
Beginning Indonesian, part 2

Paul Thomas

6 points - 5 hours per week - Second semester - Gippsland and distance- Prerequisite: INM1115

Objectives Upon completion of this subject student should be able to use the Indonesian language to provide a brief written schedule for a tour group, to give information on the major geographical and tourist features of a district, present a short welcoming speech to a group of visitors, inform a visitor of some current cultural events in a district or nearby city, assist and request assistance in matters related to accommodation and health problems. In English, students should be able to discuss issues concerning the origins of Indonesian language, the influences of Buddhism and Hinduism on Indonesian culture, the historical relationship between Indonesia and its surrounding neighbours, the origin of Indonesia's national symbols.

Synopsis This is the continuation of INM1115 and follows a similar format. The lecture series introduces an historical background to Indonesia through the history of language. The practicals continue to develop proficiency in basic communication tasks though with an increasing emphasis on an Indonesian setting. Distance education students are required to attend a two-day weekend school on the Gippsland Campus or nominate a tutor close to their place of study for an equivalent amount of hours.

Assessment Examinations (2 hours): 50% - Semester work: 50%

Prescribed texts

Echols J and Shadily H Kamus Inggris-Indonesia Pt Gramedia, 1992
Koesasi B, Robson S and Kurniasih Y Exploring Indonesian II Monash U, 1998

Recommended texts

Ricklefs M C A history of modern Indonesia since c.1300 Macmillan, 1993

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