
Koorie literature

Lynne Holten

6 points - 4 hours per week - Second semester - Gippsland and distance

Objectives Students successful completing this subject will have gained an appreciation for literature from a Koorie perspective and will better understand the relevance of literature to Koorie culture. They will also develop analytical and writing skills and will appreciate the application of literature as a means of addressing various forms of discrimination.

Synopsis The subject studies the work of Koorie playwrights, novelists and poets. The subject commences with the study of Sally Morgan's My place. Students are also encouraged to look at the work of other Koorie writers which deal with the issues of identity and the telling of life stories. The issues of racial stereotyping in literature by white authors dealing with Koories, and the emergence of a 'black viewpoint' to counter this, will be examined. The emphasis upon the latter point is important as it can be seen as a continuation of the traditional Koorie society's emphasis upon the oral transmission of stories. The same themes are also examined in the poetry anthology and the play which the students will study. Where possible the students will make field trips to view plays or readings by Koorie writers.

Assessment Essay one (1000 words): 30% - Essay two (1500 words): 30% - Overview essay (2000 words): 40%

Prescribed texts

Davis J (ed.) Paperbark UQP, 1990
Gilbert K (ed.) Inside black Australia Penguin, 1988
Morgan S My place Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 1987

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