
Women's sociology

Marion Collis

8 points - Equivalent to 3 hours per week - Second semester - Gippsland and distance - Prerequisites: Sociology major, two second-level subjects; gender studies major, two of GSC2203, GSC2409, GSC2505, GSC2406 - Prohibited combination: GSC2209

Objectives As for GSC2207 with the additional objectives of being able to critically assess the different ways in which malestream and feminist sociology theorise about gender relations; show an understanding of how feminist insights can be incorporated into research on men's lives.

Synopsis As for GSC2207.

Assessment Essay one (1800 words): 30% - Seminar presentation or written seminar paper (2100 words): 35% - Essay two (2100 words): 35% - Students doing the subject at third-year level will be required to demonstrate wider reading for all three pieces of assessment. The second essay requires a broader knowledge base and a more analytical approach than that set for second-level students.

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