
Sociological reflections on everyday life

Steven Russell and Dan Lennon

6 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Gippsland and distance

Objectives On successful completion of the subject students should understand the major sociological perspectives, using them to critically evaluate the mass media, understand the influence of the family and education on the life chances of individuals in different societies, and to explain and use basic sociological concepts such as agency, social structure, socialisation, social construction, class, power, culture and gender.

Synopsis This subject is an introduction to the discipline using sociology to reflect on everyday life. Topics include the origins of the discipline; the nature of sociological knowledge; the sociological imagination; experiencing everyday life through the self, body and emotions; families and schools; the mass media; and the sociological quest to understand the transformation of society.

Assessment Assignment one (1000 words): 25% - Assignment two (1500 words): 35% - Examination (2 hours): 40%

Prescribed texts

Ballard C, Gabbay J and Middleton C The students' companion to sociology Blackwell, 1997
Stafford C and Furze B (eds) Society and change: A sociological introduction to contemporary Australia Macmillan, 2nd edn, 1997
Willis E The sociological quest: An introduction to the study of social life 2nd edn, Allen and Unwin, 1995

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