
Indonesian for special purposes (media massa)

Paul Thomas

8 points - 4 hours per week - First semester - Gippsland - Prerequisites: INM2225

Objectives On successful completion of this subject students should be able to define the basic components of a feature article; develop their own feature article for a student publication; develop a one hour public radio program; translate both hard news and feature articles from major newspapers or news magazine; inform a client of available interpreting services and common protocol associated with interpreting.

Synopsis This subject looks at the mass media both in Indonesia and Australia using Indonesian as the medium of communication. It examines issues related to ownership, western cultural influence, and readership. Aspects of language study include an analysis of styles of reporting and an examination of the language used in the electronic and printed media.

Assessment Written reports (3000 words): 60% - Oral presentation and workshops: 40%

Prescribed texts

To be advised

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