direct social work practice
- MPH5312 Advances in managing patient care processes
- MID5005 Advancing midwifery practice
- PTY5101 Advancing skills in paediatric physiotherapy: Cerebral palsy
- PTY5104 Advancing skills in paediatric physiotherapy: Complex and chronic conditions
- PTY5102 Advancing skills in paediatric physiotherapy: Neonates and infants
- VCO2402 Advertising design 1
- VCO3403 Advertising design 2
- MKF3621 Advertising management and campaigns
- LAW5355 Advocacy
- APG4809 Advocacy for community rights
- MAE5401 Aerodynamics
- MAE2404 Aerodynamics 1
- MAE3401 Aerodynamics 2
- PAR5220 Aeromedical and retrieval clinical 1: Advanced life support/critical care
- PAR5250 Aeromedical and retrieval clinical 2: Intensive care
- PAR5230 Aeromedical and retrieval coordination
- PAR5210 Aeromedical and retrieval professional practice
- PAR5240 Aeromedical retrieval rescue
- MAE2403 Aerospace computational mechanics
- MAE3408 Aerospace control
- MAE3402 Aerospace design project
- MAE3406 Aerospace materials
- MAE4404 Aerospace practices
- ATS3419 Aesthetics and European philosophy
- AZA3417 Africa and its others
- AZA3643 Africa in the modern world
- ATS2860 After the death of God: Continental philosophy of religion from Nietzsche to today
- LAW5616 Air and space law
- LAW4662 Air and space law
- MAE4980 Aircraft engines
- MAE2405 Aircraft performance
- MAE5402 Aircraft structures
- MAE2401 Aircraft structures 1
- MAE3407 Aircraft structures 2
- MAE5404 Airworthiness
- MPH5287 Alcohol and other drugs in society: A national and global perspective
- MTH2121 Algebra and number theory
- MTH3121 Algebra and number theory
- MTH3150 Algebra and number theory II
- FIT9059 Algorithms and data structures
- FIT2004 Algorithms and data structures
- FIT5211 Algorithms and data structures
- FIT1045 Algorithms and programming fundamentals in python
- ATS2782 Alternative and mainstream communities
- PGW5111 Alternative therapies
- ATS3536 Alternatives in film and television
- ATS3908 American empire: The United States from colonies to superpower
- PHH2141 Analysing patterns of health and disease
- MTH1020 Analysis of change
- PSC3131 Analysis of drug-receptor interactions
- PSC2031 Analytical methods
- BIO2060 Analytical methods in biology
- ATS2925 Ancient Egyptian language: Intermediary stage
- ATS2924 Ancient Egyptian language: The basics
- ATS2748 Ancient Greek A/2
- ATS2750 Ancient Greek B/2
- ATS1247 Ancient cultures 1
- ATS1248 Ancient cultures 2
- ATS2084 Ancient mythologies
- ATS2610 Ancient religions
- FIT4039 Android and iOS development
- FIT3027 Android and iOS development
- BIO3052 Animal behaviour
- BIO2231 Animal diversity
- LAW4230 Animal law
- LAW5458 Animal law, regulation and policy
- BIO2242 Animal structure and function
- ATS3376 Anthropology of human rights
- ATS2385 Anzac legends: Australians at war
- FIT3002 Applications of data mining
- NUR5707 Applications of intensive care nursing
- PSC3122 Applied Medicinal Chemistry
- PSC3041 Applied analytical methods
- ETC2470 Applied business modelling
- MKM5211 Applied business project
- ACF5350 Applied contemporary accounting
- FIT5149 Applied data analysis
- ECE4012 Applied digital signal processing
- ETF5320 Applied econometrics
- BEX3410 Applied econometrics
- ETF3200 Applied econometrics
- ETW3410 Applied econometrics
- ETS3410 Applied econometrics
- ETC3410 Applied econometrics
- ETC5341 Applied econometrics
- ETC4410 Applied econometrics 2
- ETC5441 Applied econometrics 2
- ECX5486 Applied economics research paper
- ECF5060 Applied economics research project
- EDF5515 Applied ethics and research practice
- BEX5300 Applied financial econometrics
- ETF5300 Applied financial econometrics
- ETC3550 Applied forecasting for business and economics
- ETC2450 Applied forecasting for business and economics
- ECC3650 Applied general equilibrium economics
- ESC3311 Applied geophysics
- ECC5974 Applied health economics and health policy
- APG5717 Applied industry research and practice
- ETC5342 Applied insurance methods
- ETC3420 Applied insurance methods
- LAW4176 Applied legal research
- ECF5421 Applied macroeconomics
- MTH3310 Applied mathematical modelling
- ATS3059 Applied media and social sciences internship
- ECF5410 Applied microeconomics
- EDF2172 Applied movement contexts in health and physical education 1
- EDF3171 Applied movement contexts in health and physical education 2
- PGP5011 Applied pharmacy practice 1
- PGP5012 Applied pharmacy practice 2
- PHS1711 Applied physics
- FIT5178 Applied project management
- EDF5514 Applied psychological assessment and psychopathology
- SRH5032 Applied research for health practitioners
- MFM5008 Applied research in general practice
- NUT2002 Applied research methods in nutrition
- PAC3522 Applied research project
- SWM5170 Applied research study
- HPE5014 Applied simulation
- ETF5200 Applied time series econometrics
- APG5690 Applied translation
- MPH5286 Applying and practicing the principles of patient safety and quality improvement
- ATS3582 Arab-Israeli conflict
- LAW5395 Arbitration of domestic commercial disputes
- LAW5375 Arbitration of international commercial disputes
- ATS2344 Archaeology in Italy
- ATS3344 Archaeology in Italy
- ARC3401 Architecture and the city
- ARC1301 Architecture communications 1
- ARC2301 Architecture communications 2
- ARC2001 Architecture design studio 3
- ARC2002 Architecture design studio 4
- ARC3001 Architecture design studio 5
- ARC3002 Architecture design studio 6
- ARC5401 Architecture research methods
- FNA2903 Art and design in film
- AHT3120 Art and social change
- AHT2120 Art and social change
- AHT2137 Art and the moving image
- AHT3137 Art and the moving image
- AHT2602 Art criticism and curatorship
- AHT3602 Art criticism and curatorship
- AHT4504 Art theory research seminar
- TAD4504 Art theory research seminar
- APG5072 Art worlds
- AHT2001 Art writing and criticism
- AHT3001 Art writing and criticism
- EDF3181 Art, environment and community
- FIT3094 Artificial life, artificial intelligence and virtual environments
- PRM1511 Artists' books
- PRM2512 Artists' books 2
- EDF5034 Arts and design education in the primary years
- EDF4026 Arts education in the primary years
- EDF3022 Arts education in the primary years
- AMU4718 Arts honours dissertation 1
- AMU4719 Arts honours dissertation 2
- ATS4230 Arts honours thesis
- ATS4231 Arts honours thesis A
- ATS4232 Arts honours thesis B
- ATS2170 Arts international experience
- ATS3170 Arts international experience
- ATS3130 Arts international internship
- ATS3129 Arts internship
- EDF5036 Arts, design and health education in the primary years
- ATS2941 Asia's underside: Violence, crime and protest
- ATS3539 Asian cinema and television
- LAW4126 Asian legal systems
- LAW5637 Asian legal systems
- MKF5200 Assessing marketing performance
- MPH5222 Assessment and control of workplace hazards
- HPE5003 Assessment in health professional education
- OCC4131 Assessment of children: Methods, policy, ethics and issues
- ETC4130 Asset liability management
- CIV5312 Asset management 1
- CIV5313 Asset management 2
- MRE5004 Asset management techniques
- GRS4202 Assisted reproductive and genetic technologies
- ASP2011 Astronomy
- ASP4200 Astrophysics honours coursework
- ASP4210 Astrophysics honours coursework - Part 1
- ASP4220 Astrophysics honours coursework - Part 2
- ASP4100 Astrophysics honours research project
- ASP4110 Astrophysics honours research project - Part 1
- ASP4120 Astrophysics honours research project - Part 2
- PHS2081 Atomic, nuclear and condensed matter physics
- ATS2799 Audio culture: From Cage to Gaga
- ATS2788 Audio storytelling
- ACS2760 Auditing A
- ACS3770 Auditing B
- ACS3765 Auditing C
- ACF3600 Auditing and assurance
- ACG3041 Auditing and assurance
- ACC3600 Auditing and assurance
- ACB3041 Auditing and assurance
- ACF5957 Auditing and assurance
- ACW3041 Auditing and assurance
- ATS2394 Australia and Asia
- ATS3394 Australia and Asia
- ATS2395 Australia in a globalising world
- ATS3543 Australia's ancient Indigenous past: A 50,000 year archaeological odyssey
- ATS3584 Australia's black history
- ATS2584 Australia's black history
- ATS3366 Australian Indigenous art and design
- ATS2366 Australian Indigenous art and design
- ATS2365 Australian Indigenous literature
- ATS2367 Australian Indigenous women
- ATS3367 Australian Indigenous women
- AHT3740 Australian art
- AHT2740 Australian art
- LAW4104 Australian banking law
- BFF5926 Australian capital markets
- LAW4198 Australian commercial law
- LAW4680 Australian corporations law
- ECC2840 Australian economic institutions and policy
- ATS3529 Australian film and television: Nation, culture and identity
- ATS1945 Australian government and politics
- ATS3569 Australian history: Professional and political contexts
- ATS2569 Australian history: Professional and political contexts
- LAW5081 Australian legal process and research
- LAW5000 Australian legal reasoning and methods
- LAW5080 Australian legal system
- VSA4076 Australian postmodernism
- AHT4076 Australian postmodernism
- ATS2588 Australian stories: People, place and histories
- LAW5441 Australian tax policy
- LAW5459 Australians detained abroad
- ATS3499 Authorship and writing
- AMU3499 Authorship and writing
- FPA5004 Autopsy practice
- MAE5405 Avionics