
  • GSC1201: Sociological reflections on everyday life
  • GSC1202: Sociological issues
  • GSC1301: Social welfare issues
  • GSC1303: Foundations of interpersonal practice: casework and groupwork
  • GSC1304: Communication and counselling skills
  • GSC1305: Human services organisational practice
  • GSC1306: Introduction to understanding human behaviour
  • GSC1307: Human behaviour across the lifespan
  • GSC1402: Media studies
  • GSC1503: Global and regional studies I: modern world events and issues
  • GSC1504: Global and regional studies II: modern world ideas
  • GSC1601: Basic statistics and computing for social sciences
  • GSC1602: Introduction to methods of social research
  • GSC1611: Understanding university learning
  • GSC1801: Introduction to Koorie society
  • GSC1802: Dynamics of Koorie language A
  • GSC1803: Patterns of social organisation A
  • GSC1804: Oral history and customs of Gippsland Koories
  • GSC1805: Koorie art
  • GSC1806: Dynamics of Koorie language B
  • GSC1807: Patterns of social organisation B
  • GSC1808: Koorie literature
  • GSC1901: Introduction to communication studies
  • GSC1902: Newsroom practice and theory
  • GSC1903: News feature writing
  • GSC2201: Sociology of family and generation
  • GSC2202: Sociology of race and ethnic relations
  • GSC2203: Sociology of children
  • GSC2204: Work and technology
  • GSC2205: Sociology of deviance
  • GSC2206: Sociology of health
  • GSC2207: Women's sociology
  • GSC2209: Environmental sociology
  • GSC2211: Social justice and legal institutions
  • GSC2303: Case management theory and practice
  • GSC2304: Community development
  • GSC2306: Field education and practice
  • GSC2308: Advanced interpersonal practice
  • GSC2309: Human services organisations: practice planning and development
  • GSC2310: Social policy: developing the links
  • GSC2405: Contemporary fiction
  • GSC2406: Women's writing
  • GSC2407: Authorship and writing
  • GSC2408: Screen studies
  • GSC2409: Narratives and representations
  • GSC2410: Public relations and mass communications technologies
  • GSC2411: Media, culture, power: theories of mass communications
  • GSC2501: Australian history
  • GSC2502: United States politics: media and power
  • GSC2503: Russian politics
  • GSC2504: Public and social policy
  • GSC2505: Courtesans, concubines and conquest
  • GSC2506: Community history
  • GSC2507: Politics and society
  • GSC2508: Australian political institutions
  • GSC2509: Hearth and home: family life in the United States and the United Kingdom, 1850-1990s
  • GSC2701: Community studies
  • GSC2801: Colonialism
  • GSC2802: Traditional Koorie and British law
  • GSC2803: Dominant and minority cultures
  • GSC2804: Contemporary issues in Koorie society
  • GSC2805: Land rights
  • GSC2806: Koorie archaeology
  • GSC2901: Journalism theory and practice A
  • GSC2902: Journalism theory and practice B
  • GSC2903: Journalism technology and information society
  • GSC2905: Radio journalism
  • GSC2906: Television journalism
  • GSC2907: Radio and television journalism
  • GSC3201: Structure and analysis in sociology
  • GSC3202: Interpretation and meaning in sociology
  • GSC3203: Sociology of children
  • GSC3204: Work and technology
  • GSC3205: Sociology of deviance
  • GSC3207: Women's sociology
  • GSC3209: Environmental sociology
  • GSC3303: Insights into practice
  • GSC3304: Paradigms of practice
  • GSC3306: Field education and practice
  • GSC3307: Human services management and practice
  • GSC3402: Policies, audiences, futures
  • GSC3405: Contemporary fiction
  • GSC3406: Women's writing
  • GSC3407: Authorship and writing
  • GSC3408: Screen studies
  • GSC3409: Narratives and representations
  • GSC3421: Writing 1
  • GSC3422: Writing 2
  • GSC3501: East Asian history
  • GSC3502: Southeast Asian history
  • GSC3503: International relations
  • GSC3504: Theories and research in history and politics
  • GSC3801: Aboriginal health
  • GSC3802: Indigenous people and management of the tourism industry
  • GSC3803: Native title
  • GSC3804: Human rights in Australia: The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander experience
  • GSC3901: Comparative journalism
  • GSC3902: Applied journalism research project
  • GSC3903: Media law and ethics
  • GSC4000(H): Dissertation
  • GSC4000(J): Dissertation
  • GSC4000(M): Dissertation
  • GSC4000(P): Dissertation
  • GSC4000(S): Dissertation
  • GSC4211: Theory and practice in sociology
  • GSC4221: Contemporary sociological issues
  • GSC4411: Reading the 'post-colonial': text and theory
  • GSC4421: Media, social relations and power
  • GSC4510: Theory and method
  • GSC4511: Reading regional history
  • GSC4521: Mechanisms for international governance
  • GSC4901: Investigative journalism
  • GSC4902: Practice and representation in journalism
  • GSS3101: Borderworks: theorising gendered experience
  • INM1115: Beginning Indonesian, part 1
  • INM1125: Beginning Indonesian, part 2
  • INM2215: Intermediate Indonesian, part 1
  • INM2225: Intermediate Indonesian, part 2
  • INM3315: Advanced Indonesian part 1
  • INM3325: Advanced Indonesian part 2
  • INM3415: Indonesian for special purposes (media massa)
  • INM3425: Indonesian for special purposes (seni drama)
  • PSY1011: Psychology 1A
  • PSY1022: Psychology 1B
  • PSY2011: Psychology 2A
  • PSY2022: Psychology 2B
  • PSY3031: Abnormal psychology
  • PSY3042: Psychological testing, theories of ability and ethics
  • PSY3051: Perception and personality
  • PSY3062: Research methods and philosophy of psychology
  • PSY3111: Organisational psychology
  • PSY3131: Health psychology