
Applied journalism research project

Errol Hodge

8 points - 3 hours per week (one 1-hour lecture, one 2-hour tutorial) - Second semester - Gippsland and distance - Prerequisites: GSC2901 and GSC2902 or equivalents

Objectives On successful completion of this subject students will be able to demonstrate awareness of workplace requirements and standards gained through experience and initiatives they have undertaken; professional practical experience and media products; communication and negotiation skills; information and production management skills.

Synopsis This subject (previously titled 'Journalism placement') is a final year compulsory subject. Students have the option of undertaking an industry placement in print, audio, visual or on-line media or conducting an advanced project developed in consultation with the subject adviser.

Assessment Project proposal: 20% - Successfully completed project and evidence of production or publication: 60% - Project report: 20%

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